Ryu 5th Gear September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 last week during a casual chat with colleague, I remarked that all men only have a few key interests 1) cars 2) women 3) electronic/IT gadgets 4) watches not surprising that car forum has a lot of banter about women and to a lesser extent electronic/IT gadgets and watches. Women also only have a few key interests: 1) shopping 2) shopping 3) shopping 4) shopping ↡ Advertisement Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acemundo Supercharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Women also only have a few key interests: 1) shopping 2) shopping 3) shopping 4) shopping haha I think women got 1 main interest - shopping and the sub-interest would be 1) shopping for bags 2) shopping for shoes 3) shopping for clothes 4) shopping for any other category 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
2BDriver Hypersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Women also only have a few key interests: 1) shopping 2) shopping 3) shopping 4) shopping 5) facial 6) hair styling 7) nails decoration 8) massage Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super7 Turbocharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 haha I think women got 1 main interest - shopping and the sub-interest would be 1) shopping for bags 2) shopping for shoes 3) shopping for clothes 4) shopping for any other category They also critique other women's dresses n make up! Taking long time to parallel park, counted as interest? 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Super7 Turbocharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 last week during a casual chat with colleague, I remarked that all men only have a few key interests 1) cars 2) women 3) electronic/IT gadgets 4) watches not surprising that car forum has a lot of banter about women and to a lesser extent electronic/IT gadgets and watches. Also soccer matches! Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little_prince Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 I dislike this thread :( 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baal Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 haha I think women got 1 main interest - shopping and the sub-interest would be 1) shopping for bags 2) shopping for shoes 3) shopping for clothes 4) shopping for any other category and always saying i got nothing to wear... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thaiyotakamli Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Now we all talk about woman Isnt that sexual reference?? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
2BDriver Hypersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 Now we all talk about woman Isnt that sexual reference?? AWARE is not aware of any sexual special references 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voodooman Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 (edited) I find the tiko posts in MCF largely tolerable (not SBF definitely) although posting XXX pictures should lead to an immediate suspension or ban. This is however a car forum and we are all adults, so a few tiko jokes here and there should be fine. The current level of moderation done by the mods are about right, IMHO. I however find increasing numbers of irrelevant or OT posts (sometimes over pages) by the same old same old group of posters clustering up a perfectly interesting thread. This may disencourage other readers from following the thread and we end up with less participation, less relevant views and less info that could have been shared. But I realize it can't be helped, so we live with it. Too much control and there is going to be more "collateral" damages than benefits. For those asking to ban this ban that, please go to some .gov.sg or .mothertheresa.god.com site. Don't like, just ignore or dislike (self regulate tool), we don't need another "U-turn allowed only if there is a U-turn sign" type of forum, SPH can write off its investment if they make this a totally sanitized site. Edited September 4, 2014 by Voodooman 12 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baal Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 I find the tiko posts in MCF largely tolerable (not SBF definitely) although posting XXX pictures should lead to an immediate suspension or ban. This is however a car forum and we are all adults, so a few tiko jokes here and there should be fine. The current level of moderation done by the mods are about right, IMHO. I however find increasing numbers of irrelevant or OT posts (sometimes over pages) by the same old same old group of posters clustering up a perfectly interesting thread. This may disencourage other readers from following the thread and we end up with less participation, less relevant views and less info that could have been shared. But I realize it can't be helped, so we live with it. Too much control and there is going to be more "collateral" damages than benefits. For those asking to ban this ban that, please go to some .gov.sg or .mothertheresa.god.com site. Don't like, just ignore or dislike (self regulate tool), we don't need another "U-turn allowed only if there is a U-turn sign" type of forum, SPH can write off its investment if they make this a totally sanitized site. i 2nd that. Now we all talk about woman Isnt that sexual reference?? its reverence... 