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Scrap PSLE. what do you think?


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  On 1/12/2015 at 5:09 AM, Darryn said:



We always just went to the nearest school...


Exams weren't a thing like they are here...

SG lei....my home around 1km radius there are already more than 5 secondary schools and i prefer my children school to be a distant away from our home.....i have my reasons for it!
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  On 1/12/2015 at 5:16 AM, Enye said:

scrap primary school lah


nowadays tuition is so pervasive that children don't go to schools to study anymore




It is will worse cos parents start preparing their kid for O level from 7 years old, trying to see who can complete the O level 10 year series by 10 years old [laugh] [laugh]

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  On 1/12/2015 at 5:29 AM, Kangadrool said:

I kena the first batch of Primary 3 streaming. Think, it is no longer officially practiced now, but many schools practice unofficial streaming at Primary 2 now. [laugh]


So, I think even if they scrap PSLE, there's some unofficial grading (categorization) of each and every students too. [rolleyes]



You must be born in 1972 :p


Actually going to school is about gaining knowledge. Children should focus on learning, not just academic but also major languages and social behaviour, and schools and teachers are there to teach and guide them rather than preparing syllabus for exams. There should only be one major exam at the age of 18 which will decide whether you can go university or some other institutions.

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scrap the O levels lar.....follow the American and most European system. Take major exam at 18 and if pass go to University. O levels belongs to our colonial past!

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Friday went to school...


Presentation from teachers etc - starting to prepare for PSLE --- (kidlet is in P5)


Teacher also talk about - "break" during holiday means less tuition, not NO tuition...


Faint oreddy

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Friday went to school...


Presentation from teachers etc - starting to prepare for PSLE --- (kidlet is in P5)


Teacher also talk about - "break" during holiday means less tuition, not NO tuition...


Faint oreddy

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I'm neutral on the scrapping of PSLE but I just wanted to say my 2 cents on streaming.


Admittedly, it may be a tad unfair to stream children at a young age and I do see where some views on late bloomers are coming from. That said, if you don't stream students; it will then be a mix of the faster learners and the slower learners being in the same class and then how? Teacher to teach at what pace? Teach too fast and the slower ones can't catch up, teach to slow and the smarter ones will become complacent, not to mention they will lose interest.


Even in the 1960's, schools used to send the best 40 students to A class, next best 40 to B class etc. Whilst this may have an unintended consquence of putting them into different segments and thus potentially demoralising them, I personally feel it's fine and does more good than harm. Parents and teachers can motivate the lazier ones to push for a better class and the real slow ones can be thought at their pace. Also the faster ones can be max out with more challenging topics.


So overall I'm leaning towards leaving our educational system as it is and just fine tuning here and there only cos it has served us well with the underlying objective of maximising each child's potential. Pressure in exams at a young age whilst not ideal is inevitable as all of us will have to face pressure at some time in our life so no harm in starting young IMO.



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no problem with scrapping PSLE. What I I afraid is that they make secondary school admission more complicated with simi multiple talent criteria, which obviously favours the rich.

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  On 1/12/2015 at 5:58 AM, Spring said:

I'm neutral on the scrapping of PSLE but I just wanted to say my 2 cents on streaming.


Admittedly, it may be a tad unfair to stream children at a young age and I do see where some views on late bloomers are coming from. That said, if you don't stream students; it will then be a mix of the faster learners and the slower learners being in the same class and then how? Teacher to teach at what pace? Teach too fast and the slower ones can't catch up, teach to slow and the smarter ones will become complacent, not to mention they will lose interest.


Even in the 1960's, schools used to send the best 40 students to A class, next best 40 to B class etc. Whilst this may have an unintended consquence of putting them into different segments and thus potentially demoralising them, I personally feel it's fine and does more good than harm. Parents and teachers can motivate the lazier ones to push for a better class and the real slow ones can be thought at their pace. Also the faster ones can be max out with more challenging topics.


So overall I'm leaning towards leaving our educational system as it is and just fine tuning here and there only cos it has sevred us well with the underlying objective of maximising each child's potential. Pressure in exams at a young age whilst not ideal is inevitable as all of us will have to face pressure at some time in our life so no harm in starting young IMO.



Streaming is ok but no major exams. I think that's what majority of us are saying. I know you must be saying how to do streaming without testing them. The school can do their own streaming based on the homework and teachers' recommendation. Obviously those who are really slow will need more guidance. Its time to change the mindset. Learning and helping them gain knowledge, not getting good grades should be the main focus.

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In Germany, the teachers decide who goes where when the children are 12 yrs old. No need for exams. if you can't study, you go to vocation schools. if you can study, you go to academic schools. Germans who have their fate decided by their teachers are happy with their 'teachers' chosen path for them.

