Scion Turbocharged September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 (edited) anyone heard of this? (apologies to those who can't read chinese) machiam like the HK gangster movies this Charles Heung really the HK triad boss?? [shocked] he acted as the bodyguard in the God of Gambler movies... quite cool leh 从周星驰事件,回首香港电影圈黑帮往事;新义安掌控香港电影业,向氏兄弟唯我独尊。刘嘉玲被强奸拍裸照,指使人毙命!几天前,向华强的太太陈岚忽然发难,曝周星驰五宗罪,要求对方10天内给自己答复。之后,许多香港明星被卷入骂战,纷纷表态站在向太一边,只有莫文蔚、徐 娇等几人力挺周星驰。而在微博上,网友并不买向家的账,在遭到无数网友指斥“谁还不知道你们向家怎么回事”之后,向太无奈表示“这是我和周星驰的私人恩 怨,请大家不要插手”。他们之间究竟有哪些私人恩怨,外人很难得知,但这场骂战却又牵出了他们曾经共同从属过的一个帮派--“新义安”,三个字承载着香港电影界多少年的黑帮往事。新义安是潮州人的帮会,源于1866年活跃在江西万安的潮州鹤佬帮。龙头老大叫向前,生于广东陆丰,曾是国民党军情报机构的少将。1953年港英政府指称 向前涉嫌三合会(起始于清末的黑帮组织,发展出很多分会,新义安就是其中之一)活动,把他驱逐出港,向前就住在台湾,把帮会事务交给儿子向华炎打理。向前 有13个儿子,如今我们最熟悉的一个叫向华强,一个叫向华胜。上世纪五十年代,港府意识到黑帮的危害,但为时已晚,黑社会势力早已与警界和政界利益交融、盘根错节,当时香港流传的说法是“警察管黑社会,黑社会管治 安”,可以说,整个警察系统是香港最大的一个黑社会组织。时任港岛及九龙总华探长的吕乐,一直到1968年卸任为止,在香港黑白两道通吃,名头极大,被称 为“五亿探长”,五亿是指其身价。60年代,他一手建立了警界的“贪污体系”,警察收多少钱办多少事,都像黑帮一样有规矩。这段时间,黑帮活动再度猖獗。 当时四大黑帮都要给他面子,吕乐曾说:“我根本不用亲自抓人,有案件要破,就开口跟堂口老大要人!”1974年,港督麦理浩设立廉政公署,着手查处警界腐败分子,结果一查几乎人人有事。与吕乐同时并称的“四大华人探长”,后来都称为香港廉政公署通缉的要 犯。2009年王晶拍了部《金钱帝国》,就是说的这段故事,里面的探长“乐哥”就是吕乐。不过吕乐后来安全下庄,先去加拿大,后去台湾,安度晚年。吕乐跟向家是亲戚关系,向华炎的岳父吕六,是吕乐的叔父,向家和吕家互认世交。讲吕乐故事最全面的是刘德华主演的《五亿探长雷洛传》,1991年由向氏兄弟出品。这是吕乐同意拍摄的,但拍出后他很不满意,一是因为刘德华没有去拜会他,二是片子当中有些情节他认为是瞎编,丢他的人。吕乐当探长期间交情最深的是香港军装警署署长曾启荣,他后来也被廉政公署通缉,逃到台湾。他有个儿子,叫曾志伟,没错,就是大家熟悉的曾志伟。“新义安”在影艺圈有很大势力,向华胜、向华强拥有香港著名的“永盛电影娱乐有限公司”,通过电影宣传,极力美化帮派,使得不少年轻人竞相仿效。黑帮大规 模渗透并参与投资经营开始于九十年代初,据统计,在1992-1994年的3年间警方共接报涉及娱乐圈的暴力案件多达20多宗,其中以徐克工作室被掷燃烧 弹,刘德华被勒收保护费及保姆陈嘉莉住所被纵火,许愿录相室被捣乱,《家有喜事》在发行前胶片被抢走和电影制片人黄朗维、蔡子明被杀等案轰动一时。周润 发、周星驰、李连杰、张学友等香港著名影视明星都曾先后受到黑帮的敲诈和勒索。下面这些内容估计大家都在很多地方看过,来自《看天下》几年前的一篇报导:1990年4月24日凌晨,曾志伟和一些娱乐圈的朋友给刘嘉玲打电话,约她一起打麻将。刘嘉玲欣然同意,并自己驾车前往。刚到苗侨伟家门口,她的车子却突然失控,撞在了停车场的铁闸上。后面有一辆私家车立即跟上来,下来几个人,强行将刘嘉玲从车里拖出,架着上了后面那辆车,迅速驶离了现场。刘嘉玲的几位好友知情后立即打电话报警。三个多小时后,刘嘉玲重新出现,称歹徒主要是劫财,抢走了她一只名贵手表及1000多元现金,然后将她放回。十年后,香港《东周刊》在封面上醒目地刊出一张女性的半裸照片,该期杂志立即被抢购一空,甚至被当日翻印再卖,因为人人都知道,那就是当年失踪三小时里的刘嘉玲。随后,众多香港艺人上街抗议,《东周刊》的拥有者、“英皇”老板杨受成宣布《东周刊》停刊。“英皇”老板杨受成据说也是“新义安”的领袖之一。香港电影人文隽后来在博客里谈起此事,隐晦透露,绑架刘嘉玲的指使人正是李连杰的前经理人蔡子明。而且刘嘉玲被绑架两年后,蔡子明饮弹毙命,当时的传言甚嚣尘上,指杀他的幕后人是香港电影巨头向华强。“英皇”老板杨受成据说也是“新义安”的领袖之一。曾志伟自认圈内地位颇老,曾当众嘲笑过“英皇”一姐容祖儿,不久后就遇袭,额上被砍,缝了20多针。事后,杨受成、容祖儿都被警方调查,曾志伟最终也三缄其口,讳莫如深。再说蔡子明。他在上个世纪80年代中期由荷兰回港,创办富艺电影制作公司,由于背景神秘,谁的账都不买,娱乐圈中人对他敬畏三分。裸拍刘嘉玲后,蔡子明胁 迫她到荷兰免费拍摄电影《轰天龙虎会》,同去的还有刘德华和万梓良。1992年4月1日中午,蔡子明走进尖沙咀的某商业中心,突遭几名持枪男子枪击,不治 身亡。1992年5月4日晚,时年约32岁的片商、香港“14K”社团(香港第二大黑社会社团)堂主黄朗维与电影人黄百鸣兄弟来到九龙塘一间卡拉OK酒廊消遣,刚好遇见梅艳芳与朋友们在此聚会。黄朗维便邀请梅艳芳随即演唱一首。但梅艳芳不欲娱人,便婉言谢绝。黄朗维顿时感到颜面全无,竟在众目睽睽之下打了梅艳芳一个耳光。梅艳芳立即打电话给“道”上的朋友,遂引致200名黑社会成员对峙。第二天,黄朗维即遭人持刀伏击受重伤,到香港浸会医院留医。5月7日,两名杀手佯装探病,到医院近距离枪杀了黄朗维。当天,梅艳芳、黄百鸣、向华强等人被警方询问。