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PSI At 321 & Rising What R Our Ministers Doing


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PSI is hitting 321 and rising what are our million dollar ministers doing? I bet many would have taken the 1st plane out of sinkieland.


In Hong Kong and other civilised countries when a Tsunami hits hazard zones the govt declares a state of emergency and orders everyone to stay in doors.


Here in sinkieland even if it pours acid rain out doors our million dollar ministers will be wilfully blind and sit back and suck on their thumbs as they need the islands slave labourers to continue to toil away in the sweat shop offices.


This is where a failure to act reveals the true colours of the million dollar pigs from animal farm

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I think for some people, can apply urgent leave giving the haze reason and stay at home. It's their choice. Why wait for declaration of holiday / emergency?


But IMHO it's the same air you're breathing whether at work in the office or at home. In fact, office air may be better filtered as it is air-conditioned all around.


Unless you work strenuous job outdoors, then perhaps taking leave and not working would be beneficial.

Edited by Sosaria
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Well, some stay at home and smoke indoors.

The PSI is probably much worse there and they are not complaining.

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Another political thread. But what can they do? You so smart, then you give idea loh [rolleyes]


declare state of emergency. no work....stock market close...shut down.


problem is when nothing is done, it's really bad.

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TS, what do you expect the Ministers to do ?????


Can you tell your neighbour next door what he can or cannot do in his house ? To put is simply, can you tell your neighbour not to smoke in his home ?


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PSI is hitting 321 and rising what are our million dollar ministers doing? I bet many would have taken the 1st plane out of sinkieland.


In Hong Kong and other civilised countries when a Tsunami hits hazard zones the govt declares a state of emergency and orders everyone to stay in doors.


Here in sinkieland even if it pours acid rain out doors our million dollar ministers will be wilfully blind and sit back and suck on their thumbs as they need the islands slave labourers to continue to toil away in the sweat shop offices.


This is where a failure to act reveals the true colours of the million dollar pigs from animal farm


Political stirrer spotted....



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well said. Our ministers only good at giving money to foreign banks, helping foreign workers, "regulating internet", impose ERP, fines etc


when it boils down to looking after its citizens they will adopt a sit n do nothing approach and say nothing can be done. And u can see this has sunk in on the docile masses who endorse such recalcitrance.




declare state of emergency. no work....stock market close...shut down.


problem is when nothing is done, it's really bad.


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This is THEIR JOB....otherwise why the f r they getting million dollar salaries if people like us can give them the ideas...duh?? :blink:


Another political thread. But what can they do? You so smart, then you give idea loh [rolleyes]


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But psi 300+ declare emergency? [crazy]


Then Beijing every other day sure damn bo eng..... got to declare state of emergency.

beijing is 101?

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TS, what do you expect the Ministers to do ?????


Can you tell your neighbour next door what he can or cannot do in his house ? To put is simply, can you tell your neighbour not to smoke in his home ?

i think TS point is not about doing something to Indo, but about doing something locally.


well, they are paid millions so some actions like shut down all outdoor work, hospitals set up special sites for respiratory illness etc. but all tats done is an 11pm press conference. but then again, u get what u vote for

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i think TS point is not about doing something to Indo, but about doing something locally.


well, they are paid millions so some actions like shut down all outdoor work, hospitals set up special sites for respiratory illness etc. but all tats done is an 11pm press conference. but then again, u get what u vote for


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PSI 300, 400 or more I don't give a damn, still carry on my normal outdoor routine activities unless you say stop breathing

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