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Upgrade to EC


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  On 8/20/2014 at 2:55 AM, Feudallordcult said:

Am I being kiasi or simply being realistic/financially prudent? I'd like to think of it as the latter. Some may even say that this is the classical case of 'sour grapes' owing to my adamant refusal to move on/change. Everyone is entitled to their opinon. End of the day: It's my money.


I adhere to this rule in life: The environment will NEVER adapt to suit you. You MUST either adapt or be phased out, that is the truth. No two-ways about it. When I was in Cambodia some years back, I saw a 4yr old boy with his family looking for stuff (I have no idea what!) in a mountain of trash (yes, really a mountain!) I stood from a distance and watched...there was NOT a tinge of anger or resentment amongst the family members and there were also several families scavenging for stuff (really quite a sight to behold). The smell was simply horrendous and I'm cocksure they felt the same way under the scorching sun...but life has to go on. Is Pol Pot going to crawl out of HELL and say to this family: I am sorry for causing the genocide and the hardship u & yr families r gg through? In retrospect, anyone in sillypore kena forced to upgrade to private housing like EC/condo owing to external pressure (Wife's constant nagging not counted hor)? Pls share cos I would really like to hear about how one can be 'coerced' into upgrading.


I look at some of my old buddies who are still in the legal & banking industries, do I envy them during gatherings? Yes of course! for the condo penthhouse they stay in, exotic cars they drive, the XMMs (local somemore!) they date and the wondrous AP ROO watches they don. Are they truly happy? NO. Many of them hate themselves and their lifestyles, endless travelling, 24-7 on standby, hp must be on and the list goes on. Can they opt out of the ratrace? Unfortunately cannot cos everything all on installment. Even the XMMs also on installment...go figure. Housing and car loans alone already enuff to maim and even possibly kill.


So am I kiasi or just acting out of financial prudence? I would admit a bit of both. My first job was in a law firm and I celebrated my 25th & 26th b'day as well as X'mas eve in the High Court with my senior partners and the Judge. Luckily the DC was also in the Courtroom to keep me company. Then I moved on to bank and kena arrow London market so whilst I worked, my family was asleep. That went on for three years, gained 15kg cos it's work,eat,sleep & repeat. The money was definitely wonderful but my life was in pieces. Got the life to earn BUT must also have the life to spend. Back then, if I had committed to a condo, think I would still be in the bank now.


So do I feel contented now? God has been extremely kind to me so I definitely cannot complain that life is no good. I sleep with a peaceful mind on a queen size bed not having to worry abt the loans I have to service. Is being contented synonymous with kiasi? To some, maybe but to each his own. At the end of the day, staying in my teeny-weeny hdb flat and be happy with family is of paramount importance to me. To trade my flat for EC/condo, start another HUGE loan and be compelled to change my daily meals to plain rice with light soy sauce, why would I want that? Others may beg to differ but that's your problem.


so jialat meh, your rich friends?


many materially rich ppl i know are also very happy with their lives. Not because of the big houses or fanciful cars they own. But because they have a happy family, good friends, good health and God in their hearts.


so i believe it's not your job, salary or how financially prudent you are that makes you happy

  On 8/20/2014 at 3:32 AM, TVT said:


Do you think these "doing well" friends will admit n confess that they "hate themselves and their lifestyle" ??


bring u one corner and smash their ROO on the ground with tears streaming down their faces, then confess that they secretly hate all the things they bought with their money that was earned working 100 hours a week in an investment bank

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:33 AM, Wyfitms said:


so jialat meh, your rich friends?


many materially rich ppl i know are also very happy with their lives. Not because of the big houses or fanciful cars they own. But because they have a happy family, good friends, good health and God in their hearts.


so i believe it's not your job, salary or how financially prudent you are that makes you happy


Actually whether you are rich or poor, you are never free of problems.


Rich people also have their problems and worries. And usually their problems/worries cannot be solved by money. This is what I gather from people I know who are well off.


End of the day, be contented and live happily is the best.


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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:32 AM, TVT said:


Do you think these "doing well" friends will admit n confess that they "hate themselves and their lifestyle" ??



maybe his frens listened to too much of this:


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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:32 AM, TVT said:


Do you think these "doing well" friends will admit n confess that they "hate themselves and their lifestyle" ??


Just a thought... it seems like quite a number of people here thinks that people who do well in life mostly hate themselves and their lifestyle.Those people not doing well are happy and blissful people?

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:41 AM, Rickster said:


Just a thought... it seems like quite a number of people here thinks that people who do well in life mostly hate themselves and their lifestyle.Those people not doing well are happy and blissful people?


