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Vehicle trespasses onto MFA premises, woman arrested


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Question: If they know the offender has slipped thru the custom, why can't they give chase??


I supposed during the lockdown period, they don't even know which vehicle it was until they scrutinised the CCTV - which may take quite awhile to figure out the make and number plate. By then the offender is long gone.


Also, why would she drive all the way to Singapore and particularly head to MFA grounds?? MFA is not even exactly along the main road. Majority of us won't even know where it is.


3 days in Singapore for a mentally ill person who can buy food herself, go toilet, drive, stop at traffic lights, avoid accidents... is a very functional mentally ill patient.




Some thing about mental health tests for domestic helpers???

Edited by Datsun366
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Traffic at the Woodlands Checkpoint at 2.48pm on Saturday, Jan 25, 2014. Traffic coming into Singapore was heavy on Saturday at both the Tuas and Woodlands checkpoints, while traffic into Johor was light.

Slow Singapore-bound traffic at both checkpoints

Traffic coming into Singapore was heavy on Saturday at both the Tuas and Woodlands checkpoints, while traffic into Johor was light.
Land Transport Authority webcams show a line of cars at the two checkpoints queuing to get into Singapore. The authority's hotline service also reported that Singapore-bound traffic at Tuas was "heavily congested".
Traffic has been heavy on the Causeway since news broke on Tuesday of a Malaysian woman who managed to drive through the Woodlands checkpoint without authorisation.
The Immigration and Checkpoints Authority then stepped up checks, leading to traffic snarls. The incident also coincided with the Chinese New Year season, where traffic on both sides tend to be heavier.
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Went in yesterday too at 10am...traffic was good but saw the long long queue going into sg...decided to go back later around 10pm...checked the traffic cam app on mobile and probably msians all scared of the jams then the causeway was clear...heng ar... [sweatdrop]


after chop passport, the officer passed back together with a slip of paper with the number of passengers written on it...kns the old system again...then proceeded up for vehicle check then kena stuck for about 15mins as the clearance was very slow <_<


btw DO NOT lost the slip of paper ya...i allow one sg car to cut my queue as his lane was suddenly closed due to 1 car in front of him kena 100% check. Then when it was his turn the Cisco as for the slip...he machiam not too sure whats that...then also kena 100% check... [sweatdrop] i quickly let the next officer check and zhao....

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practice at the causeway jams


the best tailgater i ever saw was this elderly man. He tailgated a car by bumping into the car constantly.


The fool in front of him tahan for countless bumbs before finally getting off the car and giving the old man the stare


Any one bump into my car bumper would get more than a stare from me... old man or not... KNN, want to move so fast for fck when the road infront is jammed for all... tailgate will make u save 0.0000005 sec faster? _|_ makes my blood boil when I see a tailgater behind me... stupid people... :angry:

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predictable isn't it?


1. cock up -> 2. minister make noise -> 3. knee jerk, kiasu, overreactive, unsustainable solution -> 4.drop in productivity -> 5. inconvenience to public -> 6. finally some long term solution after many2 committees -> 7. some semblance of normalcy


back to 1.




If there are some global organisations measuring the efficiency at checkpoints, I'm sure overnight the jams will disappear. Similiar to how the airports are surveyed, measured and rated.

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The woman in question.

Wow..just like how easy it took a limping Mas Selamat to fool our security, now all it takes a is a bo chup looking housewife looking like woman to defeat our border security..TCH..I salute you..


Rather than bullying WP during parliament pls take precious time to clean up your act.. [shakehead]


Just like what I remember from Tsui Hark Wong Fei Hung movies in which Wong commented..上梁不正..

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If your report are not doing their jobs, they should be reprimanded. TCH is doing his job.


Problem is ICA needs to be seen beefing up security after the scolding from TCH, otherwise the senior guys will be seen as ignoring his directive but the measures imposed so far are just wayang measures, so I heard. It is holding up thousands of commuters for hours and will need to be reassessed. Perhaps we should write to TCH to give our feedback on those wayang measures.


