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Advise please!! Thanks!!


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Regardless of pillar or whatsoever, just follow simple rule...can't see, don't turn. Wait for arrow.

yup. I do agree.

I just hope to bring it up to fellow drivers here that these area can be quite unpredictable. so do pay extra caution when you're there.

such accidents can happen easily..


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Aiya, don't bombard TS liao. Maybe he just want to put up the video for "educational" purposes leh.

Which I feel is a good example to show that such area have many blindspots..

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If I didn't read the youtube description, I won't even know that an oncoming car hit you on the side.

I was like thinking, you turn too much until mount kerb and whose fault? You or LTA for building the kerb.


Anyway, video or not, likely you gonna lose the insurance claim. Take the other car to court, likely also you lose.

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Not that bad lar - only one time I had close call - the driver was speeding (I knew her) - we happened to be going to the same destination, when I got halfway out, saw her coming and REALLY floored it - drifted the car but kept everything floored. When we reached destination she complimented my driving.


got part 2 to the story a not?


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guys, e verdict not out yet.


also i juz wanna clarify again, that i din post this video trying to achieve anything. juz trigger the tot of posting when i saw another post has similar incident. i already leave the fighting to e insurance co. to settle. it's out of my hands.


also, as i mentioned earlier, i was not turning slowly. i inched out to check for clearance, n move out when i see safe to do so. e moment i see his car appearing from nowhere coming towards me, i step on gas but alr too late. he claim he saw me turning, but simply swerve left to "protect his wife". if u were me, wat would u feel? he did hv e capacity to make a sound decision but he made e one where both lose. he lose car, risking more injury upon collision. i will lose more though, cos BOLA would hv sided him.


i wont say posting this incident is for educational purpose. im not at tat level yet. juz to share a personal experience where it really frustrates me. there r indeed pple out there simply hack care, as long he is going straight. does not matter if he is fetching loved ones. does not matter if road is wet. i dunnot how to post photo as comment, else if u look at his damage, u would know e impact upon collision can show that he is travelling above 50km/h.


well, there will be pple feel that i am in denial mode. too bad. u dun know me personally, but i still thank you for ur comments. end of the day, i believe all of us here juz wanna reach our destination safely and live on to enjoy our ride for next day.

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guys, e verdict not out yet.


also i juz wanna clarify again, that i din post this video trying to achieve anything. juz trigger the tot of posting when i saw another post has similar incident. i already leave the fighting to e insurance co. to settle. it's out of my hands.


also, as i mentioned earlier, i was not turning slowly. i inched out to check for clearance, n move out when i see safe to do so. e moment i see his car appearing from nowhere coming towards me, i step on gas but alr too late. he claim he saw me turning, but simply swerve left to "protect his wife". if u were me, wat would u feel? he did hv e capacity to make a sound decision but he made e one where both lose. he lose car, risking more injury upon collision. i will lose more though, cos BOLA would hv sided him.


i wont say posting this incident is for educational purpose. im not at tat level yet. juz to share a personal experience where it really frustrates me. there r indeed pple out there simply hack care, as long he is going straight. does not matter if he is fetching loved ones. does not matter if road is wet. i dunnot how to post photo as comment, else if u look at his damage, u would know e impact upon collision can show that he is travelling above 50km/h.


well, there will be pple feel that i am in denial mode. too bad. u dun know me personally, but i still thank you for ur comments. end of the day, i believe all of us here juz wanna reach our destination safely and live on to enjoy our ride for next day.


Not to be antagonistic - but how about your ability to make a sound decision? Didn't your mistake come before his?


And also, from the video, it sure doesn't look like you stepped on the gas.


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, but simply swerve left to "protect his wife". if u were me, wat would u feel? he did hv e capacity to make a sound decision but he made e one where both lose. he lose car, risking more injury upon collision. i will lose more though, cos BOLA would hv sided him.


superb answer,

given the split second decision making time available, I will also take the impact on my side and not my wife's side.


insurance, NCD and etc... doesn't matter anymore.

Edited by Sk65
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serve u right. or bi good.

cant see wait for a while....why need to inch out of the road?

hate drivers like you.


Agreed. Cannot see then just wait for green arrow. After the Ma Chi case, even after green arrow comes on, I wait 1 second before moving. Heng! Just over the weekend at my place, I waited one second and actually told my wife I will wait one second after green arrow. At that very moment, an Audi beat the read light and zoomed past. If I had gone, the Audi would have crashed right into me.


