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Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE)


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Mai scared me leh, that's my usual route home from office but have not try yet as these few days didn't go home from office......now think of 2 Jan sweat liao...... [sweatdrop]


by the way, how about the entrance to ECP from Ophir Rd? Now how to go to AYE or ECP if at Ophir Rd??? [confused]

If that you are from ECP to Keppel, need to divert to MCE.

If that you are from Keppel, you turn directly into MCE then ECP.


In both ways, you are not that screwed as you will not be in MBFC area.



Not affected I hope.

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If that you are from ECP to Keppel, need to divert to MCE.

If that you are from Keppel, you turn directly into MCE then ECP.


In both ways, you are not that screwed as you will not be in MBFC area.



Not affected I hope.


Actually I'll be from KPE-MCE-Keppel exit from office to home......


As for home to office, now since MCE-ECP is always jammed, I'll avoid using that road......but not sure if MCE-KPE affected by the jam boh..... [shakehead]

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Actually I'll be from KPE-MCE-Keppel exit......


Now since MCE-ECP is always jammed, I'll avoid using that road......but not sure if MCE-KPE affected by the jam boh..... [shakehead]

You are not affected badly. Jam at MCE is only at MBFC area.

You worry too much, have a good year of jams ahead.

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You are not affected badly. Jam at MCE is only at MBFC area.

You worry too much, have a good year of jams ahead.


[laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

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Actually I'll be from KPE-MCE-Keppel exit from office to home......


As for home to office, now since MCE-ECP is always jammed, I'll avoid using that road......but not sure if MCE-KPE affected by the jam boh..... [shakehead]

MCE-ECP jam is also caused by those heavy vehicles occupying the 2 lanes exiting to ECP while I was driving by on Monday afternoon. Can see a stretch of empty road in front of a bunch of heavy vehicles about 100 meters before the exit while cars are jamming up behind those heavy vehicles in lane 4 and 5. Some "smart" car drivers chiong all the way in lane 2 and 3 to overtake these heavy vehicles to exit ECP.


MCE-KPE very smooth, so far drove there on Monday and yesterday and smooth all the way provided you stick to lane 1 and 2 after entering MCE from AYE.

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first complrain in 2014 [smash]


earlier on in the afternoon from kpe i wanted to go suntec, then realized rochor is gone....end up going into cbd instead with a big loop. and kenna a huge jam there.. can't imagine from a 4-5 lane highway exit into a 2-lane road.


from the end of kpe i should have exited at nicholl highway then make u-turn i think..


imo... sibeh c0ck... 1 step forward, 3 step backwards... [hur]

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Just my observation this afternoon at around 2 pm when I was driving home from mce to ecp.


based on eye power, seems to me that there are at least twice as many vehicles mce-ecp rather than mce-kpe. the exit to ecp is jammed while the kpe exit is relatively unoccupied.


the straits Times and a transport lecturer at the nus have both highlighted this choke point but lta has not responded at all nor have they made any changes. come 6 Jan evening and we'll witness another major jam at mce-ecp exit.


I used to tell my overseas visitors no need to worry about their trip to the changi airport as ecp is smooth. going forward, I am not so sure anymore.


that my fren, is the correct question [laugh] [laugh]


Actually I'll be from KPE-MCE-Keppel exit from office to home......


As for home to office, now since MCE-ECP is always jammed, I'll avoid using that road......but not sure if MCE-KPE affected by the jam boh..... [shakehead]


MCE-KPE at the exit will not be jammed, but before u can get to MCE-KPE, all those 5lanes in MCE will be jammed up by the traffic going MCE-ECP. brillant right?? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

first complrain in 2014

earlier on in the afternoon from kpe i wanted to go suntec, then realized rochor is gone....end up going into cbd instead with a big loop. and kenna a huge jam there.. can't imagine from a 4-5 lane highway exit into a 2-lane road.


from the end of kpe i should have exited at nicholl highway then make u-turn i think..


imo... sibeh c0ck... 1 step forward, 3 step backwards...


macham dancing cha cha lah

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that my fren, is the correct question [laugh] [laugh]


MCE-KPE at the exit will not be jammed, but before u can get to MCE-KPE, all those 5lanes in MCE will be jammed up by the traffic going MCE-ECP. brillant right?? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


macham dancing cha cha lah


Talk so much when the new year just arrived ya freak.


