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SPF ponders hiring foreigners?


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maybe one day you see Obama submitting his resume for the presidential position for Singapore!!


more pay less work!!


but very funny lah.. govt kpkb say we must not trust others to defend our own land so only sinkies serve NS..


now they say can trust FTs for Police work.. Ministry of Defense wire never up there loose liao is it..

Edited by Knoobie
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maybe one day you see Obama submitting his resume for the presidential position for Singapore!!


Wonder if there'll be an Old Man to pronounce "Singapore is not ready for an African-American President" then? [lipsrsealed]

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Last time I applied to be mata, but got no response after 2 tries ( I swear I got no bad record, the most is my photo looks "beng" :D )..... now they say not enough Singaporeans ?!?!


At the end of the day, is it gonna be CHEAPER for them to hire foreigners ?

Still dont understand when they say cheaper to hire foreigners, it is really cheap since hire a foreign needs to follow the min salary for the work pass.

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Still dont understand when they say cheaper to hire foreigners, it is really cheap since hire a foreign needs to follow the min salary for the work pass.

don't anyhow say hor. MOM say they increase foreign worker levy liao hor!


is Singaporean asking too much hokey!!

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then singapork will bcome No.1 again in crime rate.. [laugh]


What happen if more peoples just to commit crimes just to see all this mei nu !! [laugh][laugh]





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Nothing new. Sg has been recruiting from MY, a traditional source. There were hordes of them in the 1970s to 1990s...i am not so sure about later years.

Most of them made good cops!

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don't anyhow say hor. MOM say they increase foreign worker levy liao hor!


is Singaporean asking too much hokey!!


Yeah I agree to your 2nd statement.


Why is our Singapore miniStars asking SO MUCH pay? Some say to prevent corruption.


Why corruption still happen? Ehm this is not something that happen once in 49yrs considering Singapore separated from Malaysia on 9 August 1965?


Why no heads roll when they made bad investment? Some say some neck are bless, some are not.


Reminds me of this picture....



to the tattooist, he not at fault, he sees an animal w wings n four legs.


to the customer, tattooist at fault, give design, still cannot tattoo as per specs.


so, conclusions.."cheaper and better" is butt of perspective. depends on how anal one sees the whole picture.



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maybe one day you see Obama submitting his resume for the presidential position for Singapore!!


more pay less work!!


but very funny lah.. govt kpkb say we must not trust others to defend our own land so only sinkies serve NS..


now they say can trust FTs for Police work.. Ministry of Defense wire never up there loose liao is it..


army is alot dirtier & sh!ttier than polisman job, so theyll find it dificult to attract FTs to be in our army lor.

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6th Gear

actually ok one


just limit FT "police" (actually more like cisco) powers to within immediate vicinity.


Gurkhas power also within vicinity of the protection compound.


ah neh => patrol little india

ah tiong =>patrol geylang

ah cup => patrol golden mile



if not, I think 10% GST no very far away...

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whether polis force is manned by 100% locals, partial FTs, 10% GST is conspermed one.


actually ok one


just limit FT "police" (actually more like cisco) powers to within immediate vicinity.


Gurkhas power also within vicinity of the protection compound.


ah neh => patrol little india

ah tiong =>patrol geylang

ah cup => patrol golden mile



if not, I think 10% GST no very far away...


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6th Gear

whether polis force is manned by 100% locals, partial FTs, 10% GST is conspermed one.




after next GE... consperm?

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Not enough mata? Make females serve NS loh, can increase army numbers, also can increase police numbers. Instant increase of 50% per year.

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actually ok one


just limit FT "police" (actually more like cisco) powers to within immediate vicinity.


Gurkhas power also within vicinity of the protection compound.


ah neh => patrol little india

ah tiong =>patrol geylang

ah cup => patrol golden mile



if not, I think 10% GST no very far away...


seriously... given the cultural and economical background of these FT... can they actually carry out it with impartiality and integrity... even with our many decades of social education... we still have bad dogs in our system... go figure...


in short... we will be handing some big golden pots to these "selected" FT police to huat quicker and go back hm quicker and be millionaire/king back at hm quicker...



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seriously... given the cultural and economical background of these FT... can they actually carry out it with impartiality and integrity... even with our many decades of social education... we still have bad dogs in our system... go figure...


in short... we will be handing some big golden pots to these "selected" FT police to huat quicker and go back hm quicker and be millionaire/king back at hm quicker...




Just need to look at how those in hiring positions manage the hiring process as a reference. [furious]

already precum-ed liao. (given early warning/hint liao)




Just like casino, discuss = 99.9% good to go already.


army is alot dirtier & sh!ttier than polisman job, so theyll find it dificult to attract FTs to be in our army lor.


Army for locals & mata for foreigners. Just like scholarship & PME jobs for FT & NS, Taxi Driver, Security Guard for sinkies.

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Just need to look at how those in hiring positions manage the hiring process as a reference. [furious]


Just like casino, discuss = 99.9% good to go already.


Army for locals & mata for foreigners. Just like scholarship & PME jobs for FT & NS, Taxi Driver, Security Guard for sinkies.


Sometimes, I wonder whether garmen release news is to test market reactions or not.


With so many negative responses and reactions, seriously doubt they will implement this

But, if they do, meaning they just ignore locals' feedback (which most of the time, they always did).

By then, don't think we will regard Singapore as our country le.... now, already 2/5 foreigners, soon locals will be minority.

omg !

By then, no need election le, cos not enough votes from locals :D

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Sometimes, I wonder whether garmen release news is to test market reactions or not.


With so many negative responses and reactions, seriously doubt they will implement this

But, if they do, meaning they just ignore locals' feedback (which most of the time, they always did).

By then, don't think we will regard Singapore as our country le.... now, already 2/5 foreigners, soon locals will be minority.

omg !

By then, no need election le, cos not enough votes from locals :D


Yes, could be to test water, but the objective could be formulate a strategy to address it later based on findings [sly] .

Just 2 nights back saw a short few seconds of a local show on gambling. A lady ( I assume is from the problem gambling body?) mention it was important to spot responsible gambling behaviour ! :wacko: Reg FT mata, iwt defn after next GE. Perhaps 2017 gst 10% & 2018, FT mata. Then 2019 good news to sweeten and induce amnesia then 2020 onwards game.


The only case which has yet to materialise iirc, was when gct 1st spoke of female NS in early portion of mid 90s. Has been 20yrs?


Agree. 2015/16 is critical as by 2020 could be 50/50 already. And within the 50% local, there would still be incumbent supporters. So this 2015/16 is the real deal iwt.

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Yes, could be to test water, but the objective could be formulate a strategy to address it later based on findings [sly] .

Just 2 nights back saw a short few seconds of a local show on gambling. A lady ( I assume is from the problem gambling body?) mention it was important to spot responsible gambling behaviour ! :wacko: Reg FT mata, iwt defn after next GE. Perhaps 2017 gst 10% & 2018, FT mata. Then 2019 good news to sweeten and induce amnesia then 2020 onwards game.


The only case which has yet to materialise iirc, was when gct 1st spoke of female NS in early portion of mid 90s. Has been 20yrs?


Agree. 2015/16 is critical as by 2020 could be 50/50 already. And within the 50% local, there would still be incumbent supporters. So this 2015/16 is the real deal iwt.


Very true. Critical year for getting support from the dwindle locals, though the numbers could increase due to New Citizens.

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