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Film about "Political Exiles" banned in Singapore


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i like one of the comments by a reader...


if gahmen is so afraid of the coming back of communism ideology in singapore, then why import 1 million ah tiongs? they are after all from a communist country


and these ah tiongs actually hate communism...................


”如果毛泽东早死二十年,中国早就开放发达了“...................this is something heard so many times in china.............common among many common folks.............

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Just upload it as a bittorrent file. Ppl will download and watch.


Why are they so afraid? Let ppl judge on their own lah.


can teach ah peh here how to use torrent

do we need to some special software




have a good weekend

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I thought bros here are rational? Why post links from TRS?

I am disappointed with MCFs bros already.


I am interested to know who are mentioned in the film. Got people like Tan Wah Piow who "siam" NS a not? [laugh]


But one cannot deny communism/left wing sympathizers in the path did create much problems back then.


If such objective views are not presented due to the dislike for PAP, then i guess MCF bros are the same level as TRS.



i think what is important today is that


1. singaporeans are more knowledgeable

2. more have travelled and seen the world

3. have access to many information

4. singaporeans have grown up and can make up their own mind or decision by reading both sides of the story

5. singaporeans are not stupid that they don't know what is right from wrong

6. many singaporeans today are more educated

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i like one of the comments by a reader...


if gahmen is so afraid of the coming back of communism ideology in singapore, then why import 1 million ah tiongs? they are after all from a communist country

Bcos they can b controlled by monies.

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To me it's just like a history lesson. I'm only curious to know. It lets ppl have a glimpse of what was it like, the politics back dan....compared to now. I think the more ppl try to censor the more ppl will try to dig out. Curiosity kills the cat eventually. LoL...



i dun think they can completely censor the film, only not allow to show it in the public cinema, many countries also dun allow to show certain type of movie, some even more ridiculous.


those people and event in fact were history, i believe singapore can judge the right or wrong of what happen then. Anyway words from those people can also consider one side of the story, i am only concern if more questions asked and certain truth could seriously hurt the racial stability of what it is today.


yes people are more mature, are they really? look at things happen on the road, car park, wedding, mrt, internet and the comments??

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It's not so much about TRS or dislike of PAP.

I think most people are discerning enough of what you read in Internet or TRS; whether they're spouting truth or a bunch of lies.


The problem is a nanny state PAP gahmen.


They don't think you're old enough to view porn or hear the other side of the coin which may be construed as anti-PAP.


After seeing the mess which the middle east has find itself in, now i understand why you need people like Col Gaddafi, Saddam and Mubarak to keep the population in line. The people there just aren't mature and educated enough to digest information objectively, and are easily swayed by internet rumours which may or may not be true.


As much as i hate censorship and stuff like that, my opinion is that a substantial number of Singaporeans are still not mature enough to analyse and think through whatever information that comes along and decide whether that information is true or false. Just look at the comments section in TOC/TRS etc. Easily half of them are rubbish comments. Even some of my friends on FB, when the kpkb about some new policies changes or things like that, they can't provide solid argument for why they are against such policies.


I have a feeling that whatever policies MDA churns out, is for those - for a lack of better word - less informed part of the population, who do may not be able to digest information in an objective matter.


In my opinion, if you're smart enough to know how and where to access the restricted information, you are probably "smart" enough to decide whether that information is true or false.

Edited by Shull
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In my opinion, if you're smart enough to know how and where to access the restricted information, you are probably "smart" enough to decide whether that information is true or false.



wrong, youngster now are smart enough to get pirate thing from anywhere, doesn't mean they know right or wrong.

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After seeing the mess which the middle east has find itself in, now i understand why you need people like Col Gaddafi, Saddam and Mubarak to keep the population in line. The people there just aren't mature and educated enough to digest information objectively, and are easily swayed by internet rumours which may or may not be true.


As much as i hate censorship and stuff like that, my opinion is that a substantial number of Singaporeans are still not mature enough to analyse and think through whatever information that comes along and decide whether that information is true or false.


I have a feeling that whatever policies MDA churns out, is for those - for a lack of better word - less informed part of the population, who do may not be able to digest information in an objective matter.


In my opinion, if you're smart enough to know how and where to access the restricted information, you are probably "smart" enough to decide whether that information is true or false.


Very well said bro. Just yesterday I was having a chat with my COO because we were a little uneasy about some of our subsidiaries in the countries near mid-east. We admitted that things were better when those "dictators" were in charge.


At least the Libyans had very good state welfare when Gaffadi called the shots..

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To me it's just like a history lesson. I'm only curious to know. It lets ppl have a glimpse of what was it like, the politics back dan....compared to now. I think the more ppl try to censor the more ppl will try to dig out. Curiosity kills the cat eventually. LoL...


Hahahaha , the more you tell people dun peep , all sure Kaypoh wanna see see look look.....and when

can see see look look all wanna touch liow.......

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wrong, youngster now are smart enough to get pirate thing from anywhere, doesn't mean they know right or wrong.


Well, how many of these youngsters are even remotely interested in politics, let alone issues which threaten our national security.


I mean, when i was a 14yo boy who just got broadband access at home, all i'm interested on the internet is playing CS and downloading mp3s.


Very well said bro. Just yesterday I was having a chat with my COO because we were a little uneasy about some of our subsidiaries in the countries near mid-east. We admitted that things were better when those "dictators" were in charge.


At least the Libyans had very good state welfare when Gaffadi called the shots..


And you don't have crazy radicals going around cutting people's heads off just because they belong to a different religious sect.

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Very well said bro. Just yesterday I was having a chat with my COO because we were a little uneasy about some of our subsidiaries in the countries near mid-east. We admitted that things were better when those "dictators" were in charge.


