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Will u buy Diesel or Petrol Cars in SG


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Don't troll la.


Don't anyhow omit my last sentence which was the entire key to what I said.


Anyway, it's quite obvious you are trolling diesel car owners for god knows what reason so I am just going to ignore you.

Yesterday just pumped ron97 full tank

Edited by Enye
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wah...you fighting an extremely rich elite PAP supporter who worked many years in an oil major






who knows he may even be the ex EM singapore MD who is well connected to you know who



Certainly the way he trolls resembles the style of his affliated party, just repeats himself without listening to what anyone else posts. If only they could harvest his fart to power vehicles, the world will be less dependent on fossil fuel.


Just ignore and move on.


Pump full tank, done. Come hit me, Heng Swee Keat :)

Edited by Ganwb79
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Certainly the way he trolls resembles the style of his affliated party, just repeats himself without listening to what anyone else posts. If only they could harvest his fart to power vehicles, the world will be less dependent on fossil fuel.


Just ignore and move on.


Pump full tank, done. Come hit me, Heng Swee Keat :)

When are we gonna hit back??
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Yeah... I wonder what is the fate of diesel cars after today..... Was hoping to get a diesel car but now wait and see

If the price is lowered and the diesel penalty isn't too bad, and you are a high mileage driver, it might be a good idea.

But if you are a tree hugger, go petrol or better yet, use a bicycle :)

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wah...you fighting an extremely rich elite PAP supporter who worked many years in an oil major






who knows he may even be the ex EM singapore MD who is well connected to you know who




Wah. You should have warned me earlier mah. Now bridge already burned leh..



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Wah. You should have warned me earlier mah. Now bridge already burned leh..




either repent and beg for forgiveness




or ignore the retired old man with nothing better to do



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The current Carbon Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS) was implemented in 2013 to encourage the take-up of cars and taxis with low carbon emissions. It will be replaced with a new Vehicular Emissions Scheme, which will consider four other pollutants on top of carbon dioxide, so as to account more holistically for the health and environmental impact of vehicular emissions, Mr Heng says.

"With this scheme, we hope to nudge car buyers towards cleaner and environmentally friendly models."



The new Vehicular Emissions Scheme will run for two years, starting from Jan 1, 2018. It will be reviewed before it expires. In the interim, the Government will extend the current CEVs until Dec 31, 2017.

The Government will also enhance the Early Turnover Scheme for commercial diesel vehicles, which was first introduced in 2013 to encourage the early replacement of older and more pollutive commercial diesel vehicles, says Mr Heng. Since then, vehicle owners have switched 27,000 vehicles to cleaner models.

The Scheme will be extended and details will be announced the Minister for Transport and the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources at the COS

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The current Carbon Emissions-based Vehicle Scheme (CEVS) was implemented in 2013 to encourage the take-up of cars and taxis with low carbon emissions. It will be replaced with a new Vehicular Emissions Scheme, which will consider four other pollutants on top of carbon dioxide, so as to account more holistically for the health and environmental impact of vehicular emissions, Mr Heng says.
"With this scheme, we hope to nudge car buyers towards cleaner and environmentally friendly models."
The new Vehicular Emissions Scheme will run for two years, starting from Jan 1, 2018. It will be reviewed before it expires. In the interim, the Government will extend the current CEVs until Dec 31, 2017.
The Government will also enhance the Early Turnover Scheme for commercial diesel vehicles, which was first introduced in 2013 to encourage the early replacement of older and more pollutive commercial diesel vehicles, says Mr Heng. Since then, vehicle owners have switched 27,000 vehicles to cleaner models.
The Scheme will be extended and details will be announced the Minister for Transport and the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources at the COS



Is this the end of diesel cars era in SG?

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10c/L tax on diesel is here... give you $100 discount on road tax only. Net no change for diesel users!


@mustank 10 cents nia... think not very painful to you.

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Diesel taxes restructured to incentivise lesser diesel consumption


Current special taxe on diesel cars and taxis permanently reduced by $100 and $850 respectively. A volume based duty on automotive diesel, industrial diesel and diesel component in biodiesel will be introduced at $0.10 per litre. Changes take effect today. 

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Diesel taxes restructured to incentivise lesser diesel consumption


Current special taxe on diesel cars and taxis permanently reduced by $100 and $850 respectively. A volume based duty on automotive diesel, industrial diesel and diesel component in biodiesel will be introduced at $0.10 per litre. Changes take effect today.

What's the conclusion??

Diesel cost go up by 0.10/l?

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What's the conclusion??

Diesel cost go up by 0.10/l?


yes. road tax reduced by $100. 

diesel inc by $0.10/L.


assuming avg. mileage of 18000km annually and my avg fuel consumption is 17km/L

i will consume 1058L of diesel, so additional diesel cost of $105.80. is almost totally offset by the road tax discount of 100.


almost nett nett. whew.

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Is this the end of diesel cars era in SG?


from all the articles published on the Straits Times recently, quite clear Govt will make a u turn on diesel cars.


removing the CEVS rebate was pretty much a given...so those who want to buy..better buy by this end


now just wondering if the new scheme will penalize diesel vehicles instead (highly likely, else whats the point of changing the scheme?)

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