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Malaysian airline plane goes missing! MH370


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Could it be someone unknowingly open the plane door "to have a walk outside" when the plane was cruising? :ph34r: Sounds bazaar, but such things could happen also right?


Once at that altitude and cruising, that's the moment when people start unbuckling their sea belts to go toilets and walk about.

Edited by Kangadrool
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Just saw it. Not sure which data is the authentic one as it only shows 2 different scenarios of the plane going down at 2 different locations.


If the 2nd one (the one it shows going down south of Hainan island) is true, then i'm sure PRC will start another SAR operation near there since it's so near their territory, and more than half of the passengers on the plane are PRC citizens.

isnt it in Vietnam waters?

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Why aren't they using satellite? If satellite can be used to see military movement on ground, i'm pretty sure it can be used to see floating objects in sea.

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Could it be someone unknowingly open the plane door "to have a walk outside" when the plane was cruising? :ph34r: Sounds bazaar, but such things could happen also right?


Once at that altitude and cruising, that's the moment when people start unbuckling their sea belts to go toilets and walk about.


heard pressure outside will not make it easy to open door just like that.

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^ Y so many ppl keep posting that rubbish? all stupid or what?

Next person that post that link has no kkj.

Edited by Mockngbrd
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Why aren't they using satellite? If satellite can be used to see military movement on ground, i'm pretty sure it can be used to see floating objects in sea.


In all, 40 ships and 34 aircraft from nine countries are taking part in the search for the missing jet and struggling to solve the mystery of its utter disappearance.


China mobilizes satellites on search operation


Beijing has mobilized 10 satellites to help to track the location of the MH370 flight.


At the request of the Malaysian government, it said the US Navy had dispatched two ships, the USS Pinckney and the USNS John Ericsson, to assist in the search-and-rescue efforts.

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On side note it's good to see everyone putting aside national pride and bond together "as of now"

Later all the pushing and blaming of one and another

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MH370 detected above Malacca Straits at 2.40am


Strange reports have emerged that MH370 was detected at the Straits of Malacca at about 2:40am on Saturday. Air Force chief Rodzali Daud ( left ) is quoted as saying that based on military radar readings from its station in Butterworth, MH370 may have turned west after Kota Bahru and flew past the east coast and Kedah.


"The last time the plane was detected was near Pulau Perak, in the Straits of Malacca, at 2.40am," Berita Harian quotes Rodzali as saying.

This contradicts with earlier reports that the aircraft had disappeared from radar screens 120 nautical miles off Kota Bharu and over the South China Sea, at 1.30am on March 8.


Edited by Yamapi
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Where are u, flight MH370??????????????? Time to show up and rest all speculations.


It's frustrating that with all modern search technology and seemingly countless eyes mounted from outer space, plane still hidden.


Guess this incident will prompt better and more surveillance natured equipment to monitor each flight now and hopefully interpol's database will be used for every checking in of passengers. Anything is possible and this glaring loophole better be plugged.


Safe ride......wish the same for this flight and it's passengers. Haiz

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The government welcomes any help to trace missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 including from bomohs (shamans) so long as their methods do not contravene Islam, said Minister in the Prime Ministers Department Jamil Khir Baharom."


they are getting really desperate.......


next thing they will allow Chinese mediums

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Interpol has identified second passenger who used stolen passport to board MH370. He is also an Iranian, named Delavar Syed Mohammad Reza, born on 21 Sept 1984.

Interpol Secretary General stressed that both identities were based on the information on the Iranian passports they used to enter Malaysia on Feb 28, and asked the media and public to help confirm if the information was true.

He added that neither of the Iranian passports were listed on the Interpol database as stolen or missing, which is why they would not have triggered any red flags.

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We are being led into a wild goose chase. No one knows what really happened, even the so called sharman or aviation experts. Just waiting for more mysteries to unfold…..

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Already debunked as fake!

My bad for not reading up the previous pages before I post it

Thanks bro sabian for reminding

And to the one who insults me who do you think you are

I didnt post any thing offensive if you think you are uneasy with my post either you dun do anything or just do what bro sabian had done would be great and I appreciated

If you still unhappy with my reply now, PM me

Do not reply through this thread

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