不久,向华强的手下、“新义安”悍将陈耀兴被警方拘捕,向华强的永盛公司大堂也遭人枪击,“14K”与“新义安”之间一时势同水火。11月,陈耀兴在自签担保期间,赴澳门参加赛车,在酒店外被枪手伏击身亡。这期间,梅艳芳大半年都躲在内地和泰国。传说她后来出了1000万的调节金,才得以重回香港。武师出身的周星驰据说也加入过“新义安”。后来周星驰成名后,想移民加拿大,屡屡遭拒。周星驰把官司打到了加拿大最高司法机构联邦最高法院,依然被驳回。法院披露,他们手头有长达200页的“黑材料”,认定周星驰是一名“犯罪组织成员”。从九十年代开始,由于警察的贪污问题得到了有效的遏制,三合会成员开始纷纷转行。一些曾经的黑帮大佬也转作合法生意,成为社会名流。 Edited September 16, 2014 by Scion ↡ Advertisement 7 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wt_know Supersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 (edited) it's a known fact that charles heung is "powderful" in entertaintment and triad world btw, this Bee Gor also "real" gangster (sub-division head) before "golden bowl wash hand" he is the official consultant to the series Young and Dangerous he give a lot of inputs to tell a story what actually happen on the ground in triad world Edited September 16, 2014 by Wt_know 3 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jman888 Moderator September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 All these are already open secret many years ago. That's why Chow Yun Fatt rather sign with overseas be independent artist. Now they are not that hiong since the prc army is the boss now 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mockngbrd Supersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 ang mor movie also hav mafia consultants this scene really happened to him when Joe Pesci was a kid, so he re-enacted impromptu 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Watwheels Supersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 (edited) In Sgp the triad members & leaders are rounded up in the 60s and held in prison w/o trial indefinitely. Maybe they will be released when they are dying from illness or old age. Sgp gahment win. HK triads what? What human rights? They threaten the peace, so it's better they stay inside. Being cool and satki gangster no use, cannot eat wan. Edited September 16, 2014 by Watwheels 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
13177 Hypersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Didnt know anita mui also involved?! 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
frenchfly 5th Gear September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 like this? 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jman888 Moderator September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Didnt know anita mui also involved?! Heard 沈殿霞 n 邓光荣 also involve, you believe? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
SuPerBoRed Twincharged September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 (edited) I didn't even know 龙五 is Charles heung!! Always thought he some calefare part timer... Pls don't csi me to kill me ah 五哥! :P Edited September 16, 2014 by SuPerBoRed 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
13177 Hypersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Heard 沈殿霞 n 邓光荣 also involve, you believe?Lol, i believe. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vega Turbocharged September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Taiwan entertainment industry also very black. remember how Frankie Gao Ling Feng was shot? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beehive3783 Turbocharged September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Wow big scandals.. also shows who the unkers and aunties are in mcf This one is because at the height of his popularity, he sibeh xialan so the triads buay song him Taiwan entertainment industry also very black. remember how Frankie Gao Ling Feng was shot? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freestylers09 5th Gear September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 in black we call them triad in white we call illuminati no differences just things are do differently nia.. they balance the ying and yang of our society lol 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vega Turbocharged September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Wow big scandals.. also shows who the unkers and aunties are in mcf This one is because at the height of his popularity, he sibeh xialan so the triads buay song him remember this guy on the right. also control by Taiwanese triad until he die of drugs overdose...... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baal Supersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 Taiwan entertainment industry also very black. remember how Frankie Gao Ling Feng was shot? Taiwan white is also black. 'black gold politics'. it's a known fact that charles heung is "powderful" in entertaintment and triad world btw, this Bee Gor also "real" gangster (sub-division head) before "golden bowl wash hand" he is the official consultant to the series Young and Dangerous he give a lot of inputs to tell a story what actually happen on the ground in triad world When googling bout him, I was also amused by the consultant our own media also had a chief consultant...i believe... 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scion Turbocharged September 16, 2014 Author Share September 16, 2014 came across another former head of triad.... nicknamed the last godfather of 竹联帮, one of Taiwan's most influential triads but he died a poor and penniless man 许海清(1911年-2005年)台湾台北市人,台湾帮派和日本山口组的重量级人物,外号艋哥、蚊哥。