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HAPPY 90TH BIRTHDAY, Singapore Founding Father.......


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It's sad to see the bashing on the forums, where the curses, wishes for an extra public holiday and other unnecessary statements far outweigh those of well abode.


In Chinese sayings " 没有功劳也有苦劳

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Overall, our lives have indeed changed with LKY and the team he held back then. these old guards really worked their butts out and we owe it to them. LKY for his vision, and yes, although not all policies did seem very right, from a holistic perspective, we have done well.


Now we look towards to the next 50 yrs



That's the key point. But everyone seems to credit all the success to LKY alone.. which is so so wrong.


To me he's more like the spokeperson, the face to a voice.

Edited by Baphomet
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That's the key point. But everyone seems to credit all the success to LKY alone.. which is so so wrong.


To me he's more like the spokeperson, the face to a voice.


that's right! Singapore to become today is not becos of one man but a team of good men working their socks off for the greatness of the nation.


Right now, LKY is like machiam Messi in Braca whom everyone idolize but everyone forgotten the other 10 players in the teams who defend hard, the goalkeeper whom guard the post, the midfielders whom fought hard for control and passing and the other strikers whom supported the star player.....


To me, give credit when it is due as he deserved it but do not make him like he is GOD and without him SG will collapse.

Without the "other 10 players", you reckon SG can be like today? who know SG is communist country with chin Peng and LKY fate switched around.

Edited by Jayy25
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Overall, our lives have indeed changed with LKY and the team he held back then. these old guards really worked their butts out and we owe it to them. LKY for his vision, and yes, although not all policies did seem very right, from a holistic perspective, we have done well.


Now we look towards to the next 50 yrs


Hope He will live another 90 years.

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that's right! Singapore to become today is not becos of one man but a team of good men working their socks off for the greatness of the nation.


Right now, LKY is like machiam Messi in Braca whom everyone idolize but everyone forgotten the other 10 players in the teams who defend hard, the goalkeeper whom guard the post, the midfielders whom fought hard for control and passing and the other strikers whom supported the star player.....


To me, give credit when it is due as he deserved it but do not make him like he is GOD and without him SG will collapse.

Without the "other 10 players", you reckon SG can be like today? who know SG is communist country with chin Peng and LKY fate switched around.



Messi?? at best Fabregas. [:p]


okie ... joking joking..


Wish LKY a long long life! Happy Birthday!


All hail the king! Long live the King!

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One thing for sure, he see far ahead 20 years time ...... -_-



are you sure he see far ahead 20 year time?


making his son the current PM don't seem to be a correct choice.

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That's the key point. But everyone seems to credit all the success to LKY alone.. which is so so wrong.


To me he's more like the spokeperson, the face to a voice.

Staying in e Lime light keeps one going [:)]

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