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What did you makan today?


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A two-dish dinner, mother-in-law cooked food.  Fish curry and vegetable soup.  Yes, set on a very traditional table, as some bros pointed out.  


My mother-in-law can cook a variety of food.  The last time she cooked chilli crabs was a very long time ago.  


Seems like I might to take some pro-active action, if I want to eat that.  Go market buy some live crabs and pass them to her.   :yeah-im-not-drunk:




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A two-dish dinner, mother-in-law cooked food. Fish curry and vegetable soup. Yes, set on a very traditional table, as some bros pointed out.


My mother-in-law can cook a variety of food. The last time she cooked chilli crabs was a very long time ago.


Seems like I might to take some pro-active action, if I want to eat that. Go market buy some live crabs and pass them to her. :yeah-im-not-drunk:

Upcoming long weekend is a nice time to have crabs [:p]

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Upcoming long weekend is a nice time to have crabs [:p]

Wah chief ... work for Govt very good


got long weekend


Ho mia

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you really love pau!!!





yes, small and round and tasty  [:)]


think this one is also Malaysian style one ... I like. slurpz.  :D

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Going for family dinner in 30mins time :)


Wishing every Bro enjoying your weekend meals with your loved ones :))

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Hello elite, u no apply for AL meh? ð

hello chief...you senior management anytime can take leave


Kah kia like me got a lot of work to do



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hello chief...you senior management anytime can take leave


Kah kia like me got a lot of work to do



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