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[Breaking] Youth slashed outside orchard cineleisure


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The police here can be very efficient.....if they want to. I give them 48 hrs, they will announce they caught the slashers already.


With so many cameras around, no chance they will get away scot free.

Edited by Fcw75
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our security force sub-out to pte sector liao mah.....of course come out only when they were called.

not enough man power mah.....that's why need to bring in more people, to fill up all this jobs..


That is the most foolish thing one can ever think of. Would you employ someone you don't know (sorry, no high pay, just peanuts, so up to you to judge his integrity by just doing random screening) to guard your house?


Other than the obssession of being World's First, their next obsession is Outsourcing.


When will SAF outsource the defense to foreigners to create a Foreign Legion division?

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The police here can be very efficient.....if they want to. I give them 48 hrs, they will announce they caught the slashers already.


With so many cameras around, no chance they will get away scot free.


If done by FTrsash, maybe not.



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I always see many uniformed man in blue outside Mustafa centre walking around

who are these patrolmen and employed by who?

those are probably the Certis Cisco men walking around and summoning illegal parking there.........some also wore the luminous vest.......

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It has to be cineleisure , I never like this plc


Me too. Always felt that it was like the Far East Plaza of the past. So many youths milling about, something waiting to erupt...

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If done by FTrsash, maybe not.

Th first respondents to the slashed victim are FTs...not all are trash.

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Th first respondents to the slashed victim are FTs...not all are trash.


There's a diff bro, she had responded to the cries for help, and did helped, so she wasn't the kind of ftash I'n referring to. Moreover, I believe she's more if a FW (foreign worker) than a PMET.



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Unless Jason Vorhees is on the loose, this was probably a planned attack.


then it was a poorly plan then


slashing the victim in a crowded prominent place on a weekend?


more likely an impulsive action, trying to act satki


99% won't get away


bugger might be hiding in some back alleys or void decks now, sobbing and regretting his reckless actions

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There's a diff bro, she had responded to the cries for help, and did helped, so she wasn't the kind of ftash I'n referring to. Moreover, I believe she's more if a FW (foreign worker) than a PMET.

Yeah. Can't tar all.


And the fault lies squarely with the idiots in their ivory towers for moving at a pace faster than the infrastructure can cope and not calibrating their policy to mitigate the social costs.


And like it or not, we really aren't replacing ourselves so it's inevitablethat a non-native SG or FW will be attending to us in many areas when more and more of us end up on the other side of age 65.

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I think ppl kick up a big fuss about it. When I was in primary/secondary school students got slashed multiple times are common. All gang related. Maybe I grew up in a tough neighbourhood. When I was in pri 5 my classmate sitting next to me has to report to his probation officer frequently. Fights were even more common especially with nearby school students. Last time dun have social media somemore.

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I rather parents teach and bring up their kids well than rely on police or strangers to come to their rescue, especially if these have joined gangs and are just troublemakers. It is not the first and definitely not the last slayings, slashing etc, especially with this young generation....

seems to me each one thinks he/she has 9 lives and the whole world owes them something. Probably proper upbringing is what is owed to these. And every parent thinks their son/daughter is best behaved and the fault is the govt, oh, also the other set of parents whose kids whacked/set upon their child.



Kudos to the nurses who did not shy away and pretend or choose to mind their own business. If the youth survives, he probably had these good Samaritans to thank. Hopefully, this wake-up call will help this youth to know life is precious.


Safe ride and love your kids enough to bring them up well, it will help them survive in this very confused world of adults....the mess we leave behind for them to tackle..... hope they do better than us.


Cheers.... it's a very hot SUNday

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The police here can be very efficient.....if they want to. I give them 48 hrs, they will announce they caught the slashers already.


With so many cameras around, no chance they will get away scot free.


Yup the whole orchard road is covered by cameras. Likely will be caught soon.

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on chinese news liao...


10文身男 乱刀砍阿兵哥














Rough translate


NSF slashed by 10 heavily tattooed men


2nd similar case since the first happened last year.


The incident happened last night @ Cineleisure Orchard at around 9.10pm, along the aisle near to Starbucks coffee.


20 year old NSF named Wilson was slashed and his head and hand was severely injured due to the mutiple chopping (?) by the assailants. Witnesses to the incident claimed that it happened due to starings from the NSF groups and the tattooed gangs. Shoutings and swearing followed by clashes as one of the assislants flashed a 20-cm parang. The NSF despite being heavily outnumbered, ran towards the main entrance to attract attention from passerbys, and when someone shouted during the commotion, the assailants fled via 3 taxis from the scene.


The injured was immediately attended to by passerbys and was rush to hospital.


Whispers that the incident are more than meets the eye, which perhaps some scandals involving woman were the result of this merciless attack. [shakehead]


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Crap like this used to happen at Sparks Disco last time. :wacko: :wacko:


It was so normal to have cases like these in the canto-sparks era. Just that social media wasn't invented then and cases goes unreported.





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