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Car Accident: Who is at greater fault?


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Doesn't matter if you are within lane. If you stop there for 3 hours, would you expect cars to wait 3 hours behind you, or overtake you from the right?


If you expect cars to wait 3 hours, ignore this post.


If not, you should answer these questions:


1. Did you signal to indicate to other road users you are moving off from a stationary position?

2. Did you check your mirror and blind spot to see if other vehicles are trying to change into your lane, because they have been blocked by you?


If NO, you know who's at fault.

If YES to above, how did the accident happen? The blue car dropped down from the sky?


Hi all,


I just got into an accident outside clementi mall taxi stand/bus stop area. I dropped off my friend already (along double yellow line). As I moved off and was WITHIN the lane (in the centre of the lane), a guy driving a rental car swerved into my lane despite me having the right of the way. It happened so quickly (he swerved at a high speed) that we hit each other like that. The front head lamp of my car against his car door. What are your thoughts? Who is likely to bear the greater burden/responsibility? I am driving the white car by the way.


Thank you.

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Ya lor, all these are painful experiences

at least we paid n we learnt something


thats y we got to do calculations before deciding wat steps to move

best if accident talk nicely and talk agitatye other party else very hard to settle oso



talk nicely , things get done nicely too



Ya fr me Ive already been in quite a few accidents after driving fr so many years so I wun panic.


I just b cool n access the damage on both cars n who is in the wrong n then start to nego from there.


I am OK with private settle or Ins claim cos all I want is to get my car repaired properly n as quick as possible.


Tok nicely much easier to settle to both our advantages.

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Ya fr me Ive already been in quite a few accidents after driving fr so many years so I wun panic.


I just b cool n access the damage on both cars n who is in the wrong n then start to nego from there.


I am OK with private settle or Ins claim cos all I want is to get my car repaired properly n as quick as possible.


Tok nicely much easier to settle to both our advantages.


That's from an old n spicy ginger


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Isn't there a NCB protector we can buy??? I not too sure... :-(


I dun believe all these things like ncd protector la

If gd to end user, these ins co wun be prifitting lo rite

Like go courts or Harvey buy tv, sell you extended warranty

They are profiting out of all these lor

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I dun believe all these things like ncd protector la

If gd to end user, these ins co wun be prifitting lo rite

Like go courts or Harvey buy tv, sell you extended warranty

They are profiting out of all these lor

Hmmmmm, sounds logical also, but too late to cancell protector liao. [:(] ... Nevermind, wait for renewal then take it out [:)]

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Neutral Newbie


wow.. the grey car must be travelling at 180kph at least for TS not to see him when he claims that he already check his mirror and blindspot!






just say u, TS, nv check blindspot. if a white ant in high speed n swirl into ur lane. will u bang him or not.


If that grey car is 8sec behind u, u can check rearview mirror.


If 3sec, check ur blind spot n side mirror. u just nvr practice wat u hv been learned during ur driving lessons.


U just tink that it is ur right way of rule n move off.


If e gray car swirl into ur lane with high speed, will ur car kiss his car so closely . E grey car will stop a few meters away bcos e brake take time to activate n come to a competely stop . Every driver knows it!


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Hmmmmm, sounds logical also, but too late to cancell protector liao. [:(] ... Nevermind, wait for renewal then take it out [:)]

I old man face blue blue Liao

Dun anyhow listen to me la

Later you go Kiss xmm backside then blame me say took out your arse protector


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I old man face blue blue Liao

Dun anyhow listen to me la

Later you go Kiss xmm backside then blame me say took out your arse protector



I prefer kissing infants' backsides..... Very tender!!! :D :D Other parts of XMM bodies I ok :D

Edited by Maseratigood
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I ever see accident like this before, (at Seng Kang mall) - car stop in left lane, then move off without warning, car turning into left lane hit him.


From TS description is situation like that. So would say 50/50.


Bot drivers were being inconsiderate, white car expect everybody to wait while he drops off, grey car, wait 30 seconds will die one.


Need to have more patience from both to avoid accident


i always believe the move off car is in the wrong. this similar to a parallel parked car. will you check carefully before moving off after you start engine?

just stop and let ppl alight or board and then move off which think just a short period of time is not an excuse of blaming others of inconsiderate driving.

once you stop your car holding moving traffic, it will always be your responsible to join the traffic safetly again. all the ppl think that move off car is not in fault, please go back to driving school, take that particular lesson to train yourself again. Too long on the road and now everything wrong can start to consider right. For insurance sake, they just blame both of the drivers. why? you know better than me.

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i always believe the move off car is in the wrong. this similar to a parallel parked car. will you check carefully before moving off after you start engine?

just stop and let ppl alight or board and then move off which think just a short period of time is not an excuse of blaming others of inconsiderate driving.

once you stop your car holding moving traffic, it will always be your responsible to join the traffic safetly again. all the ppl think that move off car is not in fault, please go back to driving school, take that particular lesson to train yourself again. Too long on the road and now everything wrong can start to consider right. For insurance sake, they just blame both of the drivers. why? you know better than me.


Ts did put thread" who greater at fault means he know he wrong too

You put it this way it shows you analsyis the case very well

Agree with you stopping car at more fault

But if they go ins, there wun be 100% win one

That's Singapore our country we loving it [laugh]

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I dun believe all these things like ncd protector la

If gd to end user, these ins co wun be prifitting lo rite

Like go courts or Harvey buy tv, sell you extended warranty

They are profiting out of all these lor



Ya to most is gimmicks only.


But still wil hv some pple who really need it. These things sure hv a market otherwise ty cannot sell at all.

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Hmmmmm, sounds logical also, but too late to cancell protector liao. [:(] ... Nevermind, wait for renewal then take it out [:)]



If yr premium is high n u hv 50% NCD, maybe still worth.


Especially u old n feeble. Eyesight gone. Reflexes slow. Poor hand eye co-ordination.


Better u keep it lah. [rolleyes][laugh]

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I prefer kissing infants' backsides..... Very tender!!! :D :D Other parts of XMM bodies I ok :D



Aiyah. Give u XMM every part also u wan to kiss n touch n explore.


Dun bluff. Tell the truth. [sly]

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Ok, I also must confess....... I also like smelling babies' hair after a bath :D[thumbsup] Try it yourself



I think u actually prefer smelling XMM pussy hair but dare not openly say here. [rolleyes]

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