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Expecting kid arrival in 2014


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Expecting my 1st kid in Jan 2014.


Do i need to purchase anything to prepare for the arrival of the new kid now?


Most important is to prepare yourself for it. I mean really PREPARE yourself for this life long commitment...

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Expecting my 1st kid in Jan 2014.


Do i need to purchase anything to prepare for the arrival of the new kid now?


Start saving up for milk money.

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Neutral Newbie

a car [:p]


a bigger car, now my boot is too small to squeeze in a parm and behind only left with spac for 1 pax with the baby car seat behind

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a bigger car, now my boot is too small to squeeze in a parm and behind only left with spac for 1 pax with the baby car seat behind


buy giant mpv [:p]

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I got like 4 to 5 big bags of old baby clothes from friends, and had them washed thoroughly and set aside. Bec baby outgrow clothes very fast and also we change baby clothing like 4x each day. And wearing other baby old clothing is a 福气.

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Getting the stuff is easy part.


In my humble opinion, it advisable for you and wifey to discuss/decide how to bring up the child from day 1. Establishing routine for your baby is priority i.e. feeds, playtime, naps, sleeping time etc.


Pick up good parenting styles that you are comfortable with.

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Getting the stuff is easy part.


In my humble opinion, it advisable for you and wifey to discuss/decide how to bring up the child from day 1. Establishing routine for your baby is priority i.e. feeds, playtime, naps, sleeping time etc.


Pick up good parenting styles that you are comfortable with.



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Book antenatal class since its your first one.


Book a confinement nanny early, if required.


these nannies are damn expensive !! my colleague had considered one but after going thru the pros and cons, finally deicded to get a MAID instead !! his daughter is due in two months time.

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Neutral Newbie

Congrates! Book the nanny in advance, some of the agency has got the chinese herbal package including all the traditional stuff to drink, boil soup, and cook with other food to recover wife and increase the milk flow. Welcome to parenthood :D

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Based on my recent pass experience, these are the things that will enable you to suvive for at least 3mths after delivery:



For your wife and child:

- Go get a Gynae appt, starting thinking which hospital to deliver. (Gynae can advise)

- Start Folic Acid pills(for fetal spinal development) for wife, can buy from watsons o guardian

- Can buy vitamin pills to boost up wife (eg. DHA pills mother, Calcium pills for baby and mother, enervon pills to boost immunity)

- At 2nd trimester, can apply for ana-natal classes of pregancy Yoga, but these are optional. It's good to attend the classes if you first time parent blur blur don't know what to do type.


Hardware for the arrival of the child:

- Get comfinement lady, book early cos good ones hot in demand

- book a helper if you need, or book infantcare if no choice, everything involving booking must be done early cos it's damn hot in crowded SG.

- Prepare a room if possible for baby.

- baby cot

- small baby netted baby chair

- baby "yao lan" or Sarong if you need. Get from Msia is cheaper

- bathtub for baby, some small plastic pails for clothes and for clean boiled water to wash baby's face

- a cupboard or shelves for baby things if you don't have

- milk bottle sterilizer

- milk bottle warmer

- breast pump


Daily needs for child:

- diapers

- milk bottles, pacifier, brush cleaner

- milk powder (buy first before deliver, in case wife got problem with breast milk supply for the first 2 weeks)

- storage container for expressed breast milk

- diaper rash cream

- "ruyi" oil for baby tummy to relief colic

- towels for bathing

- talcum powder

- baby shower lotion (those 2 in 1 type)

- swaddle cloths

- alot of hanky for baby diring feeding, spitting, bathing

- alot of baby tops, pants, rompers (get those that is easy to change diapers), whack all this in baby fair

- alot hats, mittens and socks, whack all this in baby fair

- baby cot sheets and bumpers

- blankets

- diaper cloths, if not for wear can be useful for other things.

- baby rubber mat

- dispoable mat (from watsons or guardian)

- Squeaky toy to distract baby if he cry or bathing


For her:

- maternal clothes

- maternal bras

- can book for malay massage

- alot of pantyliners

- some maternal pads for after birth

- nipple rash cream (in case difficulty using the pump)

- breast pads


For mobility:

- Baby storage bag with compartments

- Baby Pram

- Baby mat

- Baby harness (baby Bjorn, Agrobaby)

- vaccum flask for hot water

- container for milk powder

- Baby seat/basket in car



- baby "yao lan" or Sarong if you need. Get from Msia is cheaper

- Gripe water/Ridwind solution if your child is colicky

- some jingle toys

- CD on soothing baby music, very good for a night sleeping.

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Oh as for you:


- If you got any big project, movies, hobby or task you have been procastinating, do it NOW or you won't have time to do it for the next 5 years after delivery

- Sleep is golden, catch as many as you can, saviour that deep slumber under your pillow as much as you can, once the child is out, you won't sleep through more than 3 hours for the next 3 years

- groom and pamper yourself(and your wife) as much as you can, once the child is out, you'll both look like train wrecks for the next 1 year...

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