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How much loan do luxury car buyers usually take?


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Sad to say, Singaporeans all about 'face' and image.


I don't buy car to show off. I buy because 1) it's my passion 2) it brings about actual tangible conveniences as compared to other alternatives given my circumstances.


I'm not adverse to taking public transport if it was actually cheap, good and user-friendly, not the money-sucking and unreliable b------ds that is SMRT.


Mai talk c--k lah, everyone buys a car to show off.....muayhahaha, otherwise our roads would be truly flooded with bare bones base model koreans and japs.



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Not everyone buy car to show of. I drive a merc s class not because I want to show of but because I really like the car. Since I can afford it, I don't see any harm is spending the $$. It's my choice. Mind set needs to change.

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the old model or the new model s class? is it a reliable car? i thinking of changing to used one too? i am using a 2004 lexus so recent measures dun hurt me.

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Not everyone buy car to show of. I drive a merc s class not because I want to show of but because I really like the car. Since I can afford it, I don't see any harm is spending the $$. It's my choice. Mind set needs to change.



Haha, touchy touchy?




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$300k pa not enough to buy a used supercar unless the person is a female.


Supercar buyers have super houses. A cheap house would need around 15k per month for installment. Plus children, Makan n wife. 25 thousand a month salary a bit hard to pull of the trick.


Anyway, I did a 30% dp for my merc. I think new loan ruling should not affect luxury cars much since they usually put quite a significant dp when buying. If Coe pricing drops, it should be able to negate the extras paid for the new arf system unless they are buying those with OMv higher than 100k cars.

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thanks to god, i do earn more than that amount pa. but i still go for 7-9yr used cars for the last 10yrs. so much so that pple around me ask me where has my money gone to. have i got another woman or family somewhere else?


i guess sooner or later, i am getting a ls or s class to reduce such questioning, but albeit still a used ls or s class. hehe

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$300k pa not enough to buy a used supercar unless the person is a female.


Supercar buyers have super houses. A cheap house would need around 15k per month for installment. Plus children, Makan n wife. 25 thousand a month salary a bit hard to pull of the trick.


Anyway, I did a 30% dp for my merc. I think new loan ruling should not affect luxury cars much since they usually put quite a significant dp when buying. If Coe pricing drops, it should be able to negate the extras paid for the new arf system unless they are buying those with OMv higher than 100k cars.




i dont even earn 100k pa

i selling my sti for gtr.

i only worry abt today, tml... tml than say lah....

tml i die how? all my $ bury with me?


fu*king hell, give me 300k pa, i will hv evo , sti & gtr & every night KTV !!!


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i dont even earn 100k pa

i selling my sti for gtr.

i only worry abt today, tml... tml than say lah....

tml i die how? all my $ bury with me?


fu*king hell, give me 300k pa, i will hv evo , sti & gtr & every night KTV !!!


Completely fine if you:


1) Never marry, and certainly never have kid(s).


2) Plan to off yourself in the event of a serious illness. Keep a syringe of potent poison handy, and have a suicide note ready to roll.


If you don't assume any deeper responsibilities, and can also guarantee that you won't be a burden to any other living soul, then your philosophy is perfectly sound. Otherwise... [rolleyes]

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Mai talk c--k lah, everyone buys a car to show off.....muayhahaha, otherwise our roads would be truly flooded with bare bones base model koreans and japs.




MOST people buy a car to show off.


My own car is a 12 year old Mitsubishi Lancer.

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$300k pa not enough to buy a used supercar unless the person is a female.


Supercar buyers have super houses. A cheap house would need around 15k per month for installment. Plus children, Makan n wife. 25 thousand a month salary a bit hard to pull of the trick.


Anyway, I did a 30% dp for my merc. I think new loan ruling should not affect luxury cars much since they usually put quite a significant dp when buying. If Coe pricing drops, it should be able to negate the extras paid for the new arf system unless they are buying those with OMv higher than 100k cars.


Heard of the term "crouching tiger hidden dragon?"


Not all supercar owners have super houses. Just like not all super houses owners have luxury cars.


I have a neighbour who lives in a simple terrace house which has a land size of less than 1200 sq ft. He owns a Ferrari, a Maserati and a 7 series. Only the Ferrari is parked in the house cos the porch can only accommodate one car. The other 2 are parked outside by the road.

Edited by Altivo
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Neutral Newbie

I can tell you that $300k income guy Is slapping his face swollen to look face by driving a lambo

No smart $300k guy would buy a lambo (say second hand $600k)

Financial suicide!


u seem prejudiced against almost anybody who takes a loan...


300k annual income with a father who has a mountain to back him is a financial suicide?


maybe i could reiliterate the age old saying: there is always a mountain higher


perhaps you could kindly stop putting others down and realize not everyone is as rich as you, but DEFINATELY there will be others who r richer than u.


i too have personal friends who are middle income earners and those who are far richer (i believe) than you.

but to my surprise none as arrogant as u. or may i put it in a better way (more humble)


i casually mention this forum and specifically you to some rich chaps and their response: aiyah ignore la.. got money no need to go round tell others. (the rest of their comments i will not post so as not to hurt your feelings)


if it makes u happy to despise people who work hard for a living and to own a car regardless of what is their reason for doing so and now unable to purchase one due to the new ruling then by all means carry on. to u is call slap face till swollen to look fat..


p.s u r still my idol when its comes to bragging! :wub:

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Neutral Newbie

i did not get your point.

are you saying the principle is wrong? or are you saying that i am lying.

because even if i say i am that wealthy man, would you believe?

i am just trying to help the thread starter here with his question. does your immaturity grow with your post count?


the point is simple: in here he is the richest guy so everyone must "follow" him... u bring up someone who is richer than him. he not happy...

Y? cos he is used to looking down at people cannot allow others to look down on him...


after so many posts can't u see his "nature"?

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Neutral Newbie

the point is simple: in here he is the richest guy so everyone must "follow" him... u bring up someone who is richer than him. