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Ride Bicycle to work from west to east


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I would start replacing your car trips that are less than 5km with the bike. Get into this habit first and then start taking on longer distances.


Once you start getting fitter, drive to Fort Rd like someone else suggested and ride the PCN to Changi Biz Park. Slowly expand the distance if you are still enthusiastic over the months after.



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Neutral Newbie

^^ what this man says, TS....

west to east is too much too soon for a new cyclist, especially weekday mornings.

the roads u are likely to go through make me shudder.... bukit timah road with all its mrt diversions, west coast highway with 40-foot F1 trucks.... these are roads i dare ride on only on sundays... not even saturdays [shakehead]


take it easy... there are better ways. eg alight one station earlier and power-walk rest of the way to office, etc.

get used to cycling on roads first. sign up to togoparts forum and join one the many west sg cycling groups


I am confused. Are you rephrasing what I wrote to TS? Or are you giving suggestions to TS?

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Neutral Newbie

cycling on weekday for go to work in formal office environment and with singapore weather, hm...

i think that person the mind still in holiday somewhere at europe country :)


What's impossible or not viable to some is actually possible and viable to others.

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sorry for pouring cold water but by the time u reached ur working place, u will faint and cant go work. moreover its very dangerous and u gotta go off from ur place 3 am


the distance too far and i would suggest that u cycle to near places around ur neighbourhood area first.


imagine when coming home from work.. [bounce1]

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What's impossible or not viable to some is actually possible and viable to others.

If u are cycling in europe area, west to east still viable but if in sg with hot and humid weather esp for ppl who are not experienved, it will be very hard

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There are many good / helpful advice from mcf bro.


- take it slow

- in phase

- start early

- avoid peak hour , heavy traffic

- safety first

- weather

- 2 lanes are usually better than 3 lane road

- left turns and a longer way are safer than right turns

- buses and long vehicles

- expressways are no-no


Regarding routing, i feel it is better to ask cycling forum, e.g. togoparts


A cyclist has a different road sense approach to a four wheel bb driver.



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I started cycling 8 months ago. Up till now I only cycle at late night or wee hours in the morning with friends on the road where there is no traffic. I still dare not cycle at peak hours on the road. I do respect those who so brave can cycle on the busy road and squeeze with heavy vehicles, cars and sometimes being overtaken very close. Up to individual vs, but start slow and starting cycle try cycle park connecter than slowly build up to road and distance.

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I am confused. Are you rephrasing what I wrote to TS? Or are you giving suggestions to TS?


both. highlighting the start-slow point...

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Hi all,

I am staying in west cck area and work in the east at expo changi area. I gain quite abit of weight these past few years of course bcos of good foods and alway drive in the car no matter where I go even to market which is only 800m away. I had been thinking to buy a bicycle to ride to work instead of driving ... so to save cost as well as to lose some weight and keep fit.... but I worry to few things


What are the best route to take to go from cck to changi expo?

How to reduce the risk involve and reduce the nuisance caused to other road users? I'm a driver too and I do realise how dangerous it will be to ride on road....manyway I could avoid the road but still can reach changi??


My prediction is that you will always not reach your work place, or you will be very unproductive at work if you ride such a distance to work....


During my Uni days in Australia, I cycle 30 KM 2 ways with a huge backpack. The road there are UPS AND DOWNS..... Every night reach home I just fall asleep straight... Calf and thigh muscle damn big though as I'm riding a fixie.


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ts's idea should be doable, but he must first wait for SMRT to provide space in some trains for him to put his bicyle and he can then substitute the ride with train ride when he feels tired of cycling halfway. We can find such train cars in some other countries. I saw them before.

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ts's idea should be doable, but he must first wait for SMRT to provide space in some trains for him to put his bicyle and he can then substitute the ride with train ride when he feels tired of cycling halfway. We can find such train cars in some other countries. I saw them before.


Lol the idea of such train cars in SG... even TS retired he still wont see it happen.... look at how sardine packed is our MRT during peak period on weekdays... [laugh]

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Lol the idea of such train cars in SG... even TS retired he still wont see it happen.... look at how sardine packed is our MRT during peak period on weekdays... [laugh]

Dont worry, just follow India's diy solutions ---- hang the bicycle with a hook to the side of the train, free n easy :D

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I started cycling 8 months ago. Up till now I only cycle at late night or wee hours in the morning with friends on the road where there is no traffic. I still dare not cycle at peak hours on the road. I do respect those who so brave can cycle on the busy road and squeeze with heavy vehicles, cars and sometimes being overtaken very close. Up to individual vs, but start slow and starting cycle try cycle park connecter than slowly build up to road and distance.

One word of advice.... Don't ever give a pwetty ger who wants a ride.... :ph34r:

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