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Black car on YCK road and YCK link towards serangoon


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To the black car with the McDonald's decal traveling along above 2 roads on right lane this morning around 8.15 to 8.25.. I am the silver civic in front of u. For your info I was stuck behind a champagne altis that was traveling around 30 to 50 km/h even at stretches when road was fairly clear. With that kind of speed and heavy traffic, and considering I was going to keep to this lane 2 traffic light down, I decide not to overtake on the left.


I share your frustration of being stuck. This hogger was an idiot but u are an even bigger idiot for tailgating me and blaring your horn at me twice. I think the 2nd time u choose to stick too close to me and almost hit me when I had to stop due to this slow pok altis suddenly braking and you decided to vent your frustration unaware I am not the hogger. I would have stopped over and asked you what you want if my wife was not into her 1st week of work and cannot be late.


You should have realized your stupidity when I subsequently made my u-turn and you can see the altis. Nonetheless screw you for your earlier actions.


What kind of attitude is this?


First week cannot late and then afterwards can be always late?


I supposed your wife will be working very hard and deligently before


confirmation and then slack off after confirmation?



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You should look out for this white BMW (SJS138T) instead usually from TPE to SLE. He exit Woodlands Ave 12.

Not only he like to display his driving skill, he also like to play the braking game..

Please give him a friendly horn when you see him on the road so that he will drive more carefully. Hope that he will not bring you and your family to die with him..




Another one of his "skillful driving" here:




Wow ... your camera beri clear .....


Such people will get their karma lah ... don't worry. As the saying goes ... goes mountain too often sure meet the tiger one day.


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So this is the complaints section but not expected to be used:p


No I don't point middle finger at other drivers..


I tapped the horn at the altis once but he was oblivious so I just stayed behind after that..


I just write to vent. If the person sees it, it's a bonus


Why vent at us? We didn't block you.


Actually the problem is you,


quick in anger, slow in seeing solutions.


If there is a problem in front of you


and by a stroke of good fortune


a solution behind you.


Then you should have moved out of the way


and let the solution handle the problem.



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Why vent at us? We didn't block you.


Actually the problem is you,


quick in anger, slow in seeing solutions.


If there is a problem in front of you


and by a stroke of good fortune


a solution behind you.


Then you should have moved out of the way


and let the solution handle the problem.





haha.....tried that b4. when the honker couldn't get the hogger outta the way, the honker became the hongkee.

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Maybe he didnt horn at you. He was trying to horn the car in front.


Anyway, what i usually do if some guy is so close to me is i will move my car a little left and let the back car see for themselves, then i move back to my original position.

The guy behind is smart.. Honk at the guy in front of TS..So if the guy in front ever get pissed, he'll mistaken TS as the horny guy and tiok hoot..

So the guy behind get to play with his horn and get away with it lol!

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Why vent at us? We didn't block you.


Actually the problem is you,


quick in anger, slow in seeing solutions.


If there is a problem in front of you


and by a stroke of good fortune


a solution behind you.


Then you should have moved out of the way


and let the solution handle the problem.



Haha.. Ya u v smart la.. I already said why I didn't filter left. Wow so now I am venting frustration at whoever read this? Dun read lo.. Or now wan to say I force u to read by posting :D better have feature to auto hide complaints section and let ppl click open if they wan to read.


Nvm.. From your 2 replies and selective nit pick alrdy know what u trying to do.. If it made your day good for u.


For those who advised me not to get bothered thank u for your advice. Actually after I posted and it blew over I felt it is just another day on the road. I dunno why this morning I just felt so fed up and decided to write about it. Open holes let ppl shoot only and achieve nothing :D

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just like driving in boleh land. if front car is slow and speedster is approaching, i filter left, let him "sweep" the road., once clear i follow him...

and drive on

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must learn to ignore and dun bother by people horn at you, i normally feel happy if someone horn at me [laugh][laugh]

Hahaha lol,👍 I normally tink tat they hv good intention trying to warn me either my tyre puncture or got bird shit on my car,,,,,,,😀👍

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Hahaha lol,👍 I normally tink tat they hv good intention trying to warn me either my tyre puncture or got bird shit on my car,,,,,,,😀👍


if yr tyre lao hong, u dono. then u sibei stylo lor.


as for bird shit, r u referring to this bird [laugh]


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if yr tyre lao hong, u dono. then u sibei stylo lor.


as for bird shit, r u referring to this bird [laugh]


hahaha lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if B-shit comes from this Bird I cant see a ting liao........... hahaha lol [laugh]

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hahaha lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if B-shit comes from this Bird I cant see a ting liao........... hahaha lol [laugh]


yeah, if is this B, then u better check yr side mirror and remember "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear"


when that happens, u can kui V-tec, SuperCharger and what not cos u probably hv a T-Rex hot on yr wheels.

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