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HDB REsales price


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Ya lah that's wat my agent send me too

But I can't sell now mah, need to more years

My new house still building leh

Every x drive by hope it gets done faster



you bought esparina har ...almost TOP liao

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Since discuss till here, nex question is since price so high now

Should sell n rent for exactly 2 yrs or stay on

My frens in banking, bil in hdb agents all say hold it cos flat not old n this estate no worry

Hmm hmm

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Since discuss till here, nex question is since price so high now

Should sell n rent for exactly 2 yrs or stay on

My frens in banking, bil in hdb agents all say hold it cos flat not old n this estate no worry

Hmm hmm



up and coming...estate. But $600k is good aldy. Set a price tgt and dun look back once sell. Never catch a falling knife too. Be contented with what ever profit u have made....and remmeber to thank hdb for it [laugh] [laugh]

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i am ah huat remember. [:(]


my english is really lousy one. [:(]


actually simply lah.


say we have to pay CPF for every dollar we take out.


say you take 100K full cpf to buy a flat in full. (figure is subjective.)


guess what is the amount of money money you own them after 10 years??


for easy calculation we take it as 2.5% every year off 100K. and we dont count interested upon interested. will at least be around 125K liao. minimum.


so your flat when you sell.. make sure its more than 125K. if not after selling say for 110K. you still own CPF 15K although you make a earning of 10K.


now imagine you sell your house after 20 years?? the income you owned is at least 150K (actual figure should be nearer to 200K).


look small right? but out flat are around 300K to 450K. meaing you could be owning the CPF easily more than that.



why u dun put more simple way? 2.5% owe vs 2.6% paid and balance off the difference is 0.1% a year in easier way to understand...


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Since discuss till here, nex question is since price so high now

Should sell n rent for exactly 2 yrs or stay on

My frens in banking, bil in hdb agents all say hold it cos flat not old n this estate no worry

Hmm hmm


dun sell your only roof just to make the money now...u might as well let it appreciate 2 more years

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you bought esparina har ...almost TOP liao


Too ex for me, I'm like wat u say

My head is small not into big hat which my wife trying to coerce me into

Bought a 5 rm hdb instead


I scare of loan, not a guy with big plans


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Too ex for me, I'm like wat u say

My head is small not into big hat which my wife trying to coerce me into

Bought a 5 rm hdb instead


I scare of loan, not a guy with big plans



so you utiliizing your 2 chances with hdb ...not bad deal also


those pple who bought esparina all laughing their way to future bank...jewel next door selling >$1.6K psf

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up and coming...estate. But $600k is good aldy. Set a price tgt and dun look back once sell. Never catch a falling knife too. Be contented with what ever profit u have made....and remmeber to thank hdb for it [laugh] [laugh]

I agree it's gd enuff oreadi

But I got a dog so renting is quite a problem


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so you utiliizing your 2 chances with hdb ...not bad deal also


those pple who bought esparina all laughing their way to future bank...jewel next door selling >$1.6K psf

Yup was thinking ec n 5 room but I wan to have bigger space to relax so I picked 5 room n no nd Loan

If ec will be smaller n need to take loan


Yup my sis bought vue8 n my cousin bought jewel

Me most lousy [bigcry]

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so must see whether u dare to gamble or not lolz

Haha I'm monitoring closely, simi movement only I put up for sale


N my buddy looking at lush arces, if he can get it

I walk short distance can njoy bigger house n facilities Liao


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why u dun put more simple way? 2.5% owe vs 2.6% paid and balance off the difference is 0.1% a year in easier way to understand...

If u put it that way. Ppl will only think about 2.6%

Tried it before most ppl only see the larger number.

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For those taking HDB loan, it is better to stretch your loan to the full tenure. Pay as slowly as you can and DO NOT lump sum your money. Why?


1)HDB loan rate and CPF ordinary rate differ by just 0.1% as mention.


2)with excess inside the ordinary account,it can help you tide over difficult period without coughing out cash for monthly instalment (when you get retrenched).


3)with excess money in ordinary account, you can use it to upgrade to a better home as money left over can be use as part of the down payment.


4)first 60k in the CPF earns you 1% more interest at the moment, so it is actually better to have up to 20k inside your ordinary account.

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If u put it that way. Ppl will only think about 2.6%

Tried it before most ppl only see the larger number.

Bro no offense meant, bro freestyle easier to read


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Wa bro first house u do research Liao? Respect

That x I was 23 n blur blur simi oso ok jus get a cheap flat over the head

Never do any research at all

Lucky stupid pple got stupid luck

This estate is blooming unexpectedly


I have to count carefully.

I don't gamble don't buy 4D don't do illegal business


Money won't fall from sky one.

Plus I don't like to take risk. Best way is to be prudence in the way I handle my cash

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Bro no offense meant, bro freestyle easier to read


Yeah. But that is why he is freestyle I am j22. Different style

Anyway. To add on. The 2.6% is ever decreasing while the 2.5% is always increasing so the margine over 30 years is lesser than 0.1% but only slightly.

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if you loan from CPF to buy shares, i though we only need to return the number plus interest incur. which is current 2.4% (or was it 2.5%)???


buy shares no need to return the interest. only use to buy ppty, then need to return the 2.5% interest when sell.

if goalpost change again pls feel free to correct. [:)]

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