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Radiator Cap


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Hi all brothers,


Like to check Radiator Cap all same size for car? Can buy from petrol kisok? Discover my Rediator Cap rubber worn out and cracked into two when doing weekly self checking.


Me driving a picanto 2005 model.



Edited by BabyBlade
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Great! Such small but critical component would be best replaced immediately to reduce risk of having your engine overheat which may cause much more severe and wallet slimming issues.

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Hi all brothers,


Like to check Radiator Cap all same size for car? Can buy from petrol kisok? Discover my Rediator Cap rubber worn out and cracked into two when doing weekly self checking.


Me driving a picanto 2005 model.





HI, there are different sizes for radiator cap, best to bring a sample along with you when buying. Take note of the pressure as well



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Thanks bro, u have shared so much on Vw unreservedly. [thumbsup]

no problems, I don't think it is normal for my car to be in state, but then again, who knows..

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Done. Get a 0.9 denso 88KPA long type...$7.


bro where u got yours?



i went to a few petrol stns now and even mustafa...none had.


mustafa had but its a "branded" one in a showcase $32 and the inner rubber part looks different. so didn't got it.

Edited by Rajoana
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bro where u got yours?



i went to a few petrol stns now and even mustafa...none had.


mustafa had but its a "branded" one in a showcase $32 and the inner rubber part looks different. so didn't got it.



Petrol stn no longer sell radiator caps. Margins are low. They have replaced that shelves space with beer and wine - more useful for drivers.

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bro where u got yours?



i went to a few petrol stns now and even mustafa...none had.


mustafa had but its a "branded" one in a showcase $32 and the inner rubber part looks different. so didn't got it.


Go to any service workshop. They should have. Things to note.


0.9 and 1.1

and long or short type.


there is different type.

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thanks bros for the reply. Got it from stockist. mine is 1.1 but not sure is it long or short.

just let your stockist know your care model they should know.

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I replaced the radiator cap recently as part of the preventive maintenance

based on my past (painful) experiences

when the plastic turn from black to this brownish/chocolate colour

meaning it is deteriorated by the heat, will turn brittle very soon

o-ring on the old cap also harden and flatten a bit

old cap


new cap


both rated at 140kpa (1.4 Bar)


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