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Will u buy Diesel or Petrol Cars in SG


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Need to look beyond just the Opex impact/measures to be taken on diesel usage and part-rebates announced. That's too superficial!


Need to read between the lines on what was just announced.


The scorpion's tail will hit when the 5 pollutants are added in the VES, and with the additional carbon taxation being mooted.


It will hurt diesels most, then gasoline, then hybrids, in that order!

Edited by merc280v6
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Diesel tax is double edged sword .... penalize private usage, but cannot penalize commercial usage. 


Anyway, assuming private diesel car owners use approx 2000 litres of diesel per year (30,000 km per year mileage at 15km/L consumption) The increase cost per year is $200, offset by $100 reduction in surcharge, net will be $100 increase per year or less than $10 per month. 


The new Vehicle Emission Scheme is still not released. I believe this will be the final nail in the coffin for our dieselgate budget.


The problem is, if you own a diesel car now, what is the prospect of selling them? 


This time round, they already remove road tax entirely for the commercial vehicles for 1 year and partial reduction for following 2 years. Any future increase in diesel tax, they will have to do likewise to protect the commercial entities. How much more can they go ? However, they can at least totally remove the private diesel vehicle growth starting next year with the new VES. This will probably kill off the buying interest of the diesel cars. At least they can answer that they have reduced the diesel car growth to zero at the end of next year. And once the first batch of diesel cars hit their expiry, it will be negative growth moving forward.

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With Diesel being taxed, does that mean the end of the so called "white pumps" & the start of 3/4 tank rule going in Malaysia?

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yes. road tax reduced by $100.

diesel inc by $0.10/L.


assuming avg. mileage of 18000km annually and my avg fuel consumption is 17km/L

i will consume 1058L of diesel, so additional diesel cost of $105.80. is almost totally offset by the road tax discount of 100.


almost nett nett. whew.

Net net no change! Drink beer Liao...

Thanks bro

Edited by Spidey10
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Frankly, this change is disappointing. All the talk about diesel being bad for the environment and this is all that is being done?


I expected some measures to whack car buyers to prevent them from buying diesel cars but that only gets implemented in 2018!

Think cannot let truck idle and waste diesel liao
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CNG??! Hahaha



hahahahahahaha, I still cannot let it go man.  [:p]


But he kept talking about clean energy, makes me think of gas so much. Last time they also sell CNG like super clean energy !!! [mad]

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The budget is actually quite ok for existing diesel car owners. Could be worse. Once cevs gets changed, resale value of diesel car may go up given that new diesel car will be quite ex. Ppl may still want to get diesel for the torque or if they do many miles. Diesel still alot cheaper than petrol.

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Light tap on the chin. Until next year...


Withdrawal of CEVs will be the main factor pushing down sales of diesel vehicles. That's the right place to implement disincentives. Discourage new would be owners. Existing owners are already vested, not fair to penalise. Tax for usage? Sure, i can deal with that. Fortunately diesel cars also tend to be exceptional in FC.


Incentivise businesses to give up their lao pok lorries/vans earlier, they are the main threat in terms of emissions.

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It seems many in this forum are so looking forward to increased cost of property to food to mrt, and gloat so happily at the increasing taxation of diesel

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I rejoice not because I am gloating at the increases.

I rejoice because the punitive measures were a lot lower than I expected.

And I am willing to pay for cleaner air in the long run. Health is priceless and we are investing in the future, not only for ourselves, but more importantly for our kids.

30% is a big percentage, but the hit will be less than $30 a month for most. A lot lower than a big hit on our petrol / diesel costs. And if we use the water wisely, the impact will be even less.

Bro not saying u
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You cut and paste from where? It's a whole load of bullsh1t lah! ð


Stoichiometrically, complete combustion of diesel will realise more CO2 and NOx per mole, than gasoline.

This is basic chemistry, no point arguing.

Carbon number of gasoline is C4-10.

Carbon number of diesel is > C20

Kerosene sits between these 2 cuts.


With its extremely high PAH (polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons) diesel also spews the highest amount of particulate matter (PM2.5) per mole combusted.


Burning diesel is akin to burning lighter sh!t, just above the fuel layer! ðð¼

Why does the world, humankind, even need to do that now? 20th century Industrial Age and passe ðð¼


Natural gas (to electricity) is so abundant, from the 'renewed' coal seam, tight oil and shale gas drilling technogies developed in the current millenium.

Electric motors torque have been developed to be >> diesels! ðð¼


Also, ALL garmens in ALL countries in OECD, EU, NA, AP cannot be ALL wrong, can they!

Their decisions are based on sound science.


The WORLD is back-paddling on diesel!

It's not just Singapore!

The bulls**t you claim is from the following sources









One is the UN the other is an NGO, both with no reason to advocate Diesel and only presenting facts and findings


You being knowledgeable about various fuel carbon composition and specifically the carbon chain of Diesel just makes your data one dimensional. Whilst you are not wrong, you did not take into account that Diesel fuel has a higher energy content per litre than other fuels. Moreover, diesel engines convert more of this energy into useful work. Due to these two factors, diesel cars consume about 20-25% less fuel by volume than equivalent petrol cars. - European Automobile Association.


Not to mention, diesel engines work at higher compression rates and require leaner fuel air ratio than standard petrol.


Undeniably, regardless if its petrol, diesel, hybrids or FEVs, none can claim to be the definitive solution YET. Mining of rare earth minerals and disposal of toxic lithium is still a serious problem for FEVs. Technology will take time to evolve and the best we can do, is have proper policies based on sound science and fact finding and not just cherry picking information that you like without giving a whole perspective.


The various governments you cited are mainly targeting old diesel vehicles and stationary diesel generators and coal power stations which tend to be the worst culprits of pollution. There are a number that are also targeting diesels on a whole. But if you bother to research, the agencies that conducted all these test also have a disclaimer that car manufacturers actually can make Diesels that meet real world test and its the lack of proper legislation that have allowed them the loophole to exploit.


Fortunately, the hammer has fallen relatively soft this time, despite the negativity published by our mainstream media. I would like to think that MEWR has heard and looked at various reports that some of our members have submitted, thus taking a more measured approach.


Hopefully we can conduct our own local test that can definitively pinpoint Euro 5 or 6 vehicles as being polluting and not just jump on the bandwagon blindly.

Edited by SunsetSorento
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Light tap on the chin. Until next year...


Withdrawal of CEVs will be the main factor pushing down sales of diesel vehicles. That's the right place to implement disincentives. Discourage new would be owners. Existing owners are already vested, not fair to penalise. Tax for usage? Sure, i can deal with that. Fortunately diesel cars also tend to be exceptional in FC.


Incentivise businesses to give up their lao pok lorries/vans earlier, they are the main threat in terms of emissions.

Govt give one for one exchange

Straightaway i ask where to sign up :XD:

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diesel price goes up, it's a chain of events.

everything will go up.


Everything only go up up up.


Diesel up, logistics up, everything that needs road transport up.


Water up, everything also up.


Carbon tax up, electricity up, everything also up again.


Hope next election opposition votes also up!  :grin:

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