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What make and model worth renew COE after 10 years


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Looking at the recent steep increase in Cat A COE and my projected quota for 2020, I have also just renewed my Cat A COE that is expiring in Apr 2020.


This will get me a better night sleep for the next 10 years instead of worrying if Cat A price might go up further to > $60k by the time my COE expires in Apr next year.


$30+ for a full 10 years is cheap, 4 years back renewed my Cat A at same price for 5 years only. Makes sense to time the right time. 

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Renew march is $33k, renew April is $35k, renew May is $4k more at $39k. U can see the trend.... by December projection ( new car Cat B is already $48k, open Cat $52k ), the next Cat B is likely more than 48k. What do u think December 2019 COE will be ?? Take what u think December 2019 COE will be minus $35k, see if u think this amount is worth u driving now till December. If this number is small den u can wait, if number is big u decide yourself. Based on 48-35=13, 52-35=17. I think is too much for 8mths drive.


Wat goes up will come down, question is when?? U can wait but car cannot wait. Market analyst has "predicted" Cat B will not be in 30+ region anytime soon in the near future.


Nobody can accurately predict COE, speculate and guess YES but is all hear say and base on judgement call coe quota etc etc. is all risks involved.


Basically either do it now or u wait till the end, no renew in between

I’m 50-50 if I should wait till 12/2021 for mine. The expectation is those 5year renewals in 2015 to 2016 will be scrapped. However I’m not sure if maybe a good portion of them are already scrapped due to the lower coe in the past 6mths.
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Sake bro indeed brave and decisive.....1 year!!!

since car definitely worthwhile to renew, just do it then forget about the problem.  [:)]

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Better renew now

Buay ganwan sia having to forsake 17 mths.


I guess I would just wait and if it's too high then, just scrap it and get another car.

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Based on my estimation, 2020-2024 should be a flat trough of COE supply.


2023-2024 could bear the brunt of pent-up demand for COE.

Hard to say lah. With weak economy and possible recession coming. Expect the unexpected.
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is Chevrolet Optra Magnum COE car worth considering?



thanks in advance

Brands like Chevrolet, Chrysler, Fiat, and certain models like the Ford Focus are no longer selling brand new in Singapore, so spare parts availability may be a little challenge.


In terms of annual depreciation, the annual dep of a popular COE car like the Mitsubishi Lancer, Nissan Latio/Sylphy, Honda City, Toyota Vios are similar to the Optra at about $4K per annum.


Many of these 2009 cars have a few months to go before scrap and dealers advertise the price with 5 yr COE (they have not renewed COE - advertised with 5 yr COE as lower price makes it easier to sell but annual dep is higher).


You can offer to buy with 10 year COE and top up an additional $14K (Cat A PQP is $28K - rounded off for easy calculation - actual amount is $27,886).


These are safe buys, because in the worst case scenario if the car turns out to be a lemon and you feel repair costs are not worth it, you can still scrap the car and get back the pro rated COE ($28K PQP) and the scrap value should you make your decision before its 120th month (10th year). At most you lose a few thousand dollars (dealer's marked up price from paper value that you purchased).


You can tell the profit margin by taking the paper value (50% x OMV) which ranges from $7K to $9K, add the current Cat A PQP $28K and you will know the cost of the car to the dealer.


Most important thing to consider when purchasing a COE car is the availability of spare parts.


Good luck in your search.

Edited by Vinceng
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Call me dumb or crazy, I bought an A3 Sportback 1.8 on the last day of it's COE. Owning the car for close to 4 months now, already had some issues and repair to be done:


1. Coolant Water Pump Replaced (Bad Coolant Leak)

2. Throttle Pedal Replaced due to wiring short circuit (WTF seriously)



Issue still pending:


1. HID light flickering on/off (Already replaced both bulbs and ballast but problem persist. Suspected to be the controller which cost around $1500)



I expect more issues to come. But the car itself is a gem to own if there weren't so many hiccups here and there.

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Call me dumb or crazy, I bought an A3 Sportback 1.8 on the last day of it's COE. Owning the car for close to 4 months now, already had some issues and repair to be done:


1. Coolant Water Pump Replaced (Bad Coolant Leak)

2. Throttle Pedal Replaced due to wiring short circuit (WTF seriously)



Issue still pending:


1. HID light flickering on/off (Already replaced both bulbs and ballast but problem persist. Suspected to be the controller which cost around $1500)



I expect more issues to come. But the car itself is a gem to own if there weren't so many hiccups here and there.


2nd car? you have a Fit too right?


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2nd car? you have a Fit too right?


Yes bro. My fit currently driven by my bro as his car total loss. That's why I backside itchy buy a COE car
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$30+ for a full 10 years is cheap, 4 years back renewed my Cat A at same price for 5 years only. Makes sense to time the right time.

God is fair, he gave you a free car in return .
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Brands like Chevrolet, Chrysler, Fiat, and certain models like the Ford Focus are no longer selling brand new in Singapore, so spare parts availability may be a little challenge.


In terms of annual depreciation, the annual dep of a popular COE car like the Mitsubishi Lancer, Nissan Latio/Sylphy, Honda City, Toyota Vios are similar to the Optra at about $4K per annum.


Many of these 2009 cars have a few months to go before scrap and dealers advertise the price with 5 yr COE (they have not renewed COE - advertised with 5 yr COE as lower price makes it easier to sell but annual dep is higher).


You can offer to buy with 10 year COE and top up an additional $14K (Cat A PQP is $28K - rounded off for easy calculation - actual amount is $27,886).


These are safe buys, because in the worst case scenario if the car turns out to be a lemon and you feel repair costs are not worth it, you can still scrap the car and get back the pro rated COE ($28K PQP) and the scrap value should you make your decision before its 120th month (10th year). At most you lose a few thousand dollars (dealer's marked up price from paper value that you purchased).


You can tell the profit margin by taking the paper value (50% x OMV) which ranges from $7K to $9K, add the current Cat A PQP $28K and you will know the cost of the car to the dealer.


Most important thing to consider when purchasing a COE car is the availability of spare parts.


Good luck in your search.

Judging from the amount of valuable information and advice given by you in this forum, you should in the car trade. Thanks for sharing and all the best.
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good to know. I have just replaced to a set of used 18" rims recently because i will renew COE. see if this is the same model as yours?

I tried plug in a race chip recently but didnt feel much diff, so I took it out again. After all 181bhp is decent for my ah pek driving style.

maintenance wise, this car is easy to maintain, well built but not being over engineered, so i dont think there should be problem.

Nice front gate....
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Nice front gate....ððð

Very true bro....important is the availability of spare parts and their price......difficult to get and most probably expensive.

Then it must be proton or Perodua. Plenty of parts across the causeway and in RM$!
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