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'I'll just pay compensation'


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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:59 AM, Bioinformatics said:


if they unreasonable, just move on?


Bro...........kids fight sld not effect adult too much.............if really unreasonable..........is either just move on and take it as just one of those days..................or you can try slap the father...get into a fight....go to police station.........and have one of those days........


which ever the case..............a man sld never lay a finger on a little kid...........


what does a 3 year old kid know?

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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:59 AM, Bioinformatics said:


if they unreasonable, just move on?


Yes, move on. Don't waste your time on such people. Someday they will suffer in the "ways" of their own behaviour.


And in future, stay away from this unreasonable family.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 1:42 AM, Lala81 said:

Hmm sometimes parents overreact to things that happen to their children la.

my wife was quite angry over another kid who purposely came to push my girl in the chest when we we were playing in the park. Though i thought it was pretty harmless since my kid didn't fall over or suffered any injury to the face.


Ah... just clarified with my wife. She was angry cos it happened earlier (which she never do anything) and the episode i saw was the 2nd time. [nod]

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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:46 AM, L_club23 said:


If the initial slap causes your son to fall and results in a head injury?

Not saying retaliation is right, just that people like to judge based on limited facts...



Then i also wont hit the kid who is 3 year old. I will find his father and ask him to settle all the bills. Whatever u do dont whack a small kid who don't know anything. Last time got a kid at playground push my boy down the merry go round I find his father and scold his father in the face. That is diff thing u know just dont whack the kid the kid dont know what he is doing maybe he just trying to play with the 2 year old also.


Actually its very normal when your son go k1/k2 they play some games then some kids push them and fall down. Teacher call say your son got cuts need stitches will you go whack the kid who push your son? Same theory mah.

Edited by Valx
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Nowadays...........more and more kids come with all kind of disorder behaviors..............and doctors advice not to keep them to themselves............sld let them mix ard more..........but even if the 2 year old kid has some disorder behavior...........and the father is very kancheong............also he cannot slap the other kid..........what more talk about compensation............


This guy is either big ego cannot admit mistake so just shoot his mouth.............or his brain is half cooked..............maybe he thinks kill some one also can pay compensation............

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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:59 AM, Bioinformatics said:


if they unreasonable, just move on?

Like 天魔兄says, ur choice get into a fight or walk away from one...

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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:35 AM, RadX said:



6-Volt better.... :D:D


6-volt abit heavy, harder to swing in a sock.


I was just thinking about 9-volt batteries, pin the fugger down and hold it against his tongue :ph34r:

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  On 11/17/2014 at 3:18 AM, Vid said:

I wonder if that man will issue an apology


Sure apologize one lar ...


This type of Empty Vessel ... Make a lot of Noise only ...


This type of Man is the same Category as "Women Beater" same gang one ...

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  On 11/17/2014 at 2:46 AM, L_club23 said:

If the initial slap causes your son to fall and results in a head injury?

Not saying retaliation is right, just that people like to judge based on limited facts...

Logically, I agree that there is 2-sides of a coin... But in this case, even with injury on my kid... as an adult I should not and will not lay my hands / fingers on a little boy that's the action of a bully... kids are kids, they dun know the seriousness of their actions. Their traits and behaviors come about by observing the parents.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 3:53 AM, Chowyunfatt said:


Sure apologize one lar ...


This type of Empty Vessel ... Make a lot of Noise only ...


This type of Man is the same Category as "Women Beater" same gang one ...


Sorry bo pakeh. Must pay [laugh] [laugh]


I wonder how much the parents will ask [rolleyes]

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Share with you how I deal with such incident when I brought my 1 year old son to vivo city indoor playground.


When my son was walking across a narrow walkway within the playground, there comes a boy I roughly guess he is 4 to 5 years old.


He also wants to walk across opposite my son but due to narrow walk way he pushes my son and my son just fall and sit down on the floor.


I was like wtf. I yield at the Ang Mo boy and said.... why you push him, WHERE IS YOUR DADDY?


Then came a maid apologise to me. My son was crying and the indoor playground in-charge came and asked me what happen.


I explained and left the indoor playground.


Dealing with children not my type, I rather face talk to parents.

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