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This is what happens when all the bus drivers are FTs. The bus driver could have just let him board instead of waiting till the police to come and tell him that he should let the guy board...

Rules are rules, and in this case it may protect the bus driver if accident were to happen. The said incident was the bus already out of the bus bay and stopped in front of the traffic light. If the bus driver allows passengers to alight and board outside of designated area, anything happen to the passenger may implicate the driver.  

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This is what happens when all the bus drivers are FTs. The bus driver could have just let him board instead of waiting till the police to come and tell him that he should let the guy board...


What's this gotta do with FT?


If I am the bus company, I will refuse to let him board even if the police says he can board. Since when police got such authority? 

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still yaya and talk about cina this cina that!!!!!


go back to your country lah!!!


and that MIB just walked away? They should apprehend that cina man back to police station for holding up public transport.

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What's this gotta do with FT?


If I am the bus company, I will refuse to let him board even if the police says he can board. Since when police got such authority? 


I thought enye mention the bus driver is FT. I notice the FT drivers always in a rush to leave the bus stop. The local drivers wait longer at bus stop but drive faster and more recklessly on the road.

Rules are rules, and in this case it may protect the bus driver if accident were to happen. The said incident was the bus already out of the bus bay and stopped in front of the traffic light. If the bus driver allows passengers to alight and board outside of designated area, anything happen to the passenger may implicate the driver.  


Couldn't see if the bus outside of bus bay ma. Plus the police allowed the guy to board, so I assumed it is allowed. 

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I thought enye mention the bus driver is FT. I notice the FT drivers always in a rush to leave the bus stop. The local drivers wait longer at bus stop but drive faster and more recklessly on the road.


Couldn't see if the bus outside of bus bay ma. Plus the police allowed the guy to board, so I assumed it is allowed. 


think you really need to brush up on your reading and interpretation skills


since when did i mention bus driver is an ft?



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think you really need to brush up on your reading and interpretation skills


since when did i mention bus driver is an ft?




Interpreted wrongly la. Cuz I thought everyone talking about the bus driver since the police agreed with the man and let him board.

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Interpreted wrongly la. Cuz I thought everyone talking about the bus driver since the police agreed with the man and let him board.


Our police force is weak and incompetent la.


You need to read the story.....

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Dont understand why the bus driver allows the FT to board the bus- is this the precedent for future commuter to stand in front of the bus and stop the bus from moving just to board. WTF


If you miss the bus- wait for the next bus- what is the big issue? everybody experienced it- miss then just wait for next one-.


If this is a given mentality that FT can dictate and quote their Cina culture- here- really it will not take long this place will be turn upside down.

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mata bo lumpar


i will usually give credit to our police officers for doing their job.  but in this case i think the officers attending the case completely missed the point.  


it's not about allowing the passenger to board the bus and close the case.  it's about the culprit creating a nuisance (or even danger) in public in order to achieve his selfish objective.  it's the responsibility of the police to advice the culprit that this is not an acceptable way of life here. by asking the bus driver to allow the culprit to board the bus, the police is sending a message to the culprit (and anyone who's reading about this incident) that this is a perfectly acceptable behaviour.  and human nature is such that anything that's not explicitly disallowed is implicitly encouraged, i.e. this culprit will definitely carry on such behaviour in future to get what he wants.

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