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Insurance Premium for Turbo Charged Car


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Imho, the weight [heavy] is not a killer. To me, it is a plus safety factor.


Let put the topic of car aside, in case sensitive/taboo/etc......


Just carry out a simple experiment.

Place a condensed milk can [unopen, full, heavy] on the table.

Forcefully slide an empty milk can [light weight] toward the heavy milk can.

The heavy milk can would likely only move a little, whereas the empty milk can would bounce far away.

Therefore, to me, heavyweight is a plus safety factor.

* of course, don't talk about a big milk powder can [super heavy] vs the heavy milk can. That would be a different experiment. [laugh]


Bro, using can of Milk, I can't help but think [sly] [sly] [sly]


But, u are right about the safety factor. The downside is; bigger, heaver have to account for longer stopping distance.

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Folks who own TC car. Is yr premium higher compared to another variant of same make?


Eg. A sedan with 2 variant 1.4L TC vs 1.6L NA.


Are you paying the same insurance premium as a 1.6L variant? Or maybe I should phrase it as "Should insurance premium for 1.4L TC be lower than a 1.6L NA"?


TIA for your inputs.


when I switched to my turbo charged saab, I got a shock when I gotten the insurance quote for it. it was very far off from my predecessor ride which is NA.


I asked the broker and he said because "turbo charged" la, higher risk to the insurer.

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My 5-year old Scooby ah pek turbowagon only $1146. 50% ncd driver mid-30s very safe guy :ph34r:


What model is this ?

My WRX $1.9k for the same profile...

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when I switched to my turbo charged saab, I got a shock when I gotten the insurance quote for it. it was very far off from my predecessor ride which is NA.


I asked the broker and he said because "turbo charged" la, higher risk to the insurer.


It's the driver, not the car. They should look at your profile, which i believe shouldnt have attracted such high premium. Also, not all turbo cars are expensive to repair.

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It's the driver, not the car. They should look at your profile, which i believe shouldnt have attracted such high premium. Also, not all turbo cars are expensive to repair.


well profile wise it shouldn't have changed much then from my NA to TC car. that's why got a surprise and quizzed the car dealer.....


end of day I think insurance premiums are determined heavily based on profiling.


the type of car driving is also a factor of profiling and they assume people that buy TC cars are more risky than people that buy NA car. and similarly, pple that buy Toyota are less risky than people than buy honda

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Imho, the weight [heavy] is not a killer. To me, it is a plus safety factor.


Let put the topic of car aside, in case sensitive/taboo/etc......


Just carry out a simple experiment.

Place a condensed milk can [unopen, full, heavy] on the table.

Forcefully slide an empty milk can [light weight] toward the heavy milk can.

The heavy milk can would likely only move a little, whereas the empty milk can would bounce far away.

Therefore, to me, heavyweight is a plus safety factor.

* of course, don't talk about a big milk powder can [super heavy] vs the heavy milk can. That would be a different experiment. [laugh]


But if the heavy milk can hits an empty one, the latter will fly and crash.... this is where insurcance cover of the heavy can has to compensate the damages suffered by the empty can [bigcry] [bigcry] (hence the higher premium for the heavy can in case it hits an empty can)

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well profile wise it shouldn't have changed much then from my NA to TC car. that's why got a surprise and quizzed the car dealer.....


end of day I think insurance premiums are determined heavily based on profiling.


the type of car driving is also a factor of profiling and they assume people that buy TC cars are more risky than people that buy NA car. and similarly, pple that buy Toyota are less risky than people than buy honda


There must be some truth in this [laugh]


In future, drivers' body will be chipped with data-logging memories and this will show how often they drive with high Gs (high speeds, fast accelerations, hard brakings etc). The insurance company will just download the data and check in the past if he's a high G driver, if he is, up goes the premium [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

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Dunno how accurate for now...


So if your car is a Coupe, TCed and falls in Medium premium it can add up to paying a lot of premium.