素有“末代黑帮教父”、“最后仲裁者”之称。 人物背景许海清这位身后事牵动整个亚洲黑帮势力,更被高书挽联“正义之最,一代开先”的台湾“末代黑帮教父”许海清的一生可谓是近代以来台湾历史的浓缩版。 在台湾处于日本殖民统治时期,他是一个街头小混混,为抚养弟弟和妹妹而每天过着打架斗殴、逞凶斗狠的日子。他体形瘦小,却像蚊子般的威猛扎手,因此黑道给了他一个“许蚊仔”的封号。像当时大多数台湾人一样,受过殖民教育的他会讲日语,这为以后他同日本黑帮拉近关系,建立联系打下了基础。 上世纪40年代末,国民党政权从大陆败逃到台湾,而一直与其同气连枝的上海青红帮势力也一并尾随而来。曾经依靠上海青红帮社会势力一步步爬上权力顶峰,独裁中国22年之久的蒋介石在台湾立住脚跟后,在长达38年的戡乱建国戒严(1949—1987)期间故伎重施,利用黑帮势力大肆暗杀、袭击持不同政见人士,甚至公然抢劫。而台湾“黑金政治”的源头也由此开始。在这期间,许海清所属的“竹联帮”日渐羽翼丰满,成为台湾第一大帮派,这个位子一直维持至今。 许海清双亲早逝,由外婆抚养长大,5岁时在万华区“河沟头”捡拾废弃水果,赚取微薄生活费。外婆1921年过世,许海清从此自力更生,靠着拉板车运货讨生活。在峨嵋街、武昌街和环河南路一带的“河沟头”是当时最大水果集散地,各路人马汇集,许海清因而结识不少道上好友,并开始走上江湖路,侠义个性使然,从市场纠纷到黑道恩怨,许海清总能成功排解。 许海清最辉煌的时候,由于其喜交朋友,政商关系良好,早年在万华地盘的生意,从赌场、酒店、银楼到南北杂货等等都有,身边养了好几百人。他把这100多人分成三组,一组专门负责打架,一组专门喝酒,另一组专门赌博。喝酒的一组人应付警察或外地黑帮,酒家里发生事情就由打架组处理,赌场的事则由赌博组负责,颇有企业化管理的架势。开着赌场的许海清不但没有意识到赌博的害处,反而一生嗜赌成性。 他早年赌天九牌,一场输掉好几百万元,没现金了就整栋整栋卖房子换赌金,到了晚年身无分文,只能靠未出嫁的4个女儿抚养。即使90多岁了,每天不赌几把还会手痒, 如果真的没有机会赌,他就买六合彩,这几年光六合彩他就输了几千万元。 这位身后事牵动整个亚洲黑帮势力。 由于处事明快、是非分明,许海清20多岁就被推为大哥,道上兄弟因万华旧地名艋舺的关系,尊称他为艋哥,后因个头小、长相斯文,像蚊子一样,而改称之为蚊哥。 二二八事件期间,许海清凭着声望化解不少冲突。台湾光复后,他创立“香蕉青果公会”,成了政府与地方角头的沟通桥梁,也一并打开台湾香蕉外销日本的通路,因而结识日本帮派山口组、住吉会等帮会头头。 1983年,高雄“七贤帮”与“沙仔地帮”为了抢夺地盘几乎每天开枪、厮杀,双方死伤无数,甚至伤及无辜,高雄市警察局为了这些江湖恩怨每天忙翻了天却无法解决问题。情况持续近一个月后,许海清倚老卖老,出面主持谈判,缓和了双方关系。 许海清于1985年开始淡出江湖。后来,在某次南下调解帮派纠纷时,途中意外发生车祸受伤,造成行动不便,加上重听之故,晚年只偶尔在婚丧喜庆上露面而已。晚年的许海清山穷水尽,穷困潦倒,只能靠朋友的接济过日子,有时甚至要通过给黑社会的婚丧之事当嘉宾收红包来取得微薄的收入。 许海清的家人更是为他黑社会的身份所累,不但没得到半点好处,他的五个女儿中有4个已50多岁了,都不能找到好归宿,还得反过来照顾他不堪的后半生。他的太太感叹:“有谁敢娶黑社会老大的女儿当老婆?万一将来夫妻吵架,岳父一出面不被打得半死才怪。”在“台湾黑道教父”看似威风的名声下,隐藏着凄凉的宿命。他过世时,台湾黑帮:竹联帮赵尔文、天道盟陈仁治、牛埔帮叶明财、松联帮王知强、中庄帮张忠信等帮派大人物,为之大肆举办哀悼仪式,并宣布其忌日为“黑道平安日”,禁止寻仇滋事。 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rncw 5th Gear September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 yes they are the sum-seng of hongkong....they were refused europe and american immigration during pre 1997 as they were afraid of the PRC govt after fact, heard that emperor group also sum-seng 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jellandross Supersonic September 16, 2014 Share September 16, 2014 anyone heard of this? (apologies to those who can't read chinese) machiam like the HK gangster movies this Charles Heung really the HK triad boss?? [shocked] he acted as the bodyguard in the God of Gambler movies... quite cool leh Wow.. I didn't know Eric Tseng got such background. That's why I'm supportive of our country's internal security act. Even though we can't rid them all, at least nobody dares to declare themselves as some high-profile big-brother-big superstar here. ↡ Advertisement 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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