At least the Libyans had very good state welfare when Gaffadi called the shots..

Then what O are you? CPO (chief porn officer)? 😂

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The TRS link was just to highlight the hilarity of CNA having to change their story topic. The link had evidence of the edits.


Regarding these exiles, I have no opinion cos I cannot watch the movie. Or more like I haven't watched the movie..yet.

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Well, how many of these youngsters are even remotely interested in politics, let alone issues which threaten our national security.


I mean, when i was a 14yo boy who just got broadband access at home, all i'm interested on the internet is playing CS and downloading mp3s.


And you don't have crazy radicals going around cutting people's heads off just because they belong to a different religious sect.


Sorry lah. I really a bit dulan today. LOL. [laugh]

Bro, you know my sec sch nephew is sharing how many TRS links a day on his FB? Kids are taking TRS as the gospel truth. I told him umpteen times to build up the habit of reading Straits Times first thing in the morning. The last straw is that day I brought him to RWS, then he suddenly want to talk about politics. Then he told me Lee Kuan Yew is a despot who anyhow "lock up people for political gains" and the "communists threat is faked by PAP". If he's not my nephew, he would have gotten a tight slap from me.


I calmly told him when he got home, ask his mum, who was from Malaysia, on how their parents suffered under the communists insurgency.


It is a worrying trend. How to convince kids? How many bros here grew up during turbulent times, or have parents who lived through those unstable times?


I was abit pissed with TRS not only because they milking the emotions of people and earning from Singaporeans affected by PAP policies, they are also banning those who tried to reason with their flaw one-sided articles. I was banned by them when I questioned TRS about Tan Wah Piow. What the fiak?


That's why when you read TRS FB comments, everything is totally lop-sided. From a broader view, how would foreigners view Singapore when they read TRS comments? And as many bros pointed out, not everyone has critical thinking skills...

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Sorry lah. I really a bit dulan today. LOL. [laugh]

Bro, you know my sec sch nephew is sharing how many TRS links a day on his FB? Kids are taking TRS as the gospel truth. I told him umpteen times to build up the habit of reading Straits Times first thing in the morning. The last straw is that day I brought him to RWS, then he suddenly want to talk about politics. Then he told me Lee Kuan Yew is a despot who anyhow "lock up people for political gains" and the "communists threat is faked by PAP". If he's not my nephew, he would have gotten a tight slap from me.





how to slap if he is other people?? you should give him 2 tight slap him since he is you nephew right?

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Sorry lah. I really a bit dulan today. LOL. [laugh]

Bro, you know my sec sch nephew is sharing how many TRS links a day on his FB? Kids are taking TRS as the gospel truth. I told him umpteen times to build up the habit of reading Straits Times first thing in the morning. The last straw is that day I brought him to RWS, then he suddenly want to talk about politics. Then he told me Lee Kuan Yew is a despot who anyhow "lock up people for political gains" and the "communists threat is faked by PAP". If he's not my nephew, he would have gotten a tight slap from me.


I calmly told him when he got home, ask his mum, who was from Malaysia, on how their parents suffered under the communists insurgency.


It is a worrying trend. How to convince kids? How many bros here grew up during turbulent times, or have parents who lived through those unstable times?


I was abit pissed with TRS not only because they milking the emotions of people and earning from Singaporeans affected by PAP policies, they are also banning those who tried to reason with their flaw one-sided articles. I was banned by them when I questioned TRS about Tan Wah Piow. What the fiak?


That's why when you read TRS FB comments, everything is totally lop-sided. From a broader view, how would foreigners view Singapore when they read TRS comments? And as many bros pointed out, not everyone has critical thinking skills...


My thoughts too. But again, our MSM is not exactly objective too. Well, they're better than say, 15-20 years ago where it's very obvious that they're govt mouthpiece that only report on what the govt tell them to. At least now they have been covering both side of the fence, although still abit biased to the white side.


That is why my morning routine is to read BBC, CNN, Al-jazeera(for non-western biased opinions) for world news. AsiaOne & CNA for local news. Between our local news website, i feel AsiaOne has the least biased coverage, although they're still part of SPH.

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My thoughts too. But again, our MSM is not exactly objective too. Well, they're better than say, 15-20 years ago where it's very obvious that they're govt mouthpiece that only report on what the govt tell them to. At least now they have been covering both side of the fence, although still abit biased to the white side.


That is why my morning routine is to read BBC, CNN, Al-jazeera(for non-western biased opinions) for world news. AsiaOne & CNA for local news. Between our local news website, i feel AsiaOne has the least biased coverage, although they're still part of SPH.


tbh, ST is getting better in recent years...if one read them daily can sense their slant. Reading ST has been a habit for me for X years already. Hard to change old people's habits lah. [blush] Ppl these days can read from tablet. I cannot leh. I need to flip the pages! I read Businss Times when im in office cos got subscription


But my favourite is Today which is a bit more liberal in their reporting but ley chey leh..Have to walk a distance to get that paper :D


If only CNA got publish newspaper, i will surely read it too!


as for intl news, I usually read SCMP, WSJ and Jerusalem post.


budden hor, how many Singaporeans are as hardworking as you read so many publications daily? [thumbsup]

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how to slap if he is other people?? you should give him 2 tight slap him since he is you nephew right?


I was unable to make up my mind whether to give him 2 tight slaps or throw him into the tank to feed the manta rays. [laugh][blush]

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I was unable to make up my mind whether to give him 2 tight slaps or throw him into the tank to feed the manta rays. [laugh][blush]

The Sh it Times is one of the worst to read. Even CNBC and Bloomberg are censored if you stream from Starhub.

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