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MND Press Statement on AHPETC


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Suddenly all become accountants and auditors with all the technical term come out liao [laugh]

But the ones would should really come out not out yet [laugh]

Next few days maybe bah

Look like some jokers are burning weekend to prepare press statements now [laugh]

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But the ones would should really come out not out yet [laugh]

Next few days maybe bah

Look like some jokers are burning weekend to prepare press statements now [laugh]

Who ask them stir shit on Thursday, should stir on Monday mah... Hehehe

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Who ask them stir shit on Thursday, should stir on Monday mah... Hehehe

Shiit must stir while it is still hot

Cold shiit, stale already, very hard to sell [laugh]

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Shiit must stir while it is still hot

Cold shiit, stale already, very hard to sell [laugh]

I had this customer, very smart with timing, always come back with request on Thursday, then request to see improvement on Monday, he will get the result on Tuesday and analyze until Thursday and feedback to us again and expect to see something on the following Monday... We always kena weekend...

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I don't know whether wp is telling the truth

No one knows

So both auditors and mnd should step forward to debunk wp

If not debunked, people will take it that wp is telling the truth?

Now ball is in auditors and mnd court


It is an entertaining tennis game [laugh]


Bro, I read the WP FY2013 annual report with the audited statements and comments here --> http://www.ahpetc.sg/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Annual-Report-2012-2013.pdf


Since FY2012, the auditors already expressed disclaimer of opinion for the audited report. Referring to post 77 in this thread, this stemmed from past transactions under the PAP-run Aljunied TC, whose MA and govt bodies did not co-operate to hand over the accounting records completely and cleanly to the incoming WP TC. So the shit started a year ago, but why MND did not stir this up for the past 1 year??? Coincidence with the slew of of sudden positive action items by the PAP to patch up its tattered reputation with the common folk now (e.g. pioneer generation subsidy, indo warship issue) ??


Disclaimer of opinion means the accounts were done according to the FRS and no misrepresentation/fraud was present. But there was not enough corroborative third party evidence to support the accounting entries put in.


WP already published the audited reports with the auditors sign off. So no need for auditors to say more; they already have in the report. Its for the shit stirrer MND to support its vile statements, based on the hard evidence in the audited report, and the comments in the WP rebuke. I take it that the WP is more complete and not selective in their explanations of the events in this issue. This is supported by the comment (excerpt) in post 77 below :


“The accompanying financial statements include the Income and Expenditure statement, sinking funds, town improvement and project fund and government grants whose figures include those stated in the statement of income and expenditure and receipts and payments for the period 1 April 2011 to 31 July 2011 of Aljunied Town Council.”

“This statement was audited by another firm of auditors and we were not allowed access to the auditor’s audit documentation. We were also not able to obtain the supporting accounting documents from the previous managing agent of the Aljunied Town Council prior to the reconstitution. As a result, we were unable to determine whether the income and expenses and receipts and payments for the period 1 April 2011 to 31 July 2011 for Aljunied Town Council that are included in the accompanying financial statements are fairly stated.”

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Maybe the ka kia's heard wrongly boss's orders. He said to fix the opposition, not to fix their own team


Edited by Christan
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Believe me, WP LTK, SL & Team is waiting for them to rock the boat, they must have found lot's of open secrets whereby in favour and needs appropriate timing and place for public exposures. [rolleyes]

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Believe me, WP LTK, SL & Team is waiting for them to rock the boat, they must have found lot's of open secrets whereby in favour and needs appropriate timing and place for public exposures. [rolleyes]


Bro , for WP? or the sore losers?

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Bro , for WP? or the sore losers?

In favour to WP, they (loser) must have too many "good things" (only god knows) that don't want to share with Aljunied residents choice TC, therefore the "Information Gaps" are mention and it obvious the loser has something to hide, be it good or bad [shakehead]

Clearly, PAP's hold of Singapore is so tight that they have fans everywhere that are ready to lend their expertise to make WP look bad and 'advise' the PAP.

Is the missing documentation in some WP financial records more 'serious' than the sale of $25 million software for $140,000 to a $2 PAP company AIM?

Furthermore, WP has said that some of the missing details were due to them not having received the relevant info from the PAP in the first place.

How much more dirty politicking is going to occur?

Edited by Fongmy
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If all the 'lapses' and 'missing' millions are so serious, what stopping the authority from refering the case to Commercial Affair Department and CPIB? In fact, if PAP gov refuse to refer the case to law enforcement, WP should should proactive report the these 'lapses' of their TC to CAD and CPIB themselves. Let authority investigate to uncover the truth.

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If all the 'lapses' and 'missing' millions are so serious, what stopping the authority from refering the case to Commercial Affair Department and CPIB? In fact, if PAP gov refuse to refer the case to law enforcement, WP should should proactive report the these 'lapses' of their TC to CAD and CPIB themselves. Let authority investigate to uncover the truth.

WP LTK & SL are smart peoples, both are beaten by the draconian systems badly and fully aware that they're dealing with wolfs in sheep skin whereby a good and strong trap can only capture such cunning beast [idea]

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This system is so pervasive that many involved with and support lightning party has personal interest and much to gain to put down any oppositions.


It's up to the good people of SG to set this right at the voting box.

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This system is so pervasive that many involved with and support lightning party has personal interest and much to gain to put down any oppositions.


It's up to the good people of SG to set this right at the voting box.

Materialism had influence wise voters foresight with up-right moralism [smallcry]

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This system is so pervasive that many involved with and support lightning party has personal interest and much to gain to put down any oppositions.


It's up to the good people of SG to set this right at the voting box.

Am sure you have heard how corrupt my and indo politics is due to all the patronage system.

Actually, a little digging reveals that sg has just as deep a patronage system as those corrupt countries.

Many so call experts end up having political connections that make their "professional" comments rather suspect.

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