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General Election 2015 - 11 Sep 2015


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Yup budget most probably going to give lots of goodies to middle class which is the main bulk of population.


That's a very effective way to make a lot of people happy. Hopefully can put them into a more favourable position during the GE.


Then the subsequent budget after election, will see the GST increase to 10%.


It must come from somewhere to fund these type of expenditures. Last year we already see a rise in excise tax & duties for alcohol & tobacco.


COE has been quite stable. So the takings has not seen much increase. They will have to seek a balance between the elasticity curve of demand & supply of COE to ensure this bucket continue to provide sufficient takings. The 100k COEs that will be surrendered this year will also be an increase takings by transport ministry, if each COE avg price is 50k, would be 5 billion to the coffers this year.


Possibly the roll out of Satellite ERP charges on road usage in the near future too.

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corrected for you


give you 300 1 year

take back 3000 for 5 years .... muahahahhaa




Don't like that lah :D


If we don't take, we lugi leh ...

Anyway, they still take back 3000 for 5 years, so better take the 300 first :))

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Today is BUDGET day .............. -_-



Hanging carrots to lure YOU ... [sly]



eh u go budget thread lah...dun kacau here...kekeke


happy goat year bro

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eh u go budget thread lah...dun kacau here...kekeke


happy goat year bro


hmmmm.............. in order to stay in this thread, I add three more words ... [sly]


Hanging carrots to lure YOU for your votes ..... [:p]

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Yup budget most probably going to give lots of goodies to middle class which is the main bulk of population.


That's a very effective way to make a lot of people happy. Hopefully can put them into a more favourable position during the GE.


Then the subsequent budget after election, will see the GST increase to 10%.


It must come from somewhere to fund these type of expenditures. Last year we already see a rise in excise tax & duties for alcohol & tobacco.


COE has been quite stable. So the takings has not seen much increase. They will have to seek a balance between the elasticity curve of demand & supply of COE to ensure this bucket continue to provide sufficient takings. The 100k COEs that will be surrendered this year will also be an increase takings by transport ministry, if each COE avg price is 50k, would be 5 billion to the coffers this year.


Possibly the roll out of Satellite ERP charges on road usage in the near future too.


if one lived longer enough in SG and is within the middle class segment, you can more or less predict what is going to happen for the budget on that year (only applies to a year before and during the election year.)


Hard cold cash is a certain... one is to reduce those old bird voters grievances against the govt and also to win the hearts of those who can vote for the first time....


then along come with sweets to either let you buy a car or house easily or without too much down payment


Then reduce the FT size generally or make it harder for employer to employ FT. Basically SG ppl first so that it seem like they are 'listening' to the ppl finally after last 4 yrs of "noise".


lastly, icing on the cake maybe more subsidise health care or NS men got some vouchers or other small sugar coated peanuts...




Then after the election, the same old shit happen again for the next cycle...


yes, very predictable but it works like a charm.... cos most Singaporeans are blinded by $$$ or benefits... Govt know this and most of us don't mind to get poke by govt from election to election anyway....


sad but true story......

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TPL has just announced her pregnancy -

Do you think she will stand again in the next election or use this to bow out gracefully?


Will GCT stand again? Or has he reached his "use by" date?


Also specific reference to LKY - in hindsight it is now clear that he should have stepped down at the last election - will this have any sort of effect or impact on any other aging PAP MPs?


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hmmmm.............. in order to stay in this thread, I add three more words ... [sly]


Hanging carrots to lure YOU for your votes ..... [:p]


carrots a bit cheapskate leh.... how abt hanging water-melons?

Watermelons are big, sweet and pricier :))

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TPL has just announced her pregnancy -

Do you think she will stand again in the next election or use this to bow out gracefully?


Will GCT stand again? Or has he reached his "use by" date?


Also specific reference to LKY - in hindsight it is now clear that he should have stepped down at the last election - will this have any sort of effect or impact on any other aging PAP MPs?



duno abt TPL, but she better do her job properly just as all other working mums have.


re: older MPs, LKY's batch all gone liao save for GCT, the bunch of benchwarming goofs eg. marlboro, lemon, zhuyingtai etc will stand down once LHL is gone imo

Edited by Duckduck
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TPL has just announced her pregnancy -

Do you think she will stand again in the next election or use this to bow out gracefully?


Will GCT stand again? Or has he reached his "use by" date?


Also specific reference to LKY - in hindsight it is now clear that he should have stepped down at the last election - will this have any sort of effect or impact on any other aging PAP MPs?



Why not TPL stand again? BB only pop out around 3Q, so she still have enough time to recover ...


GCT may not, given that TCJ will be the main man in Marine Parade GRC.


LKY will definitely step down... CCS will definitely be the main guy

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Why not TPL stand again? BB only pop out around 3Q, so she still have enough time to recover ...


GCT may not, given that TCJ will be the main man in Marine Parade GRC.


LKY will definitely step down... CCS will definitely be the main guy


It's all in the plan...

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TPL has just announced her pregnancy -

Do you think she will stand again in the next election or use this to bow out gracefully?


Will GCT stand again? Or has he reached his "use by" date?


Also specific reference to LKY - in hindsight it is now clear that he should have stepped down at the last election - will this have any sort of effect or impact on any other aging PAP MPs?




why not? i think Lee Lilian run the by election when she was carrying the baby in her.

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Why not TPL stand again? BB only pop out around 3Q, so she still have enough time to recover ...


GCT may not, given that TCJ will be the main man in Marine Parade GRC.


LKY will definitely step down... CCS will definitely be the main guy

If GCT stands, TPL will stand too

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