Not really. As I have mentioned, everyone has its own problems, whether rich or poor.


Its a matter of "you see me good, I see you good".

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:17 AM, Soya said:

did ur frens who are doing well really said they "hate themselves and their lifestyles"? or is it something u imagined in your kiasi mind?


that's a really good one! I was really laughing upon reading this. I do concede that not all of them hate themselves but amongst the five close buddies, all of them hate their job scope despite being extremely well-remunerated. So I suppose you have a gungho/commando/navy seal midset in just abt every decision/purchase u make? well, good for you then.


And whilst I do look back upon my decisions in departing company with the law firm and subsequently the private bank, I never did regret the move. granted that I could have made so much more $ but do I really need to have private housing, XMMs to date (still pondering), exotic cars to drive and APs to wear?


Some people are so poor cos all they have is money.

If there's ever a decision I regret in making, it would be the purchase of a dumb sea-dweller in 2007. cannot fathom the stupidity or rationale in me that led me to spend so much in a stupid watch when I could always rely on my nokia hp to tell me the time. For crying out loud, I dun even dive so why would i freaking need a dive watch?!

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I believe these people are not the real rich ones (yet). Yes, they may be earning a lot, but also have a lot of commitments to keep up with the lifestyles and Joneses.


As long as you need to slog day in day out to keep up your lifestyles, you are not rich. Just a slave albielt with higher income than the rest of the population.


The true rich are rare. They need not work, but income just flow in.


  On 8/20/2014 at 3:34 AM, Wyfitms said:


so jialat meh, your rich friends?


many materially rich ppl i know are also very happy with their lives. Not because of the big houses or fanciful cars they own. But because they have a happy family, good friends, good health and God in their hearts.


so i believe it's not your job, salary or how financially prudent you are that makes you happy


bring u one corner and smash their ROO on the ground with tears streaming down their faces, then confess that they secretly hate all the things they bought with their money that was earned working 100 hours a week in an investment bank


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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:32 AM, Vegas said:



1.What is the avg PSF price for this lakeview?


2. why buy EC when cannot hold on to hdb? i would have thought holding on to HDB and own a private condo for rental yield may be more attractive?

If stay private and rent out hdb then rental yield could be 8 to 10%.


If stay hdb and rent private then rental yield about 4%.


Just estimated

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wah ... the rental yield for hdb sibei awesome [thumbsup]


  On 8/20/2014 at 3:55 AM, Yaloryalor said:

If stay private and rent out hdb then rental yield could be 8 to 10%.

If stay hdb and rent private then rental yield about 4%.

Just estimated


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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:50 AM, Kangadrool said:

I believe these people are not the real rich ones (yet). Yes, they may be earning a lot, but also have a lot of commitments to keep up with the lifestyles and Joneses.


As long as you need to slog day in day out to keep up your lifestyles, you are not rich. Just a slave albielt with higher income than the rest of the population.


The true rich are rare. They need not work, but income just flow in.




Yes, exactly.

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:58 AM, Wt_know said:

wah ... the rental yield for hdb sibei awesome [thumbsup]


Example if HDB was bought at $300k, rent out for $2.5k per mth. Yield already 10%. Achievable.


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  On 8/20/2014 at 4:00 AM, Roadrunner2029 said:

Nothing wrong with wanting to improve one's life. Humans live on hope. The question is ... how does moving to EC immediately equates to improving lifestyle ? There are many popular and realistic factors that could improve lifestyle, better living space, better surroundings, better commute to work, better commute to school, near to desired amenities etc. If the EC in question provides all these, then sure. If moving to EC means smaller living space, far from work, far from school, .... where is the quality of life you are talking about ?




Agree, we all need hope to progress.


Also, quality of life means different things to people. Its not about housing size and location = good lifestyle. Lol, to some, good life means living in the mountains, fresh air, organic food, no stress, no noise.


I for one, do not like to stay landed. To me, shifting from a HDB flat right smack in the town center to a landed property with limited amenities and direct MRT access = a downgrade of quality of life... To most Singaporeans.. I'm just out of my mind. :D:D:D

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  On 8/20/2014 at 5:00 AM, Rickster said:


Agree, we all need hope to progress.


Also, quality of life means different things to people. Its not about housing size and location = good lifestyle. Lol, to some, good life means living in the mountains, fresh air, organic food, no stress, no noise.


I for one, do not like to stay landed. To me, shifting from a HDB flat right smack in the town center to a landed property with limited amenities and direct MRT access = a downgrade of quality of life... To most Singaporeans.. I'm just out of my mind. :D:D:D


Yup. Its all up to individual. Whether stay in the mountains (all alone with fresh air), or in HDB (in conventiently located town centre) or a bungalow out in a rural place (but with an expensive car), there are pros and cons. Its how to adapt to it and enjoy it.


