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Reunite with Malaysia


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Signal light even easier. If your signal flashes abnormally fast, then one of the bulbs has blown.



You noob la. I always check my brake lights using this method lol



That's what u think lor.. I can only see the light from the bus blinding me.😁😁😁


Yeah I noob. My car no black film mah. [sly]

MIne doesn't. Unique. [laugh]



U sure Urs don't??? Or never spoilt before u don't know.


It is a standard fixture in all vehicle Leh.

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hmm....we do have a number of miw who are/were Malaysians.....was it planned this way?



If they want the SGD, sooner or later the value will drop..


In 1965, when Singapore gain independence, the value of SGD vs RM is 1:1.. look at where it is at now..


The only condition for re-union is, capital move to Singapore, federal govt in Singapore, our govt in control for the initial phase.


If it happens, i will sarpork PAP.. [:p]


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and we shall call it Singalaysia. quite a nice name right?




Shdn't it be rebranded as SINGAPORE 2.0?

Reunite with Msai?






Why no F**K Pakatan Rakyat?


Or F**K Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohamad Hasan?

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it seems it is not a remote possibility


now in order not to be too outstanding, can anybody here recommend where to "potong"




PS: cut and NOT chop

Edited by DavidOh
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Always say Singapore join with Malaysia,


what about Brunei? Why always left them out?


They will be lonely. Why Msia no care about Brunei?



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They sure want to Reunite ....... :ph34r:




we have the best Uni in SEA

we have the best hospitals in SEA

our currency is strongest in SEA

our education system best in SEA

our CPF richest in SEA

our vehicle cost highest in SEA

our fines most in SEA

our mistake is always a honest mistakes in SEA

our transport system, best in SEA

we Stomp more then the rest in SEA

our ERP's most in SEA




Singapura Boleh!


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I'm hoping for China to come out and claim Singapore is part of their territory and convert Singapore into a China S.A.R.


Malaysia? No way.

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Always say Singapore join with Malaysia,


what about Brunei? Why always left them out?


They will be lonely. Why Msia no care about Brunei?




Brunei also muslim country mah. So they fren fren lor.

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I'm hoping for China to come out and claim Singapore is part of their territory and convert Singapore into a China S.A.R.


Malaysia? No way.


Singapore not part of China meh? :huh:


Tan Ah Teck always say in the "Southern-most part of China... ..." With more than 1 million PRCs in Singapore, I thought we are already part of the big family. No?

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NS highway will have ERPs.

Msia registered cars will need COE

MPF can only get money at 65 max with min sum raise to M$161k

Danga Bay will be Danga Road as we also reclaim land until merged.

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Borneo island will be disintegrated either independent or absorded into Indonesia map


Brunei oil probably is going to dry up


The MH370 and MH17 might be a conspiracy


Malaysia can continue to dream on, they can't even solve it's domestic skirmishes with the Philippines rebel or Sulu Sultanate


Every time we read Malaysia or Indonesia wanted us to be part of them, why not they be part of us instead?

Edited by Dfx16
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Wow....if this happens, no one will remember how our Pioneers leaders fight hard for our independence n our National Day will be 31/8.....anyway, I won't be around to witness it.

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Brunei also muslim country mah. So they fren fren lor.


Fren fren must invite them to join leh.


They only want rival to join them?



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