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Other interesting things on overseas trips


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Just dun get pickpocketed or robbed only.


Then come back hotel sure [bigcry][bigcry][bigcry]


Apparently some pickpockets are really 'pro', before you know what they have done, they are gone!! Luckily, nothing like that happened except one stranger tried to distract me by asking for direction (surely he could see i am a foreigner in Italy!!) at a crowded train platform, i just stared back and shot him with a strong "NO". [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

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I thought most interesting thing in going overseas is to experience whole new feeling of integrating into their society like going to japan and korea, that we should learn to adapt to their culture such as bowing.


I did that and try to fit myself into their culture


Of course getting lost is fun but most of the times its scary especially if u lost ur tour group haha


Not easy to bow the exact way the Japanese do.... [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


About 'getting lost', i think it's more like going for a detour intentionally instead of following the usual tourist routes??

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When I am overseas I like to observe pple.


I find it interesting noting the different character of the pple. Can also learn something about that country n how I sud behave while Im there. [hur]


Of course "Bird Watching" is also one of my favourite pastimes.


Must wear sunglasses, coz sometimes my wife tracks where i aim my eyes. [sweatdrop]


For observations on local ways of life, i will spend sometimes just sit by the roadside (usually outdoor cafes), enjoy a cuppa, relax, and look at the locals going about their life. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] If there's a chance, start talkingcocks with someone who look friendly, could be a local or a fellow tourist.

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Apparently some pickpockets are really 'pro', before you know what they have done, they are gone!! Luckily, nothing like that happened except one stranger tried to distract me by asking for direction (surely he could see i am a foreigner in Italy!!) at a crowded train platform, i just stared back and shot him with a strong "NO". [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]



Ya we in SG so used to the "safe" life.


When we overseas, we must always b alert to unusual things around us.


Pickpockets common tactic is to distract u with something then they wil pick yr pocket in a flash n disappear.


They must b good at it cos thats how they earn a living.


Many European countries its very common especially at tourist areas. :ph34r:


Always b alert when overseas.n never put all yr money in one place. Spread it around.


Can use a money-belt. That is hard to steal e money. Put some cash in yr socks. Also can keep some in the safe in yr hotel room.


Just in case u kenna a pickpocket, he wun get ALL yr cash at one go. Then yr whole trip is spoilt. [furious]


Also keep yr Passport safely. [thumbsup]

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Getting lost is interesting and exciting! Tot it should be scary...instead. [sweatdrop]


Of course must see the surroundings / people to pick where is 'safe' to take a 'detour'!! It's safer to do it if we are in a group.

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Must wear sunglasses, coz sometimes my wife tracks where i aim my eyes. [sweatdrop]


For observations on local ways of life, i will spend sometimes just sit by the roadside (usually outdoor cafes), enjoy a cuppa, relax, and look at the locals going about their life. [thumbsup] [thumbsup] If there's a chance, start talkingcocks with someone who look friendly, could be a local or a fellow tourist.



Yes. I also do about the same things.


Sometimes the locals can give u good tips where to go for nice food etc.


The places where all tourists usually expensive n not so good. The locals usually know best. [thumbsup]

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Ya we in SG so used to the "safe" life.


When we overseas, we must always b alert to unusual things around us.


Pickpockets common tactic is to distract u with something then they wil pick yr pocket in a flash n disappear.


They must b good at it cos thats how they earn a living.


Many European countries its very common especially at tourist areas. :ph34r:


Always b alert when overseas.n never put all yr money in one place. Spread it around.


Can use a money-belt. That is hard to steal e money. Put some cash in yr socks. Also can keep some in the safe in yr hotel room.


Just in case u kenna a pickpocket, he wun get ALL yr cash at one go. Then yr whole trip is spoilt. [furious]


Also keep yr Passport safely. [thumbsup]




Money belt is almost a must. Keep the passport in hotel room safe, just keep a photocopy in our pocket. Wear a cheap watch. Pants with buttoned/zipped pockets are essential also!! Personally, i prefer to dress with 'cheapo' looking clothes / shoes, and aways be aware of what's going around me.



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Money belt is almost a must. Keep the passport in hotel room safe, just keep a photocopy in our pocket. Wear a cheap watch. Pants with buttoned/zipped pockets are essential also!! Personally, i prefer to dress with 'cheapo' looking clothes / shoes, and aways be aware of what's going around me.





Ya Watch is cheepo black Casio. All gold n jewellery is removed n kept at home. Buttion n zip for pockets.


Also I try to wear simple jeans/shorts n tee shirts . Comfortable shoes for a lot of walking.


Maybe carry a small bottle of water in case thirsty. Stopping for a simple drink at some places(especially Europe/US) can b quite expensive compared to SG.

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Apparently some pickpockets are really 'pro', before you know what they have done, they are gone!! Luckily, nothing like that happened except one stranger tried to distract me by asking for direction (surely he could see i am a foreigner in Italy!!) at a crowded train platform, i just stared back and shot him with a strong "NO". [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


they usually have a accomplice

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they usually have a accomplice


The accomplice will act when the victim is distracted by the first guy [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


I see many seasoned travellers use a back wall to 'protect' their rear (eg standing with their backs against a wall) while they wait for something/someone in a place where pickpockets are lurking around. These travellers will raise their alert level when a stranger appear within their personal space, or some distractions happen (eg a nearby commotion etc)


A lone traveler standing in the middle of a crowded space exposed 360deg, engrossed with his smart phone, is just waiting for 'attacks'.

Edited by Super7
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The accomplice will act when the victim is distracted by the first guy [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


I see many seasoned travellers use a back wall to 'protect' their rear (eg standing with their backs against a wall) while they wait for something/someone in a place where pickpockets are lurking around. These travellers will raise their alert level when a stranger appear within their personal space, or some distractions happen (eg a nearby commotion etc)


A lone traveler standing in the middle of a crowded space exposed 360deg, engrossed with his smart phone, is just waiting for 'attacks'.


What if there is no wall to back up to ? [confused]



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What if there is no wall to back up to ? [confused]



Train stations, airports, shopping malls, etc usually have walls!! Why do want to wait in the middle of a soccer field, or middle of 6 lanes highway???


Come to think of it, what are the places travelers have to wait but have no walls?

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Train stations, airports, shopping malls, etc usually have walls!! Why do want to wait in the middle of a soccer field, or middle of 6 lanes highway???


Come to think of it, what are the places travelers have to wait but have no walls?

Tian An Men Square 😂😂😂

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Come to think of it, what are the places travelers have to wait but have no walls?


A park. London and New York both have parks too.


Another place is the area outside Buckingam Palace in London, its an open space, lots of tourist standing around to take photos...

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A park. London and New York both have parks too.


Another place is the area outside Buckingam Palace in London, its an open space, lots of tourist standing around to take photos...


In such places, better watch your back pockets [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]

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A good Tour Guide would advice us to carry front pack, instead of backpack in crowded places. Thieves can easily cut through backpack un-noticed.

Yes, I always wonder why some people still carry their bag on their back in such places.

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