Happy New Year to you and f*ck you too :p :p :p

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first complrain in 2014 [smash]


earlier on in the afternoon from kpe i wanted to go suntec, then realized rochor is gone....end up going into cbd instead with a big loop. and kenna a huge jam there.. can't imagine from a 4-5 lane highway exit into a 2-lane road.


from the end of kpe i should have exited at nicholl highway then make u-turn i think..


imo... sibeh c0ck... 1 step forward, 3 step backwards... [hur]

ECP Rochor exit still there what, if coming from east that is.

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MCE-KPE at the exit will not be jammed, but before u can get to MCE-KPE, all those 5lanes in MCE will be jammed up by the traffic going MCE-ECP. brillant right?? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


that is my concern........the road leading to MCE-KPE.........now go airport think better take PIE liao........ [shakehead]


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Wonder why they post those traffic wardens on the MCE? What they expect drivers to do? Come to a complete halt and ask questions??!! As it is, there are those "spiders" on the road that are programmed to step on the brakes when they see blinkers regardless of color!! Stupiak!


On the peripheral roads, you post wardens at junction as "information counters" so that people can STOP to ask questions!!??? Brain not ok rite?


How are the traffic wardens helping to smoothen the traffic? Will they use their brain and regulate traffic depending on the flow from a certain direction or they simply stand there look at their hand phones and let the traffic lights so the job? If the latter .... please la.....they better plan and discuss their roles for tomorrow or the next few working days.


Please hor!

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first complrain in 2014 [smash]


earlier on in the afternoon from kpe i wanted to go suntec, then realized rochor is gone....end up going into cbd instead with a big loop. and kenna a huge jam there.. can't imagine from a 4-5 lane highway exit into a 2-lane road.


from the end of kpe i should have exited at nicholl highway then make u-turn i think..


imo... sibeh c0ck... 1 step forward, 3 step backwards... [hur]

KPE - ECP - Rochor. Exit still there.

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you all complain somemore, wait they tulanz go change all the TPE , PIE , BKE and SLE to the same pattern. jammed until you all

cry father cry mother.........

Follow by more ERP gantries, gahmen huat ah

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And I thought that from west to east, we can drive from AYE direct connect to the MCE then ECP. If we have to exit the expressway, it will create an instant bottleneck.


As the acronym suggested. Mce stands for "most congested expressway."

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that my fren, is the correct question [laugh] [laugh]



MCE-KPE at the exit will not be jammed, but before u can get to MCE-KPE, all those 5lanes in MCE will be jammed up by the traffic going MCE-ECP. brillant right?? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]



macham dancing cha cha lah

lta replied to the no of lanes allocated to ecp via mce. either my comprehension fail or they are beating around the Bush with no real answer or their ang mo fail.


let's see them eat their words in the next few weeks.

As the acronym suggested. Mce stands for "most congested expressway."

they had opened up the keppel viaduct to link aye to mce so traffic is good......up to the point when it splits into ecp and kpe.
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Talk so much when the new year just arrived ya freak.


Happy New Year to you and f*ck you too :p :p :p


Blessed and fruitful 2014 to you too.

May your arse find peace in the new year [laugh] [laugh]

Wonder why they post those traffic wardens on the MCE? What they expect drivers to do? Come to a complete halt and ask questions??!! As it is, there are those "spiders" on the road that are programmed to step on the brakes when they see blinkers regardless of color!! Stupiak!


On the peripheral roads, you post wardens at junction as "information counters" so that people can STOP to ask questions!!??? Brain not ok rite?


How are the traffic wardens helping to smoothen the traffic? Will they use their brain and regulate traffic depending on the flow from a certain direction or they simply stand there look at their hand phones and let the traffic lights so the job? If the latter .... please la.....they better plan and discuss their roles for tomorrow or the next few working days.


Please hor!


boh pian.. public outrage, LTA has to do something, even if it seems stupid. better than doing NOTHING right?? [laugh] [laugh]

anyway, happy new year!


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