Anyway no system is fool proof, as compared to JB CIQ, SG Checkpoint is far more superior in terms of security and traffic control, so we should not allow 1 exceptional case to inconvenience thousands, especially if the measures do not add value to the whole end to end process. The officer involved should be sacked/transferred if found to be in gross negligence (it is national security after all) but it should stop there. It is extremely difficult to eliminate human errors 100%.


I am surprised they don't have a lock down button at each immigration desk, even our MRT has those red button.

Ageed totally. All these wayangs totally unnecessary, other than just to wayang to higher authority that extra measures are taken. If I am in 'his' position, I will be calling all of them up and give them a good lecture, unless of course I got the same wayang mentality and thought nothing about these.

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Parents of Malaysian teacher charged with criminal trespass visit her at IMH

The parents of the Malaysian school teacher, who is remanded for psychiatric assessment after she was charged with criminal trespass, visited her at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) on Saturday afternoon.
Deputy High Commissioner Kamsiah Kamaruddin told The Straits Times that her parents, who have been in Singapore since Thursday, met with Nurul Ruhana Ishak at about 2.45 pm.
Nurul, 28, had allegedly slipped past immigration officers at the Woodlands Checkpoint last week by tailgating a car. An alarm was raised two minutes later, and the arrival zone locked down for half an hour, but her Malaysian-registered car had gone by then.
On Monday, she tailgated a taxi for an hour. The cabby called the police and was directed to drive into the Police Cantonment Complex. There, Nurul managed to give the authorities the slip again.
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Ageed totally. All these wayangs totally unnecessary, other than just to wayang to higher authority that extra measures are taken. If I am in 'his' position, I will be calling all of them up and give them a good lecture, unless of course I got the same wayang mentality and thought nothing about these.

ICA wayang for TCH, TCH wayang for LHL? LHL wayang to..... So write to LHL to complain???? LOL.

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eh? but wayang kulit means the javanase puppet show what.

wayang-show/movie/play.....kulit-skin....hahaha. But ya...it meant shadow play in the cultural context!
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My BBI agent tells me this charbo do not have record of any passport application before.


Meaning our good neighbour also bor check....and tiam-tiam keep quiet...........hahaha. [laugh]

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My BBI agent tells me this charbo do not have record of any passport application before.


Meaning our good neighbour also bor check....and tiam-tiam keep quiet...........hahaha. [laugh]


Neighbour polis will said, since she gone over the other sife, let SG side get headage ... [grin]

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If your report are not doing their jobs, they should be reprimanded. TCH is doing his job.


Problem is ICA needs to be seen beefing up security after the scolding from TCH, otherwise the senior guys will be seen as ignoring his directive but the measures imposed so far are just wayang measures, so I heard. It is holding up thousands of commuters for hours and will need to be reassessed. Perhaps we should write to TCH to give our feedback on those wayang measures.


Anyway no system is fool proof, as compared to JB CIQ, SG Checkpoint is far more superior in terms of security and traffic control, so we should not allow 1 exceptional case to inconvenience thousands, especially if the measures do not add value to the whole end to end process. The officer involved should be sacked/transferred if found to be in gross negligence (it is national security after all) but it should stop there. It is extremely difficult to eliminate human errors 100%.


I am surprised they don't have a lock down button at each immigration desk, even our MRT has those red button.


The thing is, we only know about this because something else went wrong.

How many cases have there been of someone slipping through that we were never told about?


If this car can get through, and only noticed two minutes later, have there been cases that haven't been detected and noticed at all?


No reasonable system is going to be 100% fool proof, but there are still questions about how this could have happened in the first place - and why weren't we told sooner (like PN Balji says of Mas Selamat - perhaps "the public" could have found this car much sooner had they been told)

Wow..just like how easy it took a limping Mas Selamat to fool our security, now all it takes a is a bo chup looking housewife looking like woman to defeat our border security..TCH..I salute you..


Rather than bullying WP during parliament pls take precious time to clean up your act.. [shakehead]


Just like what I remember from Tsui Hark Wong Fei Hung movies in which Wong commented..上梁不正..

Hasn't this been addressed before?


Didn't someone say that he would need to spend all his time thinking of ways to fix the opposition rather than ruling well?


I guess his prediction is coming true?

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