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Singapore's worst driving habit: Drivers who don't signal


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We signal is to show our intention. Well some drivers can argued about some drivers signal and lane changed without checking incoming traffic speed and hence causing those behind to brake OR those when ample space is available is given, one signal only to invite a closed up gap and hence no way being given. And it has been a never ending arguement.


In short, let us all road users have mutual respect and consideration for one another. Signal shows one's intention to other users and most importantly let those motorcyclists who likes to ride in between two lanes to see and react. Safety is the ultimate concern, and much more so on adverse weather.

Edited by Heartbreakid
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  On 6/6/2018 at 2:58 PM, Turboguy said:

super CB drivers that suddenly stop their vehicles without turning on their hazard light,


And when u decides to overtake them, they will suddenly move their vehicle forward, then when u decided to keep behind, they will stop to block u again, *repeat again the whole process. 


now u know why its super CB  :XD:  


These super CB drivers will get loud and long horn from me.


Me, become the ultimate CB driver.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 12:37 AM, Mustank said:

Orhhhh you kena dislike
But not me ah :grin:

being too frank haha. sometimes i also dare not move out from side road because driver signal turning. wait he forget to switch off signal and go straight how. 

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  On 6/6/2018 at 11:44 PM, Victor68 said:

I must admit I hardly signal unless i have difficulties fiktering in a congested road.


In our city driving, you filter here and there and every few km, you turn. before even you signal, chances are you turn again. maybe it is my excuse but when oversea or even in JB, I signal more.

Sorry to say that if you happen to do it in front of me, you are likely to get a flash or a combined toot from me. I hate drives who don't signal!
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  On 6/7/2018 at 7:18 AM, Fitvip said:

Sorry to say that if you happen to do it in front of me, you are likely to get a flash or a combined toot from me. I hate drives who don't signal!

I won't blame you for doing that. I hope I didn't give the impression that I never signal or I feel there isn't a need to signal. It is just that I admit I do wave in and out of slow traffic without signal. I also turn into side lane and then switch lane immediately without signal know there are no other cars around. 


One example is i will drive into my driveway without signal when the road is clear and there are no cars behimd. But if there are cars behind, obviously i have to signal. otherwise how do they know why i am slowly down for what. 

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Signalling not only for other vehicles/motorists, but also for all other users like pedestrians, cyclists, PMD users, etc, whether you like them or not.

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Gundu drivers who turn on high beam knowningly or unknowingly.  Just we few days ago I have one doing so and following me for a few kilometers for no reason (like cutting into lanes etc) and ended up at the same carpark entrance.  I got out of my car and signalled to the driver to turn it off. 

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I always signal my intentions...

Take it as stressing out those CB drivers..

U will feel shiok.. Trust me..Hard Truth..

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  On 6/7/2018 at 8:53 AM, uniquely_ad said:

Some people if you signal still they play pattern n speed up. SG driving very stressful

Don't need stress. Just filter behind loh. First car close up, then try the second, surely someone will let u filter in

Only thing is the signal needs to stay on for a while longer.

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  On 6/7/2018 at 9:52 AM, Freeder said:

I always signal my intentions...

Take it as stressing out those CB drivers..

U will feel shiok.. Trust me..Hard Truth..


I think it is a basic courtesy to let other road users know our intended action. The signal stalk is meant to be used ,not for show!

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  On 6/7/2018 at 7:25 AM, Victor68 said:

I won't blame you for doing that. I hope I didn't give the impression that I never signal or I feel there isn't a need to signal. It is just that I admit I do wave in and out of slow traffic without signal. I also turn into side lane and then switch lane immediately without signal know there are no other cars around.


One example is i will drive into my driveway without signal when the road is clear and there are no cars behimd. But if there are cars behind, obviously i have to signal. otherwise how do they know why i am slowly down for what.

Hope you will change your driving habit in your BMW after you see the responses here. Good that so many people in MCF is advising you.


Edited by DACH
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  On 6/7/2018 at 1:08 AM, boonhat_91 said:

what do you think of nowadays the signal pattern, where the led strip illuminates from inside to outside (am I describing it correctly?) instead of plain flashing? Basically the type I see on a lot of new Audis.


Seems like it takes a split second longer to fully illuminate compared to a normal flash, therefore it might take another driver a split second longer to fully register that the signal is on and to react accordingly. Think this could be a bit more dangerous for those who like to filter and on signal at the same time.

Did you do a test on the speed. I doubt it slower than normal bulb signal.

The best is: ppl with those nice sequential signal will tend to use the signal more

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  On 6/7/2018 at 2:28 PM, Optramagnum said:

My wifey asked why do I still signal even though the road is totally empty.. I just told her its habitual..

Same. I don't even think about it anymore, I always automatic signal.


Now middle age already and with better time management (and HBP), just drive with ease, people don't give way NVM; wait for next opportunity. Other people can rush all they want.

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now many bodoh aka "thought their car very blink blink" drivers on road;


can on their foglight, daylight and headlight to let people see his car coming but signal light never on. smlj.


really like removing pants to fart. hahaha

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  On 6/7/2018 at 12:59 PM, Coktky said:

Did you do a test on the speed. I doubt it slower than normal bulb signal.

The best is: ppl with those nice sequential signal will tend to use the signal more

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