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True Story of a ex SAF regular


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myself principal also, out source logistic and general / lower trade


Edited by Dfx16
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Hmmm.. i had staffs with N level in their mid 30s drawing 4k after cpf managing fmcg key acc retailers


Myself coming late 30s sales and marketing manager didnt receive much education also but i work hard in the same industry since i completed national service, drawing 5 digits managing fmcg key acc retailers regional, malaysia indonesia s'pore


I can confirm that even with only N or O level local big retailers are willing to pay u up to 5 digits if u had the experience and attitude


I can also confirm that some of this big retailers senior managers and even country director had only O or N but they does have many degree or even mba working under them


I had no idea what industry u are in, but it does sound very pathetic that it's paper driven


Dont have anything more then N or O level doesnt mean cant earn more money, bottomline - after getting a job what employer want is positive attitude, willing to learn and able to handle stress


Dfx....I BTC....can take me as your staff ?? :D:D:D

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I'm an architect and I practised for 5 years in australia b4 coming back here. Over there, the construction workers are all well trained and got 'tak cheh' one. They work fast and very efficiently, and waste very little materials. So your material cost (which is always higher than your labour cost will ever be) already save liao. Here leh, the banglas and ah tiongs dun even know which end of the fking hammer to hold. So they fk up a lot, waste a lot of materials, and always tio delay bcos of some c0ckup. End up you spend more bcos of all the delays and material waste. I find sg construction firms are damn bloody shortsighted and tan lui, but they dun even realise that they are spending more money with cheap labour than they would with well trained labour.

Aussie brickies, plumbers, electricians, etc take pride in their work [thumbsup]


A typical house can be completed in about 7 months I think [thumbsup]

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Wah.. Don't know how to operate a hand drill very 严重 leh... The worker used to be a farmer?


hand job sure know one [laugh] ; hand drill.... [confused]

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Dfx....I BTC....can take me as your staff ?? :D:D:D



U are my snake buddy, if u join me who's going to snake with me [laugh]

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In retrospective does anyone around u success or make more money then u with only 'N or 'O'? Insurance agents, Property agents, crane / fork lift operators excluded


i think it is incorrect to equate making lotsa money with success.


success is about living a meaningful life and having joy and peace in all circumstances. it can be attained even if one is poor in wealth.



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I dont know this guy. But I know someone of the same classified appointment as him. He is a gambler. We sailed to Darwin, Australia. Within the first night, lost $7k in MGM. [rolleyes] Never contact after I left the RSN. Every CNY, sure to invite mates to his home for gambling session. Also same vocation as tis guy, my senior, also gambler. Owe lots of mates money until SAF with held his gratuity to pay off everyone.


Another one, same vocation as me. From O level till chief engineer of one of the patrol vessel. He went to quarrel with Sqn CO abt his ranking. Threaten CO, he quit if never promote him. CO told him go ahead. Now taxi driver, still O level only. His marriage also shotgun type, ask my fren go together with him to tok to FIL, cause he scared after making the daughter stomach big big. [laugh]



Lots of stories lah. All true blue Singaporean story hor. No FT story. [laugh]


Eh harro harro, got FT story ok...it's like this:


An FT came to Singapore, putting a citizen out of work. He stayed here for about a decade and finally got citizenship as gahmen hopes that he will vote for them. However, he threw away his Singapore citizenship and quickly switched to an Aussie/Euro citizenship. Alas, Singapore citizenship was only a bridge between Mr FT and his ultimate goal-an angmoh citizenship. And thus, the Singapore locals were screwed.



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i think it is incorrect to equate making lotsa money with success.


success is about living a meaningful life and having joy and peace in all circumstances. it can be attained even if one is poor in wealth.


True it about self contentment [thumbsup]

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Wah.. Don't know how to operate a hand drill very 严重 leh... The worker used to be a farmer?


Is an ah tiong worker. What you think? [laugh]

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In IT industry, you dont even see N/O level.... [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


got lah, very low level... datacenter operators... simple task, just do monitoring work... but 3 shifts. tough job.

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Let me share something on FT. I owe a small business and yes, I have both locals and PRC workers.


Employing a foreigner is no more cheaper than employing a local. Foreign worker now demands pretty high basic. No more in the range of hundreds. All starting with 4 figure sum. And with all the housing allowance, levy and other fees, it can easily cost company more than S$1.6K to employ 1 production operator nowadays. So, why I still go for foreigners? Simply, I can't get local to work..... They just want to do tasks that don't have to use their brain to think. Meaning they want a job that don't have to be trained at all. Just sit down and can start doing.


If my personal ground experience is of any indication, then I think our govt had a very big problem on hand. We are barking the wrong tree. We keep pushing employers to go for local but even if the employer is willing, the local people is not willing.

