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I am SAF-special unit-commando-counter terrorist!


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Maybe you can send him message


"I am COL Sp4wn. CO of Singapore armed forces commandos special operation force counterterrorist plain cloths unit. Your country needs you" [:p]

dont want lah. later he get my hp no ask me come in for bikini photoshoot.

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oh dear, another mentally unstable guy spotted.


This time, near the PAP HQ.


From the youtube comments:


I have no intention to insult this harmless poor sole at all, he is a resident in a HDB block next to Lee Kuan Yew's PAP HQ, he regularly dressed in military fatigue & boots with NDP Flag parade or march or patrol the neighborhood, talking to himself only. Increasing number of Singaporeans are developing mental health problems in the stressful and depressing LEEgime under LKy's party. The evidence can be found at doorstep of it's HQ. Filmed by UncleYap 3rd April 2011.






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what is he slinging ??



small version of singapore flag.


wonder why people still say singapore is a good place when most of us is so stressful.

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small version of singapore flag.


wonder why people still say singapore is a good place when most of us is so stressful.

bcos they are the very people that stress others out....aka the boss...aka the big kahoona...aka your RO!
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oh dear, another mentally unstable guy spotted.


This time, near the PAP HQ.


From the youtube comments:



ehh...saw a wire on him...what it is wired to har?






Tripwire....u pull u trip his wire...will go rambo berserk! but those crabs big hor! Edited by Eviilusion
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so how, any bros know this 40yrs old cockmando, care to share the aftermath especially when SAF made a official statement....think he can dig a hole and hide his cockmando face liao.....

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