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My near accident:

wanna turn right, see clear, throttle off, see car speeding at me from far, I stepped more...

then SUDDENLY got one bicycle appear behind the bush and wanan cross the road which has the green man!


at that moment, my thoughts were: either I kena ramp by the oncoming speeding car on my side doors which I will most probably roll like a turtle


I accelerate to risk ramping straight at the innocent cyclist.


only 0.5 seconds to make the best decision.


In the end, bicycle increase speed which I anticipate correctly, I swerve away from the bicycle, the speeding car braked. no accident.



Conclusion: now I wait for green arrow only.

U all saw the heavy machinery speeding while going straight even when the green arrow is up right?

I don't take chances now. I only got 1 life. cannot lose.



Had a incident same as you...but its a construction worker(bangala carrying steel poles) nearby. Had to swerve more to the left to avoid the poles.


From then on, always check for pedestrain FIRST before any turning.


Remember my driving instructor advise: in a situation(meaning cannot siam), between human and car, go for car ...never on human.


In fact had a accident during my driving lesson. Was turning right in a cross junction, pedestrain clear, oncoming traffic clear, i proceeded to turn. Suddendly got 1 student cycling fast across. i e-brake, instructor also e-brake. Behind taxi bang us. Poor taxi...


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guys, e verdict not out yet.



i dunnot how to post photo as comment, else if u look at his damage, u would know e impact upon collision can show that he is travelling above 50km/h.


well, there will be pple feel that i am in denial mode. too bad. u dun know me personally, but i still thank you for ur comments. end of the day, i believe all of us here juz wanna reach our destination safely and live on to enjoy our ride for next day.


If you feel strongly about your wanting to proof your case-

There were Motor Vehicle Appraisers ( done away with now ) licenced by IRAS, who has the knowledge of doing accident reconstruction.


One such person can be found in Kian Teck Drive, an Advance Automotive Engineer and member of the FIMI (UK). Look him up and discuss with him with your fotos etc


Hope this helps

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guys, e verdict not out yet.


also i juz wanna clarify again, that i din post this video trying to achieve anything. juz trigger the tot of posting when i saw another post has similar incident. i already leave the fighting to e insurance co. to settle. it's out of my hands.


also, as i mentioned earlier, i was not turning slowly. i inched out to check for clearance, n move out when i see safe to do so. e moment i see his car appearing from nowhere coming towards me, i step on gas but alr too late. he claim he saw me turning, but simply swerve left to "protect his wife". if u were me, wat would u feel? he did hv e capacity to make a sound decision but he made e one where both lose. he lose car, risking more injury upon collision. i will lose more though, cos BOLA would hv sided him.


i wont say posting this incident is for educational purpose. im not at tat level yet. juz to share a personal experience where it really frustrates me. there r indeed pple out there simply hack care, as long he is going straight. does not matter if he is fetching loved ones. does not matter if road is wet. i dunnot how to post photo as comment, else if u look at his damage, u would know e impact upon collision can show that he is travelling above 50km/h.


well, there will be pple feel that i am in denial mode. too bad. u dun know me personally, but i still thank you for ur comments. end of the day, i believe all of us here juz wanna reach our destination safely and live on to enjoy our ride for next day.


I am more interested in the TP verdict and I am hoping that you would accept the verdict. Just 2 observations,


i) The accident would not happen if you have waited for the green arrow and if you have step on your accelerator when turning.


ii) You are lucky that the other car was not speeding else the damage could be worst. From the video, your car turn so slowly to mount the kerb.


I am implying that the other driver is blameless .... but this accident could have been avoided.



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dun blame him for going too fast, cos you also going too slow, even off but you still lose :D :D

Edited by Jman888
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I am more interested in the TP verdict and I am hoping that you would accept the verdict. Just 2 observations,


i) The accident would not happen if you have waited for the green arrow and if you have step on your accelerator when turning.


ii) You are lucky that the other car was not speeding else the damage could be worst. From the video, your car turn so slowly to mount the kerb.


I am implying that the other driver is blameless .... but this accident could have been avoided.



well i will accept watever verdict n had no intend to appeal. alr submitted everything needed to submitted. e rest is out of my hands (think it's e 5th or 6th times i'm saying this)


anyway i dun understand y would so pple here gloat at my incident, as if i've done a evil act by making a turn when i deem safe for me to do so. well, i shall not comment more.


be safe everyone.

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