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COE 1st/2nd ROUND - SEPT 2013


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I thk LTA is jus self-fuelling the COE demand. jus last week my colleague said wan to change car BEFORE the 2nd car surcharge rules come in. KNN.



it's true. been getting calls from SE saying better buy now coz price sure up b4 new rules kick in. knn.....pay $77k for LTA paper maciam rushing to buy toilet paper on offer at ntuc liddat.


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it's true. been getting calls from SE saying better buy now coz price sure up b4 new rules kick in. knn.....pay $77k for LTA paper maciam rushing to buy toilet paper on offer at ntuc liddat.

New rule? [:/]

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it's true. been getting calls from SE saying better buy now coz price sure up b4 new rules kick in. knn.....pay $77k for LTA paper maciam rushing to buy toilet paper on offer at ntuc liddat.


If the new rule is to level the playing field, whatever it means by basing it on OMV value?

I take it that it will benefits the Jap and Koreans which sell lower OMV cars? Surely that is not level playing field.


So it may mean conti cars AD are now trying to sell n register as many cars as possible now to clear their stocks.


Car buyers who dream to drive conti cars will also likely enter market now, to secure a low end conti car at a cheaper price now. Just in case the new rule makes the entry-level conti cars more expensive to buy.


All the worries now are pushing up the CAT.A COE benchmark.


When the new rule apply, the CAT.A COE already so high and become a norm.


The Jap and Korean AD will priced in the high CAT.A COE price into the total car selling price.

By then the same people who yearn for conti cars, will just buy jap n kor cars.

The number of cars buyers will not change.

The number of COE if remains the same....the it's a LPPL rule change.

I don't see how a OMV based new rule can work.

It will be a backward rule, as more car buyers will be paying high price for the most basic car possible, because AD will try to reduce their OMV by removing as many features as possible, especially useful safety features.




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i agree w your observations. i'm still scratching my head sometimes about the contradictions of giving certain ppl the preferential right to buy a new car in a punitive, restricted supply intended to control car population. :wacko::wacko:


but what to do? we're now entering a populist era and critical thinking will have to take a back seat while we are seeming rushing to join the ranks of our neighbours. <_<



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some numbers are out - so cat a 70% now taken by BMW, Merc and Volvo. so the shortest cut method i can think of for the scholars is cat a wil b reduced by 70% and moved to cat b. cat a will now b OMV 20k below cars. Done.


*wait for next paycheck. ^_^

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