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Let me share something on FT. I owe a small business and yes, I have both locals and PRC workers.


Employing a foreigner is no more cheaper than employing a local. Foreign worker now demands pretty high basic. No more in the range of hundreds. All starting with 4 figure sum. And with all the housing allowance, levy and other fees, it can easily cost company more than S$1.6K to employ 1 production operator nowadays. So, why I still go for foreigners? Simply, I can't get local to work..... They just want to do tasks that don't have to use their brain to think. Meaning they want a job that don't have to be trained at all. Just sit down and can start doing.


If my personal ground experience is of any indication, then I think our govt had a very big problem on hand. We are barking the wrong tree. We keep pushing employers to go for local but even if the employer is willing, the local people is not willing.


That's b-------t.


I own a small business too. I have 9 employees and all of them are Singaporeans.

My industry is in engineering, It's dirty and sweaty and dangerous sometimes. Physically tiring but still must think.


Admittedly a few of them are rather lazy, but making them think and contribute actively to the company the company's owner/manager responsibility to handle and

impress on the employees. Train them, change them or fire them.


Losers take the easy way out and contribute to the FT influx on one hand while whining about local's 'willingness to work' on the other.

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Let me share something on FT. I owe a small business and yes, I have both locals and PRC workers.


Employing a foreigner is no more cheaper than employing a local. Foreign worker now demands pretty high basic. No more in the range of hundreds. All starting with 4 figure sum. And with all the housing allowance, levy and other fees, it can easily cost company more than S$1.6K to employ 1 production operator nowadays. So, why I still go for foreigners? Simply, I can't get local to work..... They just want to do tasks that don't have to use their brain to think. Meaning they want a job that don't have to be trained at all. Just sit down and can start doing.


If my personal ground experience is of any indication, then I think our govt had a very big problem on hand. We are barking the wrong tree. We keep pushing employers to go for local but even if the employer is willing, the local people is not willing.


No offence brudder, but I seriously doubt that. SG-eans are generally willing to learn on the job and do complex work. In fact, I suspect that alot of us will avoid all the brain dead jobs instead. Also, some of these employers act like they are trying to attract locals but looking at their career advancement opportunites, pay package and employee benefits, it's damn obvious they die die wan foreigners.

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That's b-------t.


I own a small business too. I have 9 employees and all of them are Singaporeans.

My industry is in engineering, It's dirty and sweaty and dangerous sometimes. Physically tiring but still must think.


Admittedly a few of them are rather lazy, but making them think and contribute actively to the company the company's owner/manager responsibility to handle and

impress on the employees. Train them, change them or fire them.


Losers take the easy way out and contribute to the FT influx on one hand while whining about local's 'willingness to work' on the other.


Nice. [thumbsup] A coin has 2 sides.

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Neutral Newbie

That's b-------t.


I own a small business too. I have 9 employees and all of them are Singaporeans.

My industry is in engineering, It's dirty and sweaty and dangerous sometimes. Physically tiring but still must think.


Admittedly a few of them are rather lazy, but making them think and contribute actively to the company the company's owner/manager responsibility to handle and

impress on the employees. Train them, change them or fire them.


Losers take the easy way out and contribute to the FT influx on one hand while whining about local's 'willingness to work' on the other.


Yupp...there's always 2 sides of the story...on one hand the employer can complain that locals are lazy and not willing to work. On the other hand, sometimes it's the employer's fault for failing to properly motivate the staff and attract new staff. Because it's sipeh ez for employers to complain that staff are lazy and unmotivated and locals refuse to work for them, but it's harder for the employer to provide the right incentives and environment to attract and retain manpower. So in this case, we must look at everything first before importing FTs by the plane.

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got lah, very low level... datacenter operators... simple task, just do monitoring work... but 3 shifts. tough job.



ermm... yeah, almost forget those operators.... whenever plp take about IT, 1st think come to my mind is developer, network/security/ system admin...

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Aussie brickies, plumbers, electricians, etc take pride in their work [thumbsup]


A typical house can be completed in about 7 months I think [thumbsup]

In many first world countries, electrians, carpenter etc need certification & proper training, pratical and theory. If you wanted to be in these profession (yes they are refer as profession), they provide the school for you. If you wanted to open a shop say carpentry, you need to have a 'master' level (or you have someone that have in your company), & the 'Master' level is not self claim, & must take taring, test, & recognise nationally.


Singapore use cheap, unskill workforce. Vast different. Of course there are craftmen that are skilled in Singapore, but its coin toss or individual ability, & not expectation.


The only hard pill to swallow is insprite paying much lower labor cost, & likely cheaper materials also, your renovation (not even factoring land price), cost about same (if not more) as other first world Nations, and not same quality.

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