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BEWARE! Speed limit not to be assumed..


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Anyway, as I have warned many months ago, new camera (toy) and stricter enforcement are in place, so slow down and pay more attention to the speed limit than to road conditions and other road users. [laugh]


Need to pay for new toy.


Drivers are the ones paying for it.

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Road hogs these days simply refuse to move over, except for that small little handful of considerate ones.


Maybe they know road hogging is not an offence but tailgating is, which is why they are so brazen.



Road hogging not offence meh?

If it's dropping off kids below 10years old I will llst, but Singapore Poly leh... Need to pamper until when? Some more bus bay right below Mrt station.


They managed to slow down traffic from PIE (BKE exit) all the way to PIE (Lornie Rd exit) on the direction towards Changi. Can only maintain 80-90 all the way.


If it's to prevent or reduce accidents, they've got the wrong stretch.

Now you know where strawberries come from...
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I wonder why TP never go after motorcyclists for


a) speeding way above speed limit

b) turning at non-turning lane

c) stopping in front of stop line at traffic light

d) riding on pedestrian path and parking illegally on pavement

e) failing to signal

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To be honest, I have no idea. It is what I concluded after reading several posts on road hogs here.



Road hogging not offence meh?
Now you know where strawberries come from...


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Road hogging not offence meh?



Its an offence. But if got tailgater behind I think they usually target the tailgater instead. So far I always see TP stop the tailgaters but not the hoggers.

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They want to encourage a nation of road-hogs, and a culture of looking up rather than at the road in front of one. Oh, and make $$$ at our expense, too.

I think next time i will get a big ass SUV and go at 5km below speed limit whereever i drive .


f**king idiots, should catch dont catch, should not catch, they catch. Pwui pwui

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I wonder why TP never go after motorcyclists for


a) speeding way above speed limit

b) turning at non-turning lane

c) stopping in front of stop line at traffic light

d) riding on pedestrian path and parking illegally on pavement

e) failing to signal


I have been summoned for A. There, you can sleep peacefully tonight knowing TP has mete out a fair justice.


For the remaining options why don't you personally write to TP who can give you a better answer compared to the guys here.



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I have been summoned for A. There, you can sleep peacefully tonight knowing TP has mete out a fair justice.


For the remaining options why don't you personally write to TP who can give you a better answer compared to the guys here.




I have written to TP on illegal parking/riding on pavement & Police for illegal moneylending with photos but they do not reply after the customary acknowledgement. Meanwhile, such acts are still rampant. That is why folks like us end up ranting in the forum to bring about more awareness in the hope that offenders will change for the better on their own and show some consideration to others. Meanwhile we sleep peacefully knowing we are not perfect but have tried to live life with a clear conscience. It is about what we can do to influence others' behaviour in whatever small positive ways.


(b) is dangerous without saying.


For ©, there are many terrible drivers who failed to signal but riders in a motorcycle gives us lesser reaction time with their faster speed and smaller profile.


(d) is a nuisance to pedestrians.


For (e), when a driver wants to get fast off for the line when the traffic light turns green (which is good for smoother traffic) it is simply annoying to have a motorcycle who cuts in front during red light and is slow to take off (I am talking about accelerating smartly, not speeding).


On a separate issue, it is strange that there is an advertisement below my post under the same box. It should be outside the box but I guess I am one of those who prefers more orderliness and correctness in the universe.

Edited by ktnpl
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How you determine that the speeds are artificially low? Your own opinion? There has to be a limit set which people can follow. To some people the speed limit of 70km/h on some roads is fast already. When I drive at the speed limit on sg roads, I feel comfortable, not too slow but then my mum when she sits beside me will comment why drive so fast.

Very simple and I quote u a road 15 years ago till now.


15 years ago, I drive almost 3 times 1 week at Changi coastal road where at the area near Changi village, speed limit is at 50km/hr.

Mainly due to the narrow bridge when 2 heavy vehicles are inches away from each other round the bend.

We have cases of our MID land rover brush against private vehicles as the road was seperate by a lane marking.


Fast forward to today, the narrow bridge become a 4 lane road with kerb in centre.

4 heavy vehicles can pass thru the bend safely at the same time.


The roads had been engineered better, cars at the same time too.

Speed limit still remains the same.

The speed limit will be adjusted to suit the environment as the previous speed limits were set accordingly to the environment.

So it is happening? No.


If you staying in the west, PIE exit to corporation road @ 50km/hr set too way too low.

Is a road hazard IMHO as if one travel at speed limits, everyone overtakes.


If staying North, CTE from town to TPE.


If staying East, KPE speed limit of 70km/hr.

You know the area when they set this low speed creates a bottleneck for the expressway?

Just look at this area how congested it is.

A faster road ensures a better flow of traffic.

Like water, if u slow the flow of water too much, it will overflow slightly to the edges.

If the flow is constant, you wouldn't have the ripple effect.


South, can anyone explain the road at Southpoint Building has a speed limit of 60km/hr where there are so many hazard there?

If you want I can forward you the road and explain to you in more detail.


So, is the speed limit set right? No.

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er KPE limit increase to 80km/h liaw. Just 1 short bend still at 70km/h.

Those who think 70km/h is already fast, then please keep cruising at lane 2-3 and allow others to overtake you correctly from the RIGHT lane. Everyone is happy, cheers cheers :)

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the funny thing is, i sent an email to TP asking if lane 1 is an overtaking lane along with a few other questions. its been 1 month and 5 days and they have not replied me. they definitely received my email cause after i sent my email, they sent an auto-generated letter saying thanks for the letter and i should expect a reply in a few days' time.


my email is attached below:



wonder why they didn't reply. cause cannot copy paste template answer?



have to send this to their in house legal or AG for legal advice since you quoted statutes LOL


and now it is school holidays, so expect answers after Jan

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