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Cabby flips over man in wheelchair for calling LTA


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if waiting for his passenger not so bad...


the f**ker wasn't even in his car! that's why i so du lan.


he went up sleep or something. knnbccb.


anyone knows what the penalty if we chain up these car illegally?

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anyone knows what the penalty if we chain up these car illegally?


What's the point of teaching one man a lesson, but cause even more problems for others?

Let the authorities do their job.

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if waiting for his passenger not so bad...


the f**ker wasn't even in his car! that's why i so du lan.


he went up sleep or something. knnbccb.

Oh If he just left his taxi blocking the pick/drop off point in the rain when pple need to use it even more, u sud hv just report to HDB or call police to summon him for illegal parking. [thumbsup]


Maybe even tow his taxi away. That wil teach him a good lesson about having some courtersy next time. [nod]

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anyone knows what the penalty if we chain up these car illegally?

Can also chain only his exhaust pipe to the lamp post!

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No lah. I kenna banned from posting fr 3 days but now more than 3 days still cannot post?


Thats why use new nick. Hahaha.

Other deserving offenders have always gotten away 'scot' free.... daahble standerds?

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Oh If he just left his taxi blocking the pick/drop off point in the rain when pple need to use it even more, u sud hv just report to HDB or call police to summon him for illegal parking. [thumbsup]


Maybe even tow his taxi away. That wil teach him a good lesson about having some courtersy next time. [nod]


HDB replied. they say take retrospective action based on my statement and photo submitted.


may need to go court if he contest.


i will go all the way to teach him a lesson

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Other deserving offenders have always gotten away 'scot' free.... daahble standerds?


If really double standards. then its so unfair to P69 (or P696) !!! [:(]


HDB replied. they say take retrospective action based on my statement and photo submitted.


may need to go court if he contest.


i will go all the way to teach him a lesson


Best is Comfort also replied. If found guilty, they will give him dermit points, and if he already has a bad record, they may even terminate his taxi lease agreement.

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HDB replied. they say take retrospective action based on my statement and photo submitted.


may need to go court if he contest.


i will go all the way to teach him a lesson

swee....don't pan chance this "handicap driver"


write in to comfort, demerit points will be given to them.

maybe no year end bonus.....LOL

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f**king heavy rain this bloody taxi parked at the shelter for more than 30mins.


got a poor lady in wheel chair had to get caught in the rain , not to mention my baby daughter. just because of this inconsiderate mother farker.


already wrote to HDB and comfort. hope he gets what he deserves


If its a civilian pte car will u write in to his company too(if u can find out) or just hdb only? U guys seems like to bash taxi, very unfair. Edited by Tt_hh
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What's the point of teaching one man a lesson, but cause even more problems for others?

Let the authorities do their job.


the problem is, he thinks he can get away scott free...


i prefer justice served on the spot....


It would be great if LTA or TP start taking photo evidence seriously

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the problem is, he thinks he can get away scott free...


i prefer justice served on the spot....


It would be great if LTA or TP start taking photo evidence seriously

Based on prince's reply, he's in trouble already.


I support you if you do it the Batman way, just not at expense of other civilians. :D

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Driver angry at disabled man for calling LTA on illegally parked taxi

He tipped a disabled man out of a wheelchair, causing the latter to suffer abrasions on his left wrist.
Former cabby Jit Singh, 60, was yesterday jailed for two weeks and ordered to pay Mr Ng Eng Gee, 51, $500 in compensation after pleading guilty to one count of voluntarily causing hurt.
He committed the offence after finding out that the wheelchair-user was the one who had informed the authorities that he had illegally parked his taxi on Dec 24, 2012.
For assaulting Mr Ng, who has cerebral palsy, Singh could have been jailed up to two years and fined up to $5,000.



nabeh should ask the little india vounteers flip his taxi into the longkang...with him inside.

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guai lan pai kar is guai lan


Recalling the incident, Mr Ng said: "His taxi was not blocking my way that day, but he was still parked illegally. That's why I told the LTA (Land Transport Authority).
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