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SAF suspends hand grenade throwing


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you threw grenade again in SISPEC or unit is it? talk so much for what? everybody is like you, all threw grenade once in BMT. writing cover letter huh.



Dun get so work up. Can sense the grenade exploding in your words. * Fire in the hole!....


Definitely not cover letter or essay but if you have been reading my posts from the beginning.....Was being questioned about my nationality and merely wanting to clarify that I know what I am talking about thru my personal experience.


Isn't a forum meant for talking and discussing? That's what you are doing and that's what I am doing [laugh] . Just voicing out, no hard feelings ok?



why? your PS ego kicks in ?


Where is your freaking pride ? With PRide with lead? a PS that suggest singapore should hire militants ?


This kind of mentality is really bad..


basically i think there a only a few type of PS (for non regulars)


1) Really garang and well organised. Appointed PS by the school even before being posted to unit (not many)

2) Kena sabo and arrowed to be PS .. but really F up kind

3) carry balls until PS


which type are you ? please dont feel offended because I too am from armour and we are the best combat unit for that year. Cheers.



I am from 40th SAR. Never expected to be in Armor, much less to be PS. So you can say I am from (2). Seriously nothing to be proud of but nothing to hide.


Anyway we are entitled to our own thoughts and I dun expect you to agree with me and my posts because at the end of the day, when we close the browser and shut down the comp, nothing will be changed in the army. Mishaps and accidents will still come and more discussion threads such as this will surface.


Anyway,this thread is getting interesting and I like that. This is what a forum should be about; fast and furious quality debates. This is also the very few kind of topics that I really seriously think over and analyse deeply before writing them down. So keep your comments coming!

Edited by Rubbishman
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Dun get so work up. Can sense the grenade exploding in your words. * Fire in the hole!....

Definitely not cover letter or essay but if you have been reading my posts from the beginning.....Was being questioned about my nationality and merely wanting to clarify that I know what I am talking about thru my personal experience.

Isn't a forum meant for talking and discussing? That's what you are doing and that's what I am doing [laugh] . Just voicing out, no hard feelings ok?


I think you are missing the points some had been trying to put across:


1st is this is a training accident involving a recruit.

So readers will naturally question your rather hush tone in your initial post.

Budgetice had aptly remark this as "your comment really cmi".

Like that how to go to war? Sillypore should consider hire the Pinoy militants.


2nd is the way you had conveyed your opinion on safety concerns as if you are the only one who cares about this.

Nothing can be further from the truth.


Everyone from LCP drivers to LT NSF is aware of the inherent risk involved - we just wanna Serve And Fcuk off, hoping we can get through this Singaporean duty with all our limps and lan~pah intact.


Who wanna die or suffer lifetime injuries while making our love worried sick and sad?


And I am sure both Rec Hamid and 2LT Kamalasivam will remember this brush with death long after their ORD.


Both may not have your accolade of being an armour unit PS, but they are like the rest of us, are serving their Duty, nevertheless.




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Lucky lar u all.Get to throw live grenade.....i for one never had the chance cos was down with fever when the whole unit moved out to tekong for the exercise and was bedded in our units medixal center. But all the guys who went said that all the officers and ncos were very nice before and during the exercise but when when all is over every recruit tio tekan and had to do basic fire movement drill bayonet charge. And bcos i didnt throw live grenade i was appointed as smoke grenade thrower for the rest of my unit life! [:(] [:(]

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Because they are brought up with the brainwashed mindset that,

1. Singapore won't go to war.

2. Singapore sure lose war.

3. US will come save us.


Ppl tend to forget that 60+ years ago, ppl also tot nth will happened. End up we got raped by the Japs. Literally raped.


Understandable why ppl don't want to go NS now. It is damn tough to compete with foreigners.

Which is of no fault of them. I blame the self proclaimed 'higher-beings' who create this situation.


If ppl do want to serve willingly or atleast understand why they need to serve, they wont give their best in their duty.


Again, I blame the higher-beings. They keep telling you that you are protecting your family, country not foreigners.

But at the rate they bring it foreigners, we will become minority soon. Then, are we still protecting our family and country?


How to expect ppl to want to serve?


serving is one thing..


but 2 years for a country not in active war is too much...


i can understand some countries like israel, taiwan and south korea for having a long conscription period.


but for us =/

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serving is one thing..


but 2 years for a country not in active war is too much...


i can understand some countries like israel, taiwan and south korea for having a long conscription period.


but for us =/

2 yrs for a cho bo lan unit is long but for an active combat ready unit 2 yrs is actually a very short timeframe for one to learnt the ropes of soldering. My 2 yrs was rather packed with training schedule, missions, overseas training and the annual ippt n soc. The onlly days that we were able to really have a good life was when returned from our last overseas training and had a month of fatigue duties till we ROD not counting the odd days after we had finished training. Even our weekends were sometime burn due to training and regimental guard duty.

