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Honda Vezel


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  On 11/15/2014 at 11:14 PM, Shieldheart said:


I paid my deposit on 14 July also with guaranteed COE.


Looking at the list of people waiting and their dates. I think no choice have to wait until Dec then I check with my PI again liao.

I think most of the bro who booked in Jun or Jul had or is ready to collect their cars. Yours is abit too long. 😴

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  On 11/15/2014 at 11:08 PM, Shieldheart said:
Shieldheart, on 16 Nov 2014 - 07:08 AM, said:


I booked with Leco Prestige at Turf city. I read online that they are quite good so i decided to buy from them.

bro, is the delivery date written in your sales agreement?

  On 11/15/2014 at 2:04 PM, Kennethwong said:
Kennethwong, on 15 Nov 2014 - 10:04 PM, said:

Just tested the City Brake Assist function while exiting the carpark near the EPS gantry. I rolled the Vezel near the gantry without hitting the brake and it just stopped for me with a loud beeping sound and vibrating brake paddle effect. It sound awful on the brake too. Good feature but not a good feeling.

thanks for sharing. as long as it is a safety feature then its good. never mind the sound. [thumbsup]

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I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 4:01 AM, Shieldheart said:

I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.

Ask for the chassis number of your car! They must have it as long as they clear the custom from the port.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 4:01 AM, Shieldheart said:

I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.

If the car is really with LTA they should clear the testing within 2 or 3 days (from what i have experience) as PIs are each given queue nos. So technically speaking your PI can predict when it will be out as LTA also need the PIs to collect those tested cars. Can you imagine the size of the areas to hold all these cars before and after test. Don't think lta want to pay those kind of land areas.

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Dear Bro, please take note if your car is scheduled for the LTA inspectiion, your PI sure would have the VITAS application number. From there you can check with LTA on the status. For PI car purchase, you guys need to follow up on this.



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Sorry to hear about your long wait, Shieldheart.


I think VITAS takes about 3-4 weeks, including appointment waiting time. May be best to get the chasis number, go down and inspect the car (like some of the fellow bros here do), and check on the VITAS appointment so that you are assured that your PI is not pulling wool over your eyes.


Does your sales agreement have the delivery date written on it?


Great that the forum has lots of people willing to share information. I've learnt alot from all the sharing in this thread alone. Can't imagine last time - would just have to believe what the PI says! [dizzy]

Edited by poundpuppy
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Neutral Newbie

01) Airwaver3, White, S model, collected (Zion Auto)
02) Soonkuay, White, X model, collected (Cartimes)
03) tanwl1970, white, G model, collected,(Cartimes)
04) seankwa, Black, X model, collected
05) hermit, White, X model, collected
06) Nick007, black, X model, collected,(Apex)
07) Dswm, Blue, G Model, collected (Hup Long)
08) kennethwong, Black, X Model, Collected (Vincar)
09) Coolsurfer, white, G model Collected

01) Mitlancer71, Silver, X model, awaiting to secure COE (5 more bids to go)
02) Alex, Blue, X model
03) sweathan1, maroon, X Model, awaiting COE, Car, Inspection (target mid-nov, fingers crossed)
04) Mooscenic, Black, X Model
05) tttwei, Blue, X Model, car arrival delayed again to Mid-Nov, Estimated Car Collect @ 15 Dec
06) fishball81, Maroon, X Model, late nov (hopefully)
07) Dino-lee, white, X model. Car arrived. Waiting for LTA inspection and COE. Expect to take car in Nov.
08) xanc, blue, X model
09) ivtec, white, s model
10) jacteh blue x model, end Nov if COE bidding is successful this week
11) Stone78 hybrid Z model,
12) Insidious, Silver X Model, Mid-Jan 2015
13) Fgn, blue X model (Nov).
14) Tak, Silver X Model, Jan 2015
15) trajet2b X model
16) indulge X model Maroon red, end of Jan 2015
17) wkloh, White, X-Model, Stock car RESERVED, if COE bidding success tml, est collection mid-Dec '14
18) mygdi, White, X Model. Car has arrived and waiting for COE & LTA inspection. Estimate collection date end Nov or early Dec.
19) yongz, white, X model. End Dec
20) logic69, Maroon (maybe changing to White), X Model delivery 1 week before CNY
21) Pat62, Maroon, X-Model. Feb 14.
22) Kenneth, Silver, X-Model. Early Jan 2015
23) Krytorn, White, X-Model. Late Dec
24) chanlccs, Silver, X-model. Mid Jan 2015 (JDM)
25) SY70. X-model
26) Shieldheart

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  On 11/16/2014 at 4:01 AM, Shieldheart said:


I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.[/quote

Ask him for chassis number.