3 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baal Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 haha actually, I was not any bit affected or annoyed by the dislike, just want to share the level of "enforcement". Like when we share the speed camera limit information of KPE & MCE. Have participated in this forum for the past years is because, it allow flow of ideas, best practices and information on trivial stuff, mechanical stuff to social behaviours etc. Agreed that sometimes we purposely stray out of topic....but many times it seems like to diffuse more heated exchanges on passionate topics. Nonetheless, we should use more clean humour. after joining a mth or 2, this was what I observed. Which is a positive thing. Just give if that is the way you live your life. For me, I will never give dislike points. I respect each others' posting. If I don't like a thread or a post, I just don't read it, that's all. not to mention, theres the function in preferences. 2 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sabian Turbocharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 (edited) Foot brakes sometimes pump a few times become stiffer and harder, think will work better when the fluid fill up the system. But I heard cannot too long never release the fluid, not so good for the system. So must service regularly. Full service including labour usually more than $100 each time, even when we bring our own lube. Sometimes they like recommend extra thing to service so can earn more. Always have to resist the temptation to those upgrades. Or else have to bargain real hard to get a good price. Good workshop hard to find. Good quality service at reasonable price. Jizz. Like that also kena docked 30 points? I lol at the tongue in cheek post but didn't realise you kena -30 points. Like some witch hunt now...courtesy of Aware. Edited September 4, 2014 by Sabian Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voodooman Supersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 I couldn't agree more with the Admin! I, for one, pledge to adopt a morally rigid and upright stance, stand erect of bearing and aim to penetrate every loophole that the opponents of decency can conceive of. Mere lip service will do no longer. We must all strive to take our Admin's concerns well in hand. May all our intercourse be safe for minors and gentlefolk from here onwards. MCF will become a whole new ball game from now on. Rigid, erect, penetrate, hole, lip, intercourse, ball..... Excellent post. :D Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Bear Turbocharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 copy and paste I also know.................lai.............tianmo give you ...........弟子规........... [laugh] 弟子规圣人训。首孝悌次谨信。泛爱众而亲仁。有余力则学文。 【入则孝】 父母呼应勿缓父母命行勿懒父母教须敬听父母责须顺承。 冬则温夏则清晨则省昏则定。出必告反必面居有常业无变。 事虽小勿擅为苟擅为子道亏。物虽小勿私藏苟私藏亲心伤。 亲所好力为具亲所恶谨为去。身有伤贻亲忧德有伤贻亲羞。 亲爱我孝何难亲憎我孝方贤。亲有过谏使更怡吾色柔吾声。 谏不入悦复谏号泣随挞无怨。亲有疾药先尝昼夜侍不离床。 丧三年常悲咽居处变酒肉绝。丧尽礼祭尽诚事死者如事生。 【出则弟】 兄道友弟道恭兄弟睦孝在中。财物轻怨何生言语忍忿自泯。 或饮食或坐走长者先幼者后。长呼人即代叫人不在己即到。 称尊长勿呼名对尊长勿见能。路遇长。疾趋揖长无言退恭立。 骑下马乘下车过犹待百步余。长者立幼勿坐长者坐命乃坐。 尊长前声妻低低不闻却非宜。近必趋退必迟问起对视勿移。 事诸父如事父事诸兄如事兄。 【谨】 朝起早夜眠迟老易至惜此时。晨必盥兼漱口便溺回辄净手。 冠必正纽必结袜与履俱紧切。置冠服有定位勿乱顿致污秽。 衣贵洁不贵华上循分下称象。对饮食勿拣择食适可勿过则。 年方少勿饮酒饮酒醉最为丑。步从容立端正揖深圆拜恭敬。 勿践阈勿跛倚勿箕踞勿摇髀。缓揭帘勿有声宽转弯勿触棱。 执虚嘉如执盈入虚室如有人。事勿忙忙多错勿畏难勿轻略。 斗闹场绝勿近邪僻事绝勿问。将入门问孰存将上堂声必扬。 人问谁对以名吾与我不分明。用人物须明求倘不问即为偷。 借人物及时还后有急借不难。 【信】 凡出言信为先诈与妄奚可焉话说多不如少惟其是勿佞巧。 奸巧语秽污词市井气切戒之。见未真勿轻言知未的勿轻传。 事非宜勿轻诺苟轻诺进退错。凡道字重且舒勿急疾勿模糊。 彼说长此说短不关己莫闲管。见人善即思齐纵去远以渐跻。 见人恶即内省有则改无加警。唯德学唯才艺不如人当自砺。 若衣服若饮食不如人勿生戚。闻过怒闻誉乐损友来益友却。 闻誉恐闻过欣直谅士渐相亲。无心非名为错有心非名为恶。 过能改归于无倘掩饰增一辜。 【泛爱众】 凡是人皆须爱天同覆地同载。行高者名自高人所重非貌高。 才大者望自大人所服非言大。己有能勿自私人所能勿轻訾。 勿谄富勿骄贫勿厌故勿喜新。人不闲勿事搅人不安勿话扰。 人有短切莫揭人有私切莫说。道人善即是善人知之愈思勉。 扬人恶既是恶疾之甚祸且作。善相劝德皆建过不规道两亏。 凡取与贵分晓与宜多取宜少。将加人先问己己不欲即速已。 恩欲报怨欲忘。报怨短报恩长。待婢仆身贵端虽贵端慈而宽。 势服人心不然理服人方无言。 【亲仁】 同是人类不齐流俗众仁者希。果仁者人多畏言不讳色不媚。 能亲仁无限好德日进过日少。不亲仁无限害小人进百事坏。 【余力学文】 不力行但学文长浮华成何人但力行不学文任己见昧理真。 读书法有三到心眼口信皆要。方读此勿慕彼此未终彼勿起。 宽为限紧用功工夫到滞塞通。心有疑随札记就人问求确义。 房室清墙壁净几案洁笔砚正。墨磨偏。心不端字不敬心先病。 列典籍有定处读看毕还原处。虽有急卷束齐有缺坏就补之。 非圣书屏勿视敝聪明坏心志。勿自暴勿自弃圣与贤可驯致。 I give you MCF 经 没有钱 不要借 买汽车 现款清 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tianmo Hypersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 I give you MCF 经 没有钱 不要借 买汽车 现款清 this one you copy and paste from T2............dont bluff me hor............ [laugh] Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Bear Turbocharged September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 (edited) this one you copy and paste from T2............dont bluff me hor............ [laugh] No hor...this one is MCF's long standing motto....T2 wld be 劳力士 满街是 擦桌子 不可耻 东指指 西指指 腕上脉表永不止 Edited September 4, 2014 by Bavarian 5 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tianmo Hypersonic September 4, 2014 Share September 4, 2014 No hor...this one is MCF's long standing motto....T2 wld be 劳力士 满街是 擦桌子 不可耻 Ok you win......... .............. [laugh] ↡ Advertisement 1 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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