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Hri Kumar Nair: Singaporeans 'fare poorly in spoken English'


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jam lah............by the time you reach you hungry like f**k liao................and by the time you get back hungry liao............... [laugh] [laugh]

hungry like f**k or hungry for f**k?
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jam lah............by the time you reach you hungry like f**k liao................and by the time you get back hungry liao............... [laugh] [laugh]



and you ah, knn, supposed to catch up after my op, now coming 1 yr still no meet....knn..


i give u invite to my funeral lah, then u meet me....kekekekekeek

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The reason why I can't articulate my views confidently is because of LIM KOPI.



let's not go that area about lim kopi matters. Even in certain areas where views are needed, i find that most, perhaps by virtue of indoctrination in school, never speak up nor offer their alternative views. The modus operandi amongst these fellas is that they cannot be seen as wrong. How to air views if that inherent fear is there?

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hungry like f**k or hungry for f**k?

both lah........lol....



and you ah, knn, supposed to catch up after my op, now coming 1 yr still no meet....knn..


i give u invite to my funeral lah, then u meet me....kekekekekeek

knn....you the cb busy one....dare say.....when when....you put time put place.....I put my leg there.....hahahahaha

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let's not go that area about lim kopi matters. Even in certain areas where views are needed, i find that most, perhaps by virtue of indoctrination in school, never speak up nor offer their alternative views. The modus operandi amongst these fellas is that they cannot be seen as wrong. How to air views if that inherent fear is there?

Yes mine is pun intended

And yes I too find Sporean young man unable to articulate what they want to say very well.

The reason is bcz of the poor command in English.

Many tend to stay away from the limelight, and those who like the limelight... CMI . But at least they try.

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With platforms like Stomp where people just hide behind the keyboards and air their views or rather shame others, no wonder they fail spectacularly when doing it 'live'.

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Yes mine is pun intended

And yes I too find Sporean young man unable to articulate what they want to say very well.

The reason is bcz of the poor command in English.

Many tend to stay away from the limelight, and those who like the limelight... CMI . But at least they try.



yes, perhaps the proper use of the language and the ability to concatenate thoughts to the verbal ouput. Many do not have enough vocabulary perhaps to accurately articulate their thoughts


when you put the part abt those who like limelight, immediately, i think of that private tutor who runs for every GE and PE....hahahaha

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yes, perhaps the proper use of the language and the ability to concatenate thoughts to the verbal ouput. Many do not have enough vocabulary perhaps to accurately articulate their thoughts


when you put the part abt those who like limelight, immediately, i think of that private tutor who runs for every GE and PE....hahahaha

My staff speaks singlish during official duties. They only know this lingo. How sad.

As for our generation (you too ok), we do have better command of English but poor in Mandarin but today's gen, both are half bucket of water.

Frankly even our Parly guys aren't good speakers. The pronunciation of words like APPORTunity. Is the classic word that identify you as a Sporean.

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My staff speaks singlish during official duties. They only know this lingo. How sad.

As for our generation (you too ok), we do have better command of English but poor in Mandarin but today's gen, both are half bucket of water.

Frankly even our Parly guys aren't good speakers. The pronunciation of words like APPORTunity. Is the classic word that identify you as a Sporean.

Very true! When I hear them speak, I cringe


Save for Tharman!!! Believe he had training. The rest, no comment

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He spoke about how singaporeans fare poorly in spoken English but does he have a solution to that? No. He's just saying that sinkies need to buck up.


The root of the problem was not tackled. It is to do with how we were raised up and the education system we went through. On top of that, the punishment and shaming system adopted in schools made everybody scared of raising their hands to speak. We are also more self-aware and afraid of doing or saying something wrong in front of others. Without so much of an environment to speak up, over time, it created a devastating effect where sinkies are meek and not out spoken.


To overcome this problem, it must be addressed first in our children and in the education system. To simply say Singaporeans do not have good spoken english is absolutely irresponsible.

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i give u invite to my funeral lah, then u meet me....kekekekekeek

And you'll be like Tom Sawyer, making a grand entrance at your own funeral. Or maybe Huck Finn. Although in your case I think of you as Fu** Hinn (say it fast). [laugh]

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My company will send them to courses. [laugh] But, all come back still the same.


The gahment, the system and environment don't change, individuals won't change also. It's just a reflection of themselves. Many don't realize it. Easy to spew out all the motherhood statements........



He spoke about how singaporeans fare poorly in spoken English but does he have a solution to that? No. He's just saying that sinkies need to buck up.


The root of the problem was not tackled. It is to do with how we were raised up and the education system we went through. On top of that, the punishment and shaming system adopted in schools made everybody scared of raising their hands to speak. We are also more self-aware and afraid of doing or saying something wrong in front of others. Without so much of an environment to speak up, over time, it created a devastating effect where sinkies are meek and not out spoken.


To overcome this problem, it must be addressed first in our children and in the education system. To simply say Singaporeans do not have good spoken english is absolutely irresponsible.


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liddat, i jialat man, i where got tokking skills? i where tok to my patients? boohooo....



on a more serous note. I tend to agree with Hari here. Let's not even look at the kids, but even adults. Those that I ahve had conversations with, cannot get their point across without the regular 'erms, ahs, let me see' gap fillers. They are unable to construe a sentence fluidly in one go and need these fillers. I find it highly irritating.


Sentence construction should be an intrinsic skill and should come out fluidly. Granted, it takes practice and confidence which i feel a lot of our folks lack. Even sending the kids for drama and speech courses, does not get much help if they do not practice.


Speaking for myself, it is only in the last 5 years or so, after much contact with people from the ground to the boardroom, am i able to hold my own in an audience and command the wanted attention. No easy solution to this.


Simply put, it starts at home. Our teachers should also be trained in this area so that they can also mentor and guide our youth accordingly.

You command attention simply because of the big owl eyes and gaping mouth. I'm outside and don't have the fav pic with me :D

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You command attention simply because of the big owl eyes and gaping mouth. I'm outside and don't have the fav pic with me :D


What are fiends...I mean friends for? :D


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Don't watch much current affair shows, but I do watch alot foodie show. When come to giving their view on the food, it's usually the same old standard answers. Noodle is QQ, soup is thick. absence of muttom flavor (gamey), the taste is just right...etc.... They should learn from Axian Food Adventure from Malaysia on how to do a good foodie show.

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