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General Election 2015 - 11 Sep 2015


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Most kpkb abt papa and then come D day....quietly vote papa again...and then, kpkb again say papa no good.


Pls la, grow some balls n walk the talk. I did!


Not everyone has balls of Tiger like you mah... except perhaps Tigerwoods [grin] [grin]


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if they parachute another Tin Pei Ling....sure to fall.....

to be fair TPl is quite a decent lass.


but she maybe worth 15k as an auditor, but as a politician?


a good politician has to go thru extensive experiences of life.


she is still young though.

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Not everyone has balls of Tiger like you mah... except perhaps Tigerwoods [grin] [grin]


Ah 虎 木 先 生 let you seen before [jawdrop][laugh]

so which GeeRCee is most at risk this time rd? east coast? moulmein kallang?

A M K gee r 死 :D

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Not everyone has balls of Tiger like you mah... except perhaps Tigerwoods [grin] [grin]


Ah 虎 木 先 生 let you seen before [jawdrop][laugh]


A M K gee r 死 :D

Nabemono... hahaaaa...
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so which GeeRCee is most at risk this time rd? east coast? moulmein kallang?

All things being equal, East Coast GRC seems the most vulnerable as that was the closest GRC contest last round, that said; I'm not sure if the recent Aljunied TC fiasco will work against the Opposition cos I believe a lot of neutrals were observing how WP would handle a GRC and unfortunately they have not covered themselves in glory.

Will leave the merits of that argument for the other thread but my point is that successful running of a GRC TC would silence the doubters and win votes for the Opposition if they had done well but I just wonder if Singaporeans would be willing to give them another chance as most would have that "not in my backyard" mentality so IMO it doesn't bode well for the Opposition I'm afraid.

East coast is going down man. It was close the last time round.


Hopefully this time it will fall.

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All things being equal, East Coast GRC seems the most vulnerable as that was the closest GRC contest last round, that said; I'm not sure if the recent Aljunied TC fiasco will work against the Opposition cos I believe a lot of neutrals were observing how WP would handle a GRC and unfortunately they have not covered themselves in glory.

Will leave the merits of that argument for the other thread but my point is that successful running of a GRC TC would silence the doubters and win votes for the Opposition if they had done well but I just wonder if Singaporeans would be willing to give them another chance as most would have that "not in my backyard" mentality so IMO it doesn't bode well for the Opposition I'm afraid.


Lim Say Say quite a comedian he should stay lah... want to kick also Lui out lah... he become minister MRT always break down, Little India got riot... as for WP, unless PAP willing to send some heavy weight ministers to contest, how to convince Aljunied residents PAP sincere in winning residents hearts

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The PGP is a vote winner. But I don't begrudge them that because at least they're playing the game fairly. They're using taxpayer money to benefit a sizeable demographic regardless of how they voted in the last GE. This is a departure from their usual underhanded stunts whereby they'll penalise dissenting voters by withholding taxpayer-funded upgrading which really is dirty pool. Now if only they can stop all that sneaky rubbish - but a leopard doesn't change its spots.


i agree. not many governments have the political discipline to take this sum out of current reserves (as opposed to past reserves). it shows consideration for future generations.

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East coast is going down man. It was close the last time round.


Hopefully this time it will fall.


rich man going to be poor this time ?

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i agree. not many governments have the political discipline to take this sum out of current reserves (as opposed to past reserves). it shows consideration for future generations.


on d contrary, many did so initially during the good ole days, but once u give, u cant take back, so the next time they do this type of package, it has to be equal or greater impact... then if they cant find a way to maintain account surplus, tax increase etc etc comes...


this actually marks the beginning of the end of SG AAA rating IMO. but wat to do in a democratic election country...

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No. I do not think East Coast GRC will go.

But Aljunied on the other hand....


Since this is a car forum. Enjoy.




I stay in PE. To me is very clear, MIW is no no for me....

I know clearly that who had made Singapore become the most expensive city in the world. Life is getting more and more difficult for middle class here...

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Let see them start redrawing boudaries again.


Marine Parade GRC is like a virus, it reached Macpherson last time.

Maybe this time, it will reach Yishun and Sembawang.

No need to say so far.......It may absorb part of East Coast and the rest goes to Tampines.

I'm prepared to believe the worst as it would affect my choice of vote.

Edited by TameDriver
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I have to agree on this.. finally, our older folks can enjoy some benefits :))

But of course, the working adults will have to contribute to taxes to fund all these...

Nothing is free in this world..


They have the card only because PAP was given a wake up call in 2011.

Now just hope those who received the cards don't get hypnotized and fall asleep. [laugh]

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They have the card only because PAP was given a wake up call in 2011.

Now just hope those who received the cards don't get hypnotized and fall asleep. [laugh]


Already have elderly patients praising the govt for the medical benefits/subsidies they are receiving.

Come January, even more: medications. It meant a lot to these elderly patients on long term medications and so, they are very grateful for it. One already knows which party these old folks will vote for liao.

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Hmm..... I still haven't receive much benefits from them yet leh...

I not pioneer G, so no PG Card...


Maybe just the lower property tax for next year niah...

So can't really sway my decision :D

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for all i know...


property tax for hdb has dropped but not mine. It was raised.


i know now what is left out right in.


tax cuts prob for those who voted against them... u voted for p@p right? lol... just kidding :D


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