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Jack Ma: If you're still poor at 35, you deserve it!


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what Jack said has some truth in it. Just like what bill gates said, if you're born poor its not your fault but it is when you die poor.

However, what both gentleman said cannot be used in 3rd world impoverished/war torn countries as it would not be right.

Having said that, if in a country like Singapore, you are still poor in your mid thirties, lets face it, you probably settled for less than what you could have achieved.

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one point is 100% double confirmed.


when one gave up their job especially managerial level happy go lucky to start a business. the biggest challenges come from family > spouse > friend > kaypohs


may the force be with you ... need a lot of determination not just ambition alone

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It's cos his venture HUAT big then he can say this kinda stuff. But then again, he earned his bragging rights, now he can say wahtever the fuXk he wants cos he has made it.

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I think most of us deserve it then.......






Jack Ma: People lose out in life because of these 4 reasons:

  1. Being myopic to opportunity
  2. Looking down on opportunities
  3. Lacking understanding
  4. Failing to act quickly enough



I think most of us would fall into category no. 4. Failing to act quickly enough. Procrastinate and delay. Then end up getting married and starting family already... most of us would not take such risk to do start-ups etc. It would be downright irresponsible.

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China has seen tremedous growth past decades. Anyone who stepped out to make money would make it. The faster you are, the more you will make. It was more of a matter how much you can make. So he is right to an extent.


Things are changing there now. Rise in property price, making money in stocks or business is no longer a guarantee.


Yes he is clever and good. However he was lucky too.


As much as we want to be sour, we cannot say he does not deserve it as well.



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one point is 100% double confirmed.


when one gave up their job especially managerial level happy go lucky to start a business. the biggest challenges come from family > spouse > friend > kaypohs


may the force be with you ... need a lot of determination not just ambition alone


I think priorities are also different for everyone.

China has seen tremedous growth past decades. Anyone who stepped out to make money would make it. The faster you are, the more you will make. It was more of a matter how much you can make. So he is right to an extent.


Things are changing there now. Rise in property price, making money in stocks or business is no longer a guarantee.


Yes he is clever and good. However he was lucky too.


As much as we want to be sour, we cannot say he does not deserve it as well.


Lol if jack ma was born in 1940s-50s, I'm pretty sure he would also have a good chance of starving to death in the Cultural revolution.

There are plenty of talented people who lived, as well as died prematurely.

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What about if I am still a virgin at 35 !! Do I deserve it ? [:/]

then u r a bloody total LOSER on earth.


u know where's Geylang, right? Aljunied MRT goes there. LOL

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Yes he is clever and good. However he was lucky too.


As much as we want to be sour, we cannot say he does not deserve it as well.




I agree. We only see him as a tycoon now. But should not forget that on the way to becoming tycoon, when first seizing the opportunity, there will be some period of uncertainty, very hard slog, and the stress and worry...


Not everyone can take it, even if there is a clear opportunity available. Just like work stress - we see that some people can handle it better than others, given same situation.

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There is a funny mainland chinese comment after reading what Ma Yun says.
On a more positive note, Ma Yun had a talk with Stephen Chow early last year (2013) and some thoughts are worth a read. (there are some typo, but still a good read)






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I would like to ask Jack this question, are you living your Life happy everyday? Without stress?


Some rich folks everyday life is so stressful cos need to make sure Co is making enough $$ to pay all staff / shareholders lah etc etc...



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Rich and poor is subjective lor.


Rich in money? CPF? Health? Love? Family? Joy? Peace? Contentment? Spiritually? Pussy?


Dun always marnee marnee marnee lah.

But in this country, no marnee no say..

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Just like the statement I read recently about you being a failure if you are making less than $250k a year, obviously from someone who makes more than that in a year (his message is right but delivery is a utter failure). Anyway, we should not measure success solely from the money you make.


But I agree with him on the part about stepping out of one's comfort zone in order to make it big. It takes a lot of courage to seize opportunities and hyper-drive to build on them. Those people with a rag to riches story mostly deserves their riches.


Can't say the same for those with good and connected background although I have met some who are truly driven and very succesful....青出于蓝胜于蓝.

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Aiyah, take it with a pinch of salt lah, all this philosophical blabber.

Not that there is no truth but yes, the stars must still align.


Go read about the story of tao kae noi seaweed from Thailand. The lesson is simple. Do what you believe in wholeheartedly even if you should fail, you will not regret not having tried your best. Very basic.


Rich or not is just a by product.


If rich and become another person altogether, someone that even your friends and family dont recognise, is that good?


If not rich in the end but hv many friends and good relationships, is that not good also?


Therfore riches is a by product.


Dont blame anyone or take for granted to be taken care of by anyone thatsall i can say as a conclusion



Just like the statement I read recently about you being a failure if you are making less than $250k a year, obviously from someone who makes more than that in a year (his message is right but delivery is a utter failure). Anyway, we should not measure success solely from the money you make.


But I agree with him on the part about stepping out of one's comfort zone in order to make it big. It takes a lot of courage to seize opportunities and hyper-drive to build on them. Those people with a rag to riches story mostly deserves their riches.


Can't say the same for those with good and connected background although I have met some who are truly driven and very succesful....青出于蓝胜于蓝.

$250k only?

Come on, benchmark a bit low right?

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Wealth is the prevalent defination of success, right or wrong.


But to attribute ambition just to accumulating wealth is a narrow view.


I am ambitious guy. Just not towards money.

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