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Malaysian airline plane goes missing! MH370


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when something happen ... security is step up to the highest ... after some time ... lapses set in [:(]




It is the same as SQ flight hijacked in 1991. How the hijacker boarded the plane with weapons from KL airport. Airport security is sleeping.

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i thought the latest was the vietnamese airplane found some debris that looked like parts of the plane...


what is the latest on that? found already?

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i thought the latest was the vietnamese airplane found some debris that looked like parts of the plane...


what is the latest on that? found already?

Thats not the plane debris


Singapore plane thought found something but it turns out nothing


Now still no lead

and also a beeping sound which will last for 1 week at most ... [sweatdrop]

Sekali they forgot to charge the battery [sweatdrop]

It is the same as SQ flight hijacked in 1991. How the hijacker boarded the plane with weapons from KL airport. Airport security is sleeping.

Got insider?

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Its not entirely impossible to have bombs on the aircraft (but usually a small one is enough to break apart an aircraft in cruise altitude).


All it takes is a corrupted MAS ground staff to smuggle in an explosive device and put it into the cargo haul area.


As for the illegal/ stolen passports, there are 39 million illegal/stolen passports around the world now, based on Interpol latest data.


I hope airlines now have an SOP to tag passports with the stolen passports database.

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Thats not the plane debris


Singapore plane thought found something but it turns out nothing


Now still no lead


Sekali they forgot to charge the battery [sweatdrop]

ya but that was the first incident...


i think yesterday was another incident reported by vietnamese planes...different

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They will be testing the oil slicks. Results should be out in time for the 12pm Press Conference.


They will also investigate an "aircraft-like" door found by Vietnamese search aircraft yesterday evening.


Daylight allows searchers to see more things. We got to be patient. AF447's debris only surfaced 5 days after it crashed into the sea.

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Exclusive: Malaysia plane probe narrows on mid-air disintegration - source


"The fact that we are unable to find any debris so far appears to indicate that the aircraft is likely to have disintegrated at around 35,000 feet," said the source, who is involved in the preliminary investigations in Malaysia.

If the plane had plunged intact from such a height, breaking up only on impact with the water, search teams would have expected to find a fairly concentrated pattern of debris, said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the investigation.




Errr....disintegrate got no debris??


Meaning the plane disintegrated to molecular level?


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IF it were a terror attack, and no terror group has taken responsibility, then it must be a really small, but coordinated group.


All sorts of possibilities are possible right now, until they find aircraft debris/ Flight Data Recorder.


Could also be coordinated hijackers blew up the aircraft, then any debris fallen into the sea, was collected by a professional and efficient group of 'fishermen', who could have used large nets to haul the debris up, got back to shore and run away without being spotted.


I mean, everything can be a possibility now.


I hope airport and international intelligence would have figured out who were the 2 jokers who boarded the aircraft with stolen passports, after looking through the CCTV footage. At least have something to report.


Oh, and the 4 who didn't board the aircraft.

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Errr....disintegrate got no debris??


Meaning the plane disintegrated to molecular level?



It's possible with chemical warfare. Not an impossibility.


But we should just wait. Afterall, the first of AF447 debris took 5 days to surface.


I'm just surprise why MAS didn't take down the 370 flight number and replaced it with something else until Sat morning's MH370 mystery is solved.

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It's possible with chemical warfare. Not an impossibility.


But we should just wait. Afterall, the first of AF447 debris took 5 days to surface.


I'm just surprise why MAS didn't take down the 370 flight number and replaced it with something else until Sat morning's MH370 mystery is solved.

i wiki AF447...


and it says that they found some debris on the 2nd day...


its only after 5 days that they found the bulk of the wreckage.


this time 2nd day also no debris

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IF it's not in the open sea, then it could be back on Malaysia's land. Landed/ crash landed on some Malaysian forest.


Even if aircraft transponder is off, land radar will still pick up the aircraft, only that it's unidentified.

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Errr....disintegrate got no debris??


Meaning the plane disintegrated to molecular level?




if it explode in mid air (35000 ft) it could be all over the place, maybe in some jungle of Vietnam or Thailand.

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Read on the news that " the Pentagon used a system that can detect flashes around the world and reportedly saw no sign of an explosion around the area where the plane disappeared"

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if it explode in mid air (35000 ft) it could be all over the place, maybe in some jungle of Vietnam or Thailand.


some how in my mind I am thinking Vietnam shot down the plane in their air/land space and and teh-gong :D


just a wild conspiracy theory, dun flame me. (apologize to Vietnamese forummers first, if any)

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