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PSI At 321 & Rising What R Our Ministers Doing


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This is THEIR JOB....otherwise why the f r they getting million dollar salaries if people like us can give them the ideas...duh?? :blink:


I shudder to think what a person of your mental stature would do as a minister - convert the Flyer into a fan, demand our neighours to suck the smoke back? Remember Singapore is so small she is a net oxygen user. I daresay Indonesia has been doing her bit providing fresh air and oxygen to the environment and we've been benefitting from it. A bit of smoke and you hold our goverment responsible for the neighbour's smoke? Want to go to war or not?

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But psi 300+ declare emergency? [crazy]


Then Beijing every other day sure damn bo eng..... got to declare state of emergency.

sorry to say this but some times maybe we abit exaggerated things [laugh]

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There can be action on the part of the govt, if not in indo, then at least locally. But i see little done. Certainly, labeling accusations of inaction as political attack is a convenient excuse.


Who r the ones burning? Which companies? Surely our govt after all these years have the resources to track these companies? So with due respect n expletives aside, it simply isnt enough.

Edited by Felipe
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There can be action on the part of the govt, if not in indo, then at least locally. But i see little done. Certainly, labeling accusations of inaction as political attack is a convenient excuse.


Who r the ones burning? Which companies? Surely our govt after all these years have the resources to track these companies? So with due respect n expletives aside, it simply isnt enough.


im sure if this happens in singapore, it will be stopped

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PSI is hitting 321 and rising what are our million dollar ministers doing? I bet many would have taken the 1st plane out of sinkieland.


In Hong Kong and other civilised countries when a Tsunami hits hazard zones the govt declares a state of emergency and orders everyone to stay in doors.


Here in sinkieland even if it pours acid rain out doors our million dollar ministers will be wilfully blind and sit back and suck on their thumbs as they need the islands slave labourers to continue to toil away in the sweat shop offices.


This is where a failure to act reveals the true colours of the million dollar pigs from animal farm


I think the mods are most probably asleep, and that the only reason why you are not BANNED!

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They have many answering to do if they declare stop work. Many bosses private bosses will be angry!!! If angry means lose vote lor

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There can be action on the part of the govt, if not in indo, then at least locally. But i see little done. Certainly, labeling accusations of inaction as political attack is a convenient excuse.


Who r the ones burning? Which companies? Surely our govt after all these years have the resources to track these companies? So with due respect n expletives aside, it simply isnt enough.


Even if our govt knows who are these companies, I am not so sure without the concurrence of the host country, which is Indonesia, can be proceed to take actions against these companies.


No forgetting we have to prove that the fires are started by these companies purposely and within its concession areas. To prove both beyond reasonable doubt is extremely difficult given the vast areas of forest is on fire now.


I believe we have been conditioned by our system that for any issue, if it is not black, it must be white. But in many places outside Singapore, there are plenty of grey areas. Hence although Indonesia has strict laws against burning, given its vast territory and layers of govt, brining the guilty party to face the law could be extremely difficult if not impossible.


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I got an emergency notification from my HQ office saying we can work from home. No need to wait for gahmen to look out for us la.


But the thing is, i can't work from home because my job requires accessing client data and confidential info.



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My view is the authority might be too complacent


Maybe they din expect or foresee the psi to hit hazardous level so fast


If all time high of psi is not considered a crisis, then what is?


The handling of this issue is very poor, at least at the media aspect

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Instead of saying nothing much can be done, maybe our government can start by handing out free masks to everyone! these little gestures counts in making our lives slightly better.

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Wah lau... Boycott indonesian products lah. Yesterday i buying ikan bilis. Shop say from indonesia and i straight away say no cos they caused haze and shop laughed and nod head. Lol


Can garment follow like taiwan against bananaland or not? Nato and think indo will compile???


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TS, what do you expect the Ministers to do ?????


Can you tell your neighbour next door what he can or cannot do in his house ? To put is simply, can you tell your neighbour not to smoke in his home ?




"Beijing Singapore residents joke that to get a free smoke all they have to do is open their windows!"

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