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  On 1/12/2015 at 6:00 AM, Spring said:

I'm neutral on the scrapping of PSLE but I just wanted to say my 2 cents on streaming.


Admittedly, it may be a tad unfair to stream children at a young age and I do see where some views on late bloomers are coming from. That said, if you don't stream students; it will then be a mix of the faster learners and the slower learners being in the same class and then how? Teacher to teach at what pace? Teach too fast and the slower ones can't catch up, teach to slow and the smarter ones will become complacent, not to mention they will lose interest.


Even in the 1960's, schools used to send the best 40 students to A class, next best 40 to B class etc. Whilst this may have an unintended consquence of putting them into different segments and thus potentially demoralising them, I personally feel it's fine and does more good than harm. Parents and teachers can motivate the lazier ones to push for a better class and the real slow ones can be thought at their pace. Also the faster ones can be max out with more challenging topics.


So overall I'm leaning towards leaving our educational system as it is and just fine tuning here and there only cos it has served us well with the underlying objective of maximising each child's potential. Pressure in exams at a young age whilst not ideal is inevitable as all of us will have to face pressure at some time in our life so no harm in starting young IMO.





i was ok with no PSLE initially and still think strongly of it.


However, we are a bit concern with the parents mentality. Like i mentioned, if no PSLE mean parents can start preparing as early as 7 years old where the kids is drilled with lots and lots of assessment.


If the kid can take it and maybe he can complete the O level 10 years series by 10 years old, the parents probably ask MOE to let him sit for O level at 10 and A level at 11 year old.


On the other hand, some parents can be too relax until Sec 4 and duno what the kid have learned!






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yes, why not?


i think from P1 till Sec 2, all student should be learning the same stuff? it will allow late boomer time to be on same level as everyone bah.


by age 14, should be ready to take on streaming exam.


anyway whatever the setup will be, it will take long time to change the mindset that we have in place now. not easy but it is worth to change.

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  On 1/12/2015 at 6:22 AM, So_nice said:

Just let it be lah. We survived it..u mean the current generation so weak till can't make it thru? If dun wan psle go join those ip Sch lor


IP sch skip 'O' levels, not PSLE. PSLE plays an even more important role if the child want to get into IP sch.

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I'm a late boomer and went to the lowest class in Secondary One.

Wasn't having good rates at all until Secondary Two which I topped the class.

The teacher said to my parents, I will try to push your son from NA to Express as I feel he doesn't belong here.

However it wasn't possible and I had to stick with NA.


Mixing with NA = Mixing with the wrong company.

Mixing with wrong company, losing interest with studies due to the slow pace = trouble teenager.

Attendance in first half of Sec 3 was probably ±40 days out from ±110 days.

Guess what, I still pass the mid-term exam where 3/4 of my class failed.


Soon I left school.

19 years later, my payscale is top 20% of my age group matching and surpassing others with proper certifications.

If only I would had stay in school I will probably belong to top 10% of the payscale of my age.


And if only PSLE were scrap....


However some say, if a rotten apple wasn't remove from the basket the whole basket will be full of rotten apples.

So there is a chance for wrong company mixing around with good company turning everyone to bad company.

But there are also equal chances that the good company turns the wrong company to smarter and brighter children.



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  On 1/12/2015 at 6:29 AM, Limws1 said:


IP sch skip 'O' levels, not PSLE. PSLE plays an even more important role if the child want to get into IP sch.

Thx for enlightening so it seems the elite thought o levels are the useless ones..

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Nope, you can't scap an exam... it has its purpose... but rather..... improve on it.... that is.... give it a diff weightage.....


Normal assessment and test take up to 60% of the total score, the balance 40% determine by final exam.....


This will be fairer as daily test and assessment should determine whether the student is able to catch up with his/her work....


Sometime on exam day.... just not the student day...... and his/her fate is determine on that day..... not a fair assessment on his/her ability......


This should apply to not PSLE but ALL LEVEL.....

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  On 1/12/2015 at 6:34 AM, Nlatio said:

Nope, you can't scap an exam... it has its purpose... but rather..... improve on it.... that is.... give it a diff weightage.....


Normal assessment and test take up to 60% of the total score, the balance 40% determine by final exam.....


This will be fairer as daily test and assessment should determine whether the student is able to catch up with his/her work....


Sometime on exam day.... just not the student day...... and his/her fate is determine on that day..... not a fair assessment on his/her ability......


This should apply to not PSLE but ALL LEVEL.....

Do you have any kids in school?


Already at P4 there are so many exams - and some parents prepare the kids for each of the exams - stress all the way through the year...


Dun want!!

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