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2 years on, some effects of Fukushima are showing overseas......


@ 6Sep13

South Korea has banned all fish imports from a large area of Japan in response to growing concern over the possible environmental impact of recent leaks of highly toxic water at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

In Japan, the row over the plant operator's handling of the leaks deepened on Friday when the head of the country's nuclear watchdog issued a stern rebuke to Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) for causing unnecessary alarm overseas by releasing "scientifically unacceptable" information about radiation levels.


KNN, so what is what now? Can't the Japanese be more upfront?

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you guys are really quick and witty; lucky I never anyhow post (try my best); I guess, the point everybody is trying to make is; 1 we need to move on especially if the past already had serve its purpose; 2. not just one country that had gone to war and killed millions of innocent civilians (why blame countries - should be blame the arms manufacturers and arms brokers); 3. just because of a few we shouldn't blame the ALL (are we going be like North Korea - if one family member commits a crime the whole family gets thrown into jail too); 4. some (including companies) have realised their past and doing their part to contribute to a better world


Your comments show your level of understanding. :wacko:

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some ppl have metal teeth. no matter how we advice also no use.


some ppl live for the present only, can enjoy , enjoy now , tomorrow die is tomorrow problem. [knife]

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i strongly believe the aftermath particularly future effect and unknown danger is greatly understated or not reported


It's been 2 years 4 months plus since the fukushima earthquake and radiation is still leaking quite high level. [:(] [:(]


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nabei ... like he can control the radiation water not to contaminate the whole ocean

i also cut down my love of sushi lioa ...


Japan is not happy:

Japan's chief Cabinet secretary, Yoshihide Suga, said Friday that fish and seafood that go to market are tested for radiation and shown to be safe. Suga also stressed that the contaminated water flowing into the ocean is limited to a small area off the coast of the Fukushima plant.

"There is an international standard on food, including fish, and we are carrying out stringent safety controls based on those standards. We ask South Korea for a response based on science," he told reporters.

Edited by Wt_know
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im in tokyo now... happy to report no glowing people or armageddon situations lol. Chiobus here still as chio n shopping still as interesting...


That's because the effects have not been surface yet. Good luck!


You cannot see, feel, hear or smell radioactive levels. It can only be detected by the radiation detector.

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That's because the effects have not been surface yet. Good luck!


You cannot see, feel, hear or smell radioactive levels. It can only be detected by the radiation detector.


Hopefully I can mutate into an Avenger n Wolverines power lol

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nabei ... like he can control the radiation water not to contaminate the whole ocean

i also cut down my love of sushi lioa ...


Yah man, if people believe this Suga-san, most probably they are the same group of people who believe Japanese are freeing south east asia from british colonial rule in the 1940s. [laugh]

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Hopefully I can mutate into an Avenger n Wolverines power lol


Errr, that's only in the movies. I think you watched too many hollywood movies and read too many comics.


Just hope you stay healthy.

Edited by Fcw75
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Your comments show your level of understanding. :wacko:


I am not fortunate enough to born smart like you, have to accept the fact that we see the world differently

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sub-titles are mine but content is from a news source:


Japan admits there is evidence fish around Fukushima has been hit:

Japan bans the shipment, or sale locally, of food products whose radiation levels exceed 100 becquerels per kilogram. The government has been carrying out radiation checks on various types of food in the disaster-struck northeastern part of Japan.

For Fukushima, the latest food check was carried out Sept. 4, and a flounder, for instance, was found to have 110 becquerels of radiation per kilogram.


TEPCO is a company supplying power but does it have the knowhow to deal with a crippled nuclear plant.....

Scientists have long believed that contaminated water was reaching the ocean, based in part on continuing high levels of radioactive cesium found in fish living at the bottom of the sea. Scientists have also noted a rise in strontium-90 and tritium levels in the past few months. Strontium accumulates in fish bones and remains longer than cesium in fish and the humans that eat them.


Now that the fish sector is affected.......


Hiroshi Kishi, chairman of the Japan Fisheries Cooperatives, called on Energy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi on Friday morning to tackle the contamination issue as soon as possible, and to release appropriate information to international community to avoid the further negative groundless reputation over Japan fishery products.


TEPCO losing trust?

"This is a structurally difficult and complex issue. We will not rely on TEPCO, but the government will come to the forefront in resolving the issue," Motegi (Energy Minister) said.


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Maybe this will be the statement to watch in 5 years time and then in 2020 (7 years time). This is what Abe said to convince the IOC.


FUKUSHIMA CONCERNS. Predictably the Japanese team was forced to fend off concerns about the Fukushima nuclear plant 230 km (140 miles) from Tokyo after the plant

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