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SKC8838B - douchebag


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The consolation from this incident is that it may have saved both the TS and Merc a speeding ticket . The flyover there is hotspot for white ants. I think this stretch is 50 kmh cos its slip road joining Braddell Rd. Both were way over 50kmh before the stunts happened.

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yes i agree that my son shouldn't have been on the right lane in the first place but alas, we were astounded by the sheer lack of safety portrayed by the merc. my issue is drivers who sternly believe that a 'tit for tat' attitude is the SOP for driving in SG. i just find that slightly disturbing. i shudder to think what the progression of such a mentality would result in. certainly not safer roads.

No one here agree to what the Merc driver did was right.


What people are questioning is the intention of your first post and content that seems to have fabricated to show not the entire truth..


Some people call it convenient. Because they see only the main point..


while others, call it a lie...


what people see at the end of the day does not matter.


What matter at the end of the day is if your conscience is clear.


I do agree with people that "edited" video like this does not show the entire truth and does not prove justice to the Merc as the number plate is forever online..


Edited by Knoobie
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Put it that way ..... how often do we get hoggers that automatically keep away from Lane 1. If they do, there will be no more hoggers.


More often, we get drivers that would hog lane 1 and even if you "high beamed" them, they simply bo chap and will continue to hog the lane. They are so thick skinned and felt that they have done nothing wrong. In their opinion, they pay for road tax and they can drive in whatever way they want.


As someone posted, even if you are driving at 200km/h on the NSHW, if someone is driving faster than you are, they would filter left.


By the way, I find Taxi ... one of the mostguilty road hoggers on our roads.

Edited by Civic6228
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check out this merc c180 who just cut in front of my son (unprovoked) and started dangerously hogging all the lanes. singapore really has some of the best drivers out there. fast forward 22sec. i added the whole video to show that it was unprovoked and the SKC 8838 B driver was just being a bully for no reason.


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There was nothing wrong with what the merc did. As you can see that your son slowed down nearing the top of the flyover, and the merc didnt (guess he was rushing). At the top, there were the signs point right and he realised that he needed to move right. Next it was another bent, he had to brake hard because the road was heading downwards. He almost lost control and had to do some corrections especially seeing those heavy vehicles in front..... end of video. :D

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yes i agree that some honesty would be ideal, and that editing this video to make it seem like the merc's at fault is definitely an option.



Since you agree honesty would be ideal,


please go ahead and post the full unedited video.



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Since you agree honesty would be ideal,


please go ahead and post the full unedited video.




hahaha this is at least the 3rd time u telling him to post unedited video... trust me.. he won't.


*yes... its a challenge!

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Since you agree honesty would be ideal,


please go ahead and post the full unedited video.





i oso wonder how come the "son" who is old enough to drive still needs daddy to edit and post video for him on a forum?

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Since you agree honesty would be ideal,


please go ahead and post the full unedited video.




*Swah Lar* ... *Swah Lar* ... The Prata drop on the floor already ... Giff Chance ... [laugh]

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*Swah Lar* ... *Swah Lar* ... The Prata drop on the floor already ... Giff Chance ... [laugh]


Haha! Prata shop dun waste one, they will just take the prata off the floor,

use his sarong to wipe wipe a bit and the put on a plate and serve the customer.

Extra flavour taste very good.


I was in a prata shop many years ago and there was a fly in my teh terik. The aunty took it back

and pass to the lady behind, with my own eyes I say the lady at the back dig the fly out with her

fingers and pass the tea back to the aunty.


The aunty saw me looking and kept pushing the cup back to

the lady behind and she kept pushing and then she saw me looking

and I started to laugh and they started to laugh.


Eventually I got a fresh cup but if I didn't see . . .


So drop on the floor and no one see, it will be served to the customer.



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Haha! Prata shop dun waste one, they will just take the prata off the floor,

use his sarong to wipe wipe a bit and the put on a plate and serve the customer.

Extra flavour taste very good.


I was in a prata shop many years ago and there was a fly in my teh terik. The aunty took it back

and pass to the lady behind, with my own eyes I say the lady at the back dig the fly out with her

fingers and pass the tea back to the aunty.


The aunty saw me looking and kept pushing the cup back to

the lady behind and she kept pushing and then she saw me looking

and I started to laugh and they started to laugh.


Eventually I got a fresh cup but if I didn't see . . .


So drop on the floor and no one see, it will be served to the customer.




wa gross. but hey, sometimes thats how they get the unique flavours in their food. [sly]

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hahaha this is at least the 3rd time u telling him to post unedited video... trust me.. he won't.


*yes... its a challenge!

challenge accepted! hahaha i know it's all in good fun. video will be uploaded within the hour. stay tuned ...


btw, as i mentioned before, you will see that our vehicle kept to the extreme left lane until going up the flyover, where we momentarily kept to the right until the merc suddenly cut in front. we then kept left all the way but he decided to swerve about dangerously. so we kept our distance out of fear. and trust me, the merc wasn't braking because there was a 'bend'. it's blatantly obvious that he was trying to bully us into braking as well. i applaud those who think this wasn't an act of utter childishness.

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challenge accepted! hahaha i know it's all in good fun. video will be uploaded within the hour. stay tuned ...


btw, as i mentioned before, you will see that our vehicle kept to the extreme left lane until going up the flyover, where we momentarily kept to the right until the merc suddenly cut in front. we then kept left all the way but he decided to swerve about dangerously. so we kept our distance out of fear. and trust me, the merc wasn't braking because there was a 'bend'. it's blatantly obvious that he was trying to bully us into braking as well. i applaud those who think this wasn't an act of utter childishness.




my stand before your video comes out...


merc - 100% arse... deserve to be punished.. personally cannot condone risking lives becoz too precious


your son - for blocking merc from over taking... only he himself knows its intentional or not...

if its not intentional... its bobo

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