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Najib Announce VEP for Spore cars!


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This is my opinion and I am fine with u disagreeing...but asking me to go back to school? That's rude and smack of an elitist attitude..like you know more and therefore u he a right to call ppl out. And I do not know any school that teaches anyone how to claim. Perhaps u are an expert in claim..u wanna enlighten us...as far as I know, claim against another Singaporean car is more likely to succeed that against Malaysian car. It doesn't matter whether there is 3rd party coverage...what matters here is whether u can claim against them.


And I would gladly pay $80 for Singaporean plumber although nobody will ask if the plumber is Singaporean or Malaysian.


If 1 can't differentiate between having necessary coverage and claim process, 1 should go back to school.


Insurance coverage for both territory is covered under a agreement signed by both countries.  By having unilateraly requiring additional 3rd party liability, isn't that breaking an agreement?


What's more, since claim process is the problem, shouldn't claims process be fixed?

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If 1 can't differentiate between having necessary coverage and claim process, 1 should go back to school.


Insurance coverage for both territory is covered under a agreement signed by both countries. By having unilateraly requiring additional 3rd party liability, isn't that breaking an agreement?


What's more, since claim process is the problem, shouldn't claims process be fixed?

Yes...the claim process may be broken and I agree with you that needs to be fixed.

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bro, you know i know every sporean don't mind to pay $6.80

so, the traffic jam will be same old same old

pay $6.80 and kena stuck in jam

back to square one except pay-n-pay

even those need to drive in/out everyday

assume rm20 x 22 days = rm440 = less than $150 ... if can live in landed ... sup sup water


Ya.  They can also do car pool - fetching those without car to/fro daily with a fee like what my colleague does.  This will help to cover some cost.


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like that this weekend the jam is no 3 hours no talk liao ... happy jamming ... huat ah!

no need to wait till weekend ... Friday jam gao gao liao


Tomorrow early morning pump JB petrol. shop all I can.

Then 31 Oct, before midnight get in JB again stock up



Edited by Wt_know
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Rm20.00 a pop, i think its " Sup Sup " water to us, not withstanding our Men in White will up the ante to match them.


If Bolehland wanted to kill us , thy might as well implement RM50-100 a pop, then the sky will open up with firecrackes and rainbow shooting above the causeway in celebration.  " Huat Arh x10 " 

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