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Advise please!! Thanks!!


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wait - the accident was last year?


so what was the verdict from TP?


Huh ? Wait????

Last year? Now ts come ask for advise????

Hmm treat us really jiak par liao

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he swerved n skidded ( e road was wet) so his car bang onto me at an angle, and indeed as i'm alr on right turning the force push me more right. i can only conclude he is speed by the damage and e fact my car was pushed over the centre divider n landed in the slip road from the impact.


My guess is if TP can get a confession from him for speeding, which I doubt, he may get away with his speeding. And you get to foot the billfor the damage.


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bro, i'm not trying to achieve anything or garner support so that i can use the opinions here n sue anyone.


frankly speaking it's really out of my hands also. juz dat i feel frustrated cos i pride myself as a safe driver. check for incoming cars b4 making turns. check for pedestrians before going into a slip road. give way to cars signalling to change into my lane. but yet still kena bang by a driver who insist on his right of way, when it was really avoidable. by bola he is not wrong. but does it mean u die die go straight regardless of safety, as long e law supports u?


Depends on situation, but in your case you took a risk moving when lights are not 100% in your favor, so I guess learn a lesson.


No matter how you say it under these circumstances you are in the wrong. SLR right of rule, those going Straight, turning Left and last turning Right.


You assume everyone drives safely and slowly, the other party assumes you will follow rules. One goes by safety and the other by law. Unfortunately in Singapore in order to keep things orderly we go by law.

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actually, these road that have LRT running parallel in the middle quit hard to gauge.. those huge pillars are blocking our sights..

I believe people who lives in SK/Punggol will know..

If the vehicle is in lane 1 of opposite direction, in normal roads we can usually see it. but here we cannot see as it is blocked by pillars.

so I suspect, vehicle coming fast in lane 1, then see obstruction and move to lane 2. then ZOMG! TS is there!!!


Regardless of pillar or whatsoever, just follow simple rule...can't see, don't turn. Wait for arrow.

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You keep saying the other party should do this, do that to avoid the collision but frankly, I say you should either wait for the green arrow or step on the gas fast when u inched out and saw him 'far' away as u claim to avoid the accident... That guy down on his luck.... [:p]

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wait - the accident was last year?


so what was the verdict from TP?


TS ... I am interested to know the verdict as well ....


Did u win the case 100% since you are so confident that you are right and the other car is in the wrong.


You should have the verdict and the insurance settlement since the case is one year ago.

Edited by Civic6228
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Knoobie u r right. I was inching out to check the traffic due to the big pillars and vehicles waiting to turn right opp r blocking my view.


by the time i hv full view of the junction, i was in the middle of junction, and the car was approaching from lane 2 (or 1, if u discount the right turn only lane) and he is still quite far. if i stopped there it could have been a head on collision so i quickly proceed to complete my turn since its not a big junction.


the whole incident could hv been avoided had he 1) slowed down or, 2) stick to his lane (whether he slow down or not does not matter) or 3) swerve to right instead of left. out of the many options he muz choose the most unrationale one. (i turn right, he swerve left, sure bang!!)

actually insurance company also told me abt e bola thing. juz wanna see any bro kena same incident but manage to hv other verdict than 100%


The incident could also have been avoided if 1) you have waited for the green arrow to appear as you did not have the clear view of the road or, 2) since you noticed the car, you should have accelerated quickly and complete the turn and not slowly as you did.


Out of the 2 options, you did not choose any [:(]


And as someone has mentioned, the car that crashed into you most likely thought this " Aiya he moving so slowly, surely he gonna stop when he see me. And he blocking my lane so I switch to the further lane away from him"


And that is why the accident happened

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he swerved n skidded ( e road was wet) so his car bang onto me at an angle, and indeed as i'm alr on right turning the force push me more right. i can only conclude he is speed by the damage and e fact my car was pushed over the centre divider n landed in the slip road from the impact.




hmmmm...What car hit u? Speeding or not is not determine by damaged result. ie a cherry QQ v Touareg same speed hit u but the impact will be different.

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My guess is if TP can get a confession from him for speeding, which I doubt, he may get away with his speeding. And you get to foot the billfor the damage.



If only Singapore has such honest people. So many chut stunt and not pay for damage.

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Huh ? Wait????

Last year? Now ts come ask for advise????

Hmm treat us really jiak par liao



Some accident take up to years before close case one. Maybe TS hoping to appeal

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TS should place himself in the other party's shoes - imagine you were driving at the speed limit towards this junction and a car suddenly appeared from behind the line of cars waiting to turn right. What can you do? Its all reflex at this point. Stand on the brakes, turn the steering wheel, whatever it is.


You got a video, and you posted it with the intent to further your own agenda. However the video doesn't lie and few people are taking your side in this matter. Its obvious you don't like what the others are saying, and you have plenty of reasons to support why you should be less than fully liable. And then you switch from that to saying that the other party *should* have taken steps to avoid an accident even if it was his right now way. Do you think for a moment any sensible person, especially a person with loved ones in the car would intentionally T-bone another car? An airbag going off is not fun I can assure you that.


Clearly you have made a mistake of judgment, so take it like a man, both the TP fine and the insurance liability, and move on.

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Some thoughts

1. If you want to turn in front of someone else - blardy floor the accelerator, you won't hurt your car. I had to do this many times when I learnt to drive (my house was on a blind corner, no traffic lights, with speed limit 100 km/h - when you turned out you blardy did it with alacrity)

2. Don't assume the other guy is "competent" - yes he could have done this or done that better to avoid - but do remember, that most have never been in such situation before and panic can do terrible things to judgement

3. See car coming - still want to turn for what?

4. If you are going to get a green arrow, just wait till you can see

5. this is why you don't speed, even on straight road when have the green light - you never know when some kayu driver like TS is going to turn up

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your statement scold two people at the same time :huh: :huh:


Some thoughts

1. If you want to turn in front of someone else - blardy floor the accelerator, you won't hurt your car. I had to do this many times when I learnt to drive (my house was on a blind corner, no traffic lights, with speed limit 100 km/h - when you turned out you blardy did it with alacrity)

2. Don't assume the other guy is "competent" - yes he could have done this or done that better to avoid - but do remember, that most have never been in such situation before and panic can do terrible things to judgement

3. See car coming - still want to turn for what?

4. If you are going to get a green arrow, just wait till you can see

5. this is why you don't speed, even on straight road when have the green light - you never know when some kayu driver like TS is going to turn up


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once you have such close shave, you won't dare to try liao [sweatdrop] [sweatdrop]


for me i drove pass a boy dashing out in the dark, missed him, the point is i didn't even notice him at all !


then u turned back, he's gone. right?


7th month effect la... that one.

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Some thoughts

1. If you want to turn in front of someone else - blardy floor the accelerator, you won't hurt your car. I had to do this many times when I learnt to drive (my house was on a blind corner, no traffic lights, with speed limit 100 km/h - when you turned out you blardy did it with alacrity)



I will be very stress.


I think I will change house.

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I will be very stress.


I think I will change house.


Not that bad lar - only one time I had close call - the driver was speeding (I knew her) - we happened to be going to the same destination, when I got halfway out, saw her coming and REALLY floored it - drifted the car but kept everything floored. When we reached destination she complimented my driving.

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your statement scold two people at the same time :huh: :huh:




Most A lot of accidents happen because more than one person do something wrong - if either party had behaved better / been a better driver, the accident could have been avoided

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