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serving is one thing..


but 2 years for a country not in active war is too much...


i can understand some countries like israel, taiwan and south korea for having a long conscription period.


but for us =/


that's because you take our state of stability for granted. a country can be rocked by internal and external stability. look around us, can our neighbours be truly described as being rock stable?


in the past 30 years, the region could hardly be described as stable owing primarily to the destabilising effect of the communist domino enveloping the Indochina region.


up till the 80s, there was an ever possible threat of the Viet Congs rolling down south beyond the bulwark state of Thailand.


And the recent financial crisis of 97 and the simultaneous step down of Suharto pointed to a ever real possibility of our biggest neighbour splintering to numerous independent states, locked in protracted squabbling.


anyway your post only proves that numerous men before you have helped did their part in serving 2.5 years of NS hence your nonchalance.

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You seem to be posting conflicting posts.


First either you have Schizophrenia, or you have a double-personality complex syndrome.


On one hand, you are praising yourself for having gone through NS, and on the other, you are putting others down for an accident. Yes, you can by all means say that it can be averted but please go check out the dictionary for what "accident/incident" means.


And please remember, not all are brought up equal and as competent as you are.

There will be some who will be less steady, but does that reflect on the system that is in place?


For having gone through countless batches of recruits at live grenade throwing, I can understand the anxiety that some have and the mixed feelings at that point in time with a live grenade in hand.


You wrote: "This is also the very few kind of topics that I really seriously think over and analyse deeply before writing them down. So keep your comments coming! "


Yes, you are right that the forum is for discussion purposes, but that does not qualify you to make insensitive and senseless remarks.

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Because they are brought up with the brainwashed mindset that,


3. US will come save us.


erm, this is somewhat true, not to save us literally but when enemies see US planes flying past or US flagged frigate/gunships, makes them reconsider their hostile position -_- Don't forget, we are in a sensitive region. Looked what happened to Malaysia now ...


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serving is one thing..


but 2 years for a country not in active war is too much...

i can understand some countries like israel, taiwan and south korea for having a long conscription period. but for us =/


Bro, peacetime is always the toughest time to justify a credible military defense.

Hence the well-worn Chinese proverb



Maintain An Army For 1000 Days, Use It For An Hour



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If u was from armour than u should know how tough a armour PS can be during reservist In camp training. [laugh] Most of the time only u and driver doing all the dirty stuffs (washing, store etc) while the men chilling out at the canteen or emart. [lipsrsealed]


wah so many armour guys here .... oi, PS where got wash store, normally it's other commanders lah. PS usually kenna f*cked after debriefed by PC :D As for chilling out, canteen too obvious - vehicle shed & store better to siam arrows [:p]


oh .... I just re-read your post. You must be referring to the AIs ..... Me tankee, everybody sure got some things to do or else sure kenna hantum

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that's because you take our state of stability for granted. a country can be rocked by internal and external stability. look around us, can our neighbours be truly described as being rock stable?


in the past 30 years, the region could hardly be described as stable owing primarily to the destabilising effect of the communist domino enveloping the Indochina region.


up till the 80s, there was an ever possible threat of the Viet Congs rolling down south beyond the bulwark state of Thailand.


And the recent financial crisis of 97 and the simultaneous step down of Suharto pointed to a ever real possibility of our biggest neighbour splintering to numerous independent states, locked in protracted squabbling.


anyway your post only proves that numerous men before you have helped did their part in serving 2.5 years of NS hence your nonchalance.


what ever it is, i am glad im no longer part of the system.


if the conscription was 1 year, i would have been able to take it..


i lapsed into MDD after 10 mths

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SAF shld sue the parents for raising a gan jiong kid....


Singapore parents should take their kids to msia during festive season. Let them play fire crackers and fire works. Get them familiar with explosives.

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Singapore parents should take their kids to msia during festive season. Let them play fire crackers and fire works. Get them familiar with explosives.


Wah! You very smart, hor?


Why not you suggest to the malaysian parents to practice using fire cracker looking like this?


But please remain them that training program is sold separately. [rolleyes]



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Wah! You very smart, hor?


Why not you suggest to the malaysian parents to practice using fire cracker looking like this?


But please remain them that training program is sold separately. [rolleyes]



During actual Ops. It is very critical to expend e grenade so that the container can be used to store cigarettes. Stores 2 x softpacks (20 class A cigarettes) and a plastic lighter. Weather proof and crush proof. [thumbsup]

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Singapore parents should take their kids to msia during festive season. Let them play fire crackers and fire works. Get them familiar with explosives.

why dont we just suggest..


government to have separate area for us to play with Fire crackers and fire works?? [laugh]

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And make anyone who enters the area sign an indemnity form to absolve the authorities of any injury whatsoever [laugh]

yeah.. and the form must print big big too.


if not sure got some stupid ppl who sign liao say dont know what they sign one [mad]

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