Make & Model of the car

The rule of the thumb would be that the premium will be lower for those Make & Model which has better claim experience.

Another possibility could be also due to a larger brand share of a particular Make & Model which reduces the risk undertake by the insurer.

Below are some general Motor Insurance Premium price band by Brand
(Premium indication below excludes Turbocharged / Supercharged / High Performance vehicle / Coupes / Cabriolets / High valued vehicle)
NOTE : Information below are correct as on Jan 2010

Low Premium - Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Chevrolet & KIA

Medium Premium - Honda, Lexus, BMWs, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen & Renault

High Premium - Subaru & Mitsubishi

Disclaimer : Above are estimates correct as on Jan 2010 but information above are solely for reference purposes and :
We shall NOT be liable for any gains / losses that may arises from the above information.
We shall NOT be responsible for any reference link that may refer you to us.

Edited by Watwheels
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Dunno how accurate for now...




Make & Model of the car

The rule of the thumb would be that the premium will be lower for those Make & Model which has better claim experience.


Another possibility could be also due to a larger brand share of a particular Make & Model which reduces the risk undertake by the insurer.


Below are some general Motor Insurance Premium price band by Brand

(Premium indication below excludes Turbocharged / Supercharged / High Performance vehicle / Coupes / Cabriolets / High valued vehicle)

NOTE : Information below are correct as on Jan 2010


Low Premium - Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Chevrolet & KIA


Medium Premium - Honda, Lexus, BMWs, Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen & Renault


High Premium - Subaru & Mitsubishi


Disclaimer : Above are estimates correct as on Jan 2010 but information above are solely for reference purposes and :

We shall NOT be liable for any gains / losses that may arises from the above information.

We shall NOT be responsible for any reference link that may refer you to us.

actually I cannot believe that saab cars have a higher claims history compared to BMW. that's when comparing premiums of my friend and mine.


I believe the badge popularity and rarity does make a part. a rarer make like saab or even Ferrari, because is rarer, makes the risk higher should one such car make a claim. hence the insurer build up the risk factor with another consideration on badge popularity.


There must be some truth in this [laugh]


In future, drivers' body will be chipped with data-logging memories and this will show how often they drive with high Gs (high speeds, fast accelerations, hard brakings etc). The insurance company will just download the data and check in the past if he's a high G driver, if he is, up goes the premium [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

hehe that day may come eventually.


but still I think it isn't fair....some pple can handle car better and drives it closer to the limits. doesn't mean he will get into accident and claim more often....

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but still I think it isn't fair....some pple can handle car better and drives it closer to the limits. doesn't mean he will get into accident and claim more often....


oh ya, this is true. [thumbsup]

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[laugh] [laugh] :D



Pickups also 2 door .....

thats wat my friend once said when he bought a panavan.


He said he told others he bought a conti coupe [rolleyes]

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legacy gt wagon. the 2.5l one.


Damn, thats a cheap insurance.

Can you let us know which insurer ? I will try to get a quote from them next round. Mines AIG.


Enjoy the power !

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well profile wise it shouldn't have changed much then from my NA to TC car. that's why got a surprise and quizzed the car dealer.....


end of day I think insurance premiums are determined heavily based on profiling.


the type of car driving is also a factor of profiling and they assume people that buy TC cars are more risky than people that buy NA car. and similarly, pple that buy Toyota are less risky than people than buy honda


That's a load of BS being shoved down consumers' throat.

thats wat my friend once said when he bought a panavan.


He said he told others he bought a conti coupe [rolleyes]


Some pickup comes with 4 doors, so they are call "RV"?

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Some pickup comes with 4 doors, so they are call "RV"?


iirc, his was a 'Partner' or something...guess he didnt count the sliding door. See only the good stuff.. :D

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iirc, his was a 'Partner' or something...guess he didnt count the sliding door. See only the good stuff.. :D


can blame him. we all are brain-washed since young. no more "2 legs good, 4 legs lagi better"

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