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Wow that's very long. should'nt take such a long time to get your car.

  On 11/15/2014 at 4:34 PM, Shieldheart said:

Hi guys,


This is my first time buying from a PI.


So I booked a white Honda Vezel in mid July. They told me that I will get it around mid October.


Then I called them up on the 3rd week of October, they say cannot get the car because of the delay of the LTA inspection and they told me I will get it mid November.


So I called them today and they say my car still stuck in LTA. High chance I will get it in December.


My question is, is this a normal practice ?


I know that a lot of guys here is waiting for their Vezel.


I'm wondering if anyone else is also in the same boat as me.





Yes, the vezel hybrid will be in cat B.

Hear that Japan LTA stop their production due to too many recalls too.

  On 11/16/2014 at 7:47 AM, Airwaver3 said:

Dear all, pls take note last heard from my PI that the Vezel Hybrid version will be Cat B.



BS, LTA doesn't keep your car.

Once the inspection letter is out, your PI have to drive the vehicle down for the inspection and it takes only 1-2 hrs depending on the queue.

  On 11/16/2014 at 4:01 AM, Shieldheart said:

I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.


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  On 11/15/2014 at 3:34 PM, logic69 said:



Congratulations. Can share which are few the rims you have shortlisted?


Alamak. I dun know the model leh. I just choose base on apprearance, look nice only. I am interested in those with chrome and gloss black finish.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 8:42 AM, Soho said:

Hi all,


How do we check whether the AD or PI did bid for COE for us?

Bro you pay your money to which PI then they will bid for you

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  On 11/16/2014 at 8:42 AM, Soho said:
Soho, on 16 Nov 2014 - 4:42 PM, said:Soho, on 16 Nov 2014 - 4:42 PM, said:

Hi all,


How do we check whether the AD or PI did bid for COE for us?



during the bidding process (mon to wed)

go to this site https://ocoe.lta.gov.sg/ under enquire bid (not submission)


if they have submitted under cat a, you will be able to check with your NRIC number under individual submission once they have made the submission.


this is a 3 step process. If there is a submission you will go to 2nd stage. by this time you would not have the PIN so cannot proceed.

If they did not submit, you will get no record found under your NRIC.


If they submit under cat e, you will need to enter the company ACRA number. but you will not know if that submission for you as cat e is transferable.


*note usually on the third day, in the last few hours then you can see a lot of submissions. they do it at the last minute.

you can see the movement in this link http://www.onemotoring.com.sg/1m/coe/coeDetail.html


you can try it here for demo http://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltaweb/en/ocoe/intro_enquire.html

Edited by trajet2b
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  On 11/16/2014 at 4:01 AM, Shieldheart said:

I called the sales guy and he say my car with LTA. So i didn't go down to see the car and they didn't show me any COE documents. Is there any way i can ask the guy about the car? Because he always tell me it's with LTA so i cannot call him bluff.

Your car delivery is taking too long. I booked my car in mid Aug. When my car arrived (mid Oct) my SE called me, gave me chassis number and ask me go down to show room to inspect the car. Last week, he called again to say car went for inspection and can take delivery after next week. They will also bid COE next week. According to him "COE no problem one lah". I have selected my leather seat & doing whatever upgrade I want before collecting my car next week ... hopefully. Can never be happy until keys are in my hands.


One question for other bros ... my SE ask for full payment before car collection. Is this normal for PI?

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Saw on straits times classified ads;

2 dealers offering vezel;


1) Executive Auto offering g'teed coe + foc reverse cam, gps & dvd. @ 108k

2) 85357774 - advertise but nvr stead dealer name. offering x model @ 108k with 1 bid g'teed


any feedbacks on the above 2 dealers, are they genuine


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Hi u need to do Full payment or complete the bank loan before car collection.


  On 11/16/2014 at 9:11 AM, Dino-Lee said:

Your car delivery is taking too long. I booked my car in mid Aug. When my car arrived (mid Oct) my SE called me, gave me chassis number and ask me go down to show room to inspect the car. Last week, he called again to say car went for inspection and can take delivery after next week. They will also bid COE next week. According to him "COE no problem one lah". I have selected my leather seat & doing whatever upgrade I want before collecting my car next week ... hopefully. Can never be happy until keys are in my hands.

One question for other bros ... my SE ask for full payment before car collection. Is this normal for PI?


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