There is no right or wrong. Its all in your mind. [:)]

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  On 8/20/2014 at 4:50 AM, Wt_know said:

buy $300k, fully paid up at $425k (at least)


so, should use $300k or $425k to calculate the yield?


425k la.

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  On 8/20/2014 at 2:55 AM, Feudallordcult said:

Am I being kiasi or simply being realistic/financially prudent? I'd like to think of it as the latter. Some may even say that this is the classical case of 'sour grapes' owing to my adamant refusal to move on/change. Everyone is entitled to their opinon. End of the day: It's my money.


I adhere to this rule in life: The environment will NEVER adapt to suit you. You MUST either adapt or be phased out, that is the truth. No two-ways about it. When I was in Cambodia some years back, I saw a 4yr old boy with his family looking for stuff (I have no idea what!) in a mountain of trash (yes, really a mountain!) I stood from a distance and watched...there was NOT a tinge of anger or resentment amongst the family members and there were also several families scavenging for stuff (really quite a sight to behold). The smell was simply horrendous and I'm cocksure they felt the same way under the scorching sun...but life has to go on. Is Pol Pot going to crawl out of HELL and say to this family: I am sorry for causing the genocide and the hardship u & yr families r gg through? In retrospect, anyone in sillypore kena forced to upgrade to private housing like EC/condo owing to external pressure (Wife's constant nagging not counted hor)? Pls share cos I would really like to hear about how one can be 'coerced' into upgrading.


I look at some of my old buddies who are still in the legal & banking industries, do I envy them during gatherings? Yes of course! for the condo penthhouse they stay in, exotic cars they drive, the XMMs (local somemore!) they date and the wondrous AP ROO watches they don. Are they truly happy? NO. Many of them hate themselves and their lifestyles, endless travelling, 24-7 on standby, hp must be on and the list goes on. Can they opt out of the ratrace? Unfortunately cannot cos everything all on installment. Even the XMMs also on installment...go figure. Housing and car loans alone already enuff to maim and even possibly kill.


So am I kiasi or just acting out of financial prudence? I would admit a bit of both. My first job was in a law firm and I celebrated my 25th & 26th b'day as well as X'mas eve in the High Court with my senior partners and the Judge. Luckily the DC was also in the Courtroom to keep me company. Then I moved on to bank and kena arrow London market so whilst I worked, my family was asleep. That went on for three years, gained 15kg cos it's work,eat,sleep & repeat. The money was definitely wonderful but my life was in pieces. Got the life to earn BUT must also have the life to spend. Back then, if I had committed to a condo, think I would still be in the bank now.


So do I feel contented now? God has been extremely kind to me so I definitely cannot complain that life is no good. I sleep with a peaceful mind on a queen size bed not having to worry abt the loans I have to service. Is being contented synonymous with kiasi? To some, maybe but to each his own. At the end of the day, staying in my teeny-weeny hdb flat and be happy with family is of paramount importance to me. To trade my flat for EC/condo, start another HUGE loan and be compelled to change my daily meals to plain rice with light soy sauce, why would I want that? Others may beg to differ but that's your problem.


i think you are preaching in the wrong forum


people here are not only materially rich, they are spiritually and morally rich also


own multiple properties, expensive watches, sports cars and yet contented, charitable, helpful, considerate, courteous drivers etc







so with this post, do i get best member of the year or what?



  On 8/20/2014 at 4:50 AM, Wt_know said:

buy $300k, fully paid up at $425k (at least)


so, should use $300k or $425k to calculate the yield?


buy 300k fully paid up at most 360k lah


if 425k means you took too long to pay up the hdb and old liao need the place to stay for retirement


still talk what rental yield?



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my hdb is a POT of gold leh ... PM says one ... don't play play ... lol

but i don't feel i got 1 pot leh ... not even a tiny scoop ... how?


  On 8/20/2014 at 5:22 AM, Enye said:

buy 300k fully paid up at most 360k lah


if 425k means you took too long to pay up the hdb and old liao need the place to stay for retirement


still talk what rental yield?





Edited by Wt_know
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  On 8/20/2014 at 5:22 AM, Enye said:


i think you are preaching in the wrong forum


people here are not only materially rich, they are spiritually and morally rich also


own multiple properties, expensive watches, sports cars and yet contented, charitable, helpful, considerate, courteous drivers etc







so with this post, do i get best member of the year or what?






Quality post. I up you after election -_-

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