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When people honk at you, what is your first reaction?


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U making very sound n logical posts today. U very good mood ah?


Thats why I gave u 5 points.

Ya seems like some drivers just love to horn.


Maybe ty r just HORNy. (Lips sealed)

I put one, Dun follow me. Blind driver onboard.


Huh! You mean usually I do not give sound n logical comments meh...? [laugh]


Thank you for your points, sir! I hereby confirmed receipt of your generous points!


Drivers who love to horn are not horny! They just very hot temper or very impatient. Some are just showing off, while some just like to bully others. My 2 cents opinion only.


Haha, if I put the "Blind Driver Onboard" sticker, I'm sure some drivers behind me would report my car regn plate to TP/LTA liao... [:p]


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Here in Singapore, it seems more appropriate to flash the high beam than tapping the horn, else people will jam brake as someone already said


Press horn or flash high beam are equally irritating/annoying, if used inappropriately or misued. There is no difference, except if you are in a hospital area!

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It is a design flaw in women.


Ty only hv selective hearing

. Say the words SALE....OFFER.....HAIRDRESSER.....MANICURE/PEDICURE...SHOES...ETC then ty hv 100% perfect hearing n can hear those words whispered across the room even.

Exactly! [thumbsup]


Even the word SEX for them is selective, and largely depends on their mood and the environment. Both cases, we usually can't control it, but we can sure try our best to improve/create it better to make them hornier! [nod]:ph34r:

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When someone cuts into your lane and you have to brake, it is dangerous driving. But a lot of kayu drivers in Singapore would horn in the above circumstance when their cars are still a distance away.



because they see it as you have infringed their territory [laugh][laugh]

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It is a design flaw in women.


Ty only hv selective hearing

. Say the words SALE....OFFER.....HAIRDRESSER.....MANICURE/PEDICURE...SHOES...ETC then ty hv 100% perfect hearing n can hear those words whispered across the room even.



Seems the anonymous option on the "Junk" button can b easily abused.


I hope the Mods wil remove it.

Lol someone should invent a horn that screams, "sales!!!"

sure get their attention!!

Edited by Knoobie
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Yesterday passed by one of the alley at Chinatown where both side of the road has parallel parking.


One car is doing parking but didn't took very long. But there is a joker 4-5 cars behind keep tapping horn.


I wonder if his horn will spoil if he goes places like Geylang....


Btw, I thought air horn are illegal in Singapore? Not a good idea, later accidentally gave people hard attack.

Edited by Knoobie
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But many times even you horn, the car still continue to cut into your lane!

I'm quite numb to these blatant acts of cutting into my lane.....they are already committed to take your lane......what can you do?


.....as a result, I hardly use the horn. I conclude that defensive driving works better than the horn, in most of these scenarios.

Edited by Toothiewabbit
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But many times even you horn, the car still continue to cut into your lane!

The more the driver gets honked at, the more he insists on cutting in front for the one who honked him!!!!


End of the day, no point honking him. :-)

I trying to put an emocon here but the farking new system adds all the emocons up per thread so I guess I used up my allotment of emocons for this thread.

Btw, I still can't even find the buttons for emocons, where'd are they???

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Lol someone should invent a horn that screams, "sales!!!"

sure get their attention!!

But then they will crowd round your car stretching out their hands!!??? Edited by Maseratigood
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Exactly! [thumbsup]


Even the word SEX for them is selective, and largely depends on their mood and the environment. Both cases, we usually can't control it, but we can sure try our best to improve/create it better to make them hornier! [nod]:ph34r:


Imagine if she is always horny, not very good ------ very tiring for the man coz man has to work hard, she just relaxes and enjoys.

Edited by Maseratigood
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So noble of you to think of such a community service! I am sooooo impressed.... [:p]


But we got be prepare if our "rub n soothing" service becomes sooooooogood and the ladies request for "special", how should we handle it ??? [sweatdrop] Scarli they drive us somewhere else instead of a nearby MRT station ??? :o We are afterall, doing a non-profit community service wor....


Oh, no worries, we are non-profit and also charitable ------ we can give them happiness foc provided they bring us to a nice lomantic place!!! No efforts will be spared to create happiness!!

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........ cos that driver has very slow reflexes n reaction time.


Only after he reach home n park wil he realise, ...... alamak, who horn me. What did I do?. <<<<<<<<<<<



Such drivers should install a rear view vidcam, then they can watch the video at home to find out which car honked him.

Lol. Seems like it. Just got junked again by anonymous.

Hahaha, that button allows the ball-less users to confirm their existence, so we can't say it serves no purpose.

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Huh! You mean usually I do not give sound n logical comments meh...? [laugh]


Thank you for your points, sir! I hereby confirmed receipt of your generous points!


Drivers who love to horn are not horny! They just very hot temper or very impatient. Some are just showing off, while some just like to bully others. My 2 cents opinion only.


Haha, if I put the "Blind Driver Onboard" sticker, I'm sure some drivers behind me would report my car regn plate to TP/LTA liao... [:p]




[idea] Just a thought. I wonder how valuable those points r?


Dunno can sell or not?


Some games, the points can b sold or traded n its worth real cash. [sly]

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Exactly! [thumbsup]


Even the word SEX for them is selective, and largely depends on their mood and the environment. Both cases, we usually can't control it, but we can sure try our best to improve/create it better to make them hornier! [nod]:ph34r:



This u must ask the master baiter, MG fr his advice. He expert or sud I say sexpert on women matters. [sly]

Lol someone should invent a horn that screams, "sales!!!"

sure get their attention!!



No need to b loud. Soft also ty wil hear. Hahaha. [grin]

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Yesterday passed by one of the alley at Chinatown where both side of the road has parallel parking.


One car is doing parking but didn't took very long. But there is a joker 4-5 cars behind keep tapping horn.


I wonder if his horn will spoil if he goes places like Geylang....


Btw, I thought air horn are illegal in Singapore? Not a good idea, later accidentally gave people hard attack.



Ya air or multi-tone horns r illegal.


Thats why u must know how to hide. [sly]

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The more the driver gets honked at, the more he insists on cutting in front for the one who honked him!!!!


End of the day, no point honking him. :-)


Btw, I still can't even find the buttons for emocons, where'd are they???



The Mods hv removed yrs. Many of yr privlidges hv been taken away till u give a treat fr all the kaki here.


Then u get them back.



No lah. Chk when u reply the blue section where u see "font" n "size", the smiley is there. Press the smiley n below u see "more" press fr all the ugly little faces. [grin]

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........ cos that driver has very slow reflexes n reaction time.


Only after he reach home n park wil he realise, ...... alamak, who horn me. What did I do?. <<<<<<<<<<<



Such drivers should install a rear view vidcam, then they can watch the video at home to find out which car honked him.


Hahaha, that button allows the ball-less users to confirm their existence, so we can't say it serves no purpose.


His reactiom time is so slow, by the time he finds the car, a few days wud hv passed.


That anonymous button gives the losers a small hope that ty do hv some control over other pple.


But not much. [shakehead]

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