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MAS Crashes in Ukraine - MH17


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Cruising altitude is at least 10k feet can shoot from ground?



Just saw it is 1000ft y Fly so low? Landing somewhere?


Read properly. 1,000 feet above restricted airspace which was 32,000 feet and below. The plane was at 33,000 feet.

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Read properly. 1,000 feet above restricted airspace which was 32,000 feet and below. The plane was at 33,000 feet.

Sorry thanks for pointing that out, my mistake.

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Read properly. 1,000 feet above restricted airspace which was 32,000 feet and below. The plane was at 33,000 feet.


32,000 feet and 33,300 feet is only 1000 feet different. Does not make any different.

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Yahoo: Passenger posted joke about plane disappearing as he boarded jet


A young Dutchman apparently posted a picture of the downed Malaysian airliner on Facebook minutes before he boarded it, writing: "If it should disappear, this is what it looks like."


Cor Pan, who appeared to be going on a beach holiday to Malaysia, posted the photo as a joking reference to another Malaysia Airlines flight that mysteriously disappeared over the Indian Ocean in March.


A few hours later his flight too would disappear from radar screens, taking him and the other 297 people on board the Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur flight to their deaths in eastern Ukraine.


Although there has been no confirmation that Cor, from Volendam, nine miles (15 kilometres) north of Amsterdam, was on board, his photo of the aircraft on the tarmac is tagged "near Schipol airport" and appears to have been taken from the gate as passengers waited to board.


The comments by his friends on Facebook, however, seem to indicate that he was on board the flight. Late on Thursday his picture had been shared more than 10,000 times on the social media site.


"This can't be true!" said Alicia de Boer.


More stories, link: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/passenger-posted-joke-plane-disappearing-boarded-jet-223807542.html

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Some reports have filtered in about the possibility of MH17 being downed by separatist rebels. And this sometimes a tragic reminder about the dangers posed by having complex, destructive weapons falling into the wrong hands.Rebels are primarily comprised of non-regular military so it is highly unlikely that they would be very familiar with military SOPs on engagement of aircraft.


If indeed they were using an SA-11 SAM system, it would require a crew with professional knowledge in operating the radar and firing system for detection, tracking and guidance of the missile(s). Typically, the first step would be to identify and contact incoming unidentified aircraft - via voice communications (To both military and civilian frequencies) and IFF squawk. In most typical circumstances, if there was any violation of airspace, fighter jets would already have been scrambled concurrently to promptly intercept, visually identify and attempt to make communication with the unidentified aircraft; failing which warning shots may be fired and ultimately a green light sought to engage and fire upon the unidentified aircraft as a last resort in the event of violation of sovereign airspace. However, I would think that the separatist rebels are unlikely to have been in control of any air assets.


In addition, in lesser-trained hands of rebel operatives, these protocols on engagement may not be adhered to, and coupled with limited knowledge and trigger-happy mindsets, it can be a recipe for disaster. It may even have boiled down to a simple presumption based on MH17's heading and perhaps previous flight patterns of enemy aircraft, that MH17 was a hostile aircraft. Even the US, with all its high-technology had themselves mistakenly downed an Iranian Airliner (Iran Air Flight 655 by USS Vincennes in 1988), so what more if a complex weapons system were in the hand of lesser or untrained rebels?


With news that there were similar aircraft in proximity (e.g. SQ351), it is a great relief that they were not engaged too, with further disastrous consequences.



SQ351 landed just a while ago at Changi. Thank goodness for that. The pilots may have seen something - it was around 9am that the MH flight was downed.




- who shot it down;

- eliminate no possibilities: false flag operation?;

- what missiles in-theatre had the range and capability to knock a plane down for 30,000 feet?;


- was the aircraft squawking IFF-civilian codes?;


- fingers crossed that the black boxes can be retrieved without being tampered with.





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Fly from Amsterdam to KL must go over the Airspace of Ukraine/Russia ?


All wars are created by the greed of a few men.


That is right.


The sky is so big, why they must fly


directly above the conflict zone?


They should have never even go near it.


Don't even need the civil aviation to declare it


a no fly zone. Got war in that country,


don't even go near there.

Edited by Jamesc
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32,000 feet and 33,300 feet is only 1000 feet different. Does not make any different.


Its kind of like saying, 90kph or 100kph is only 10kph difference. The plane was flying within permitted airspace.

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Putin gave the rebels SAM, but didn't tell them how to use it properly.

Just shoot if you see anything flying.

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i think some are confused here...


the culprits the world is pointing at right now are the pro-Russian separatists, who are getting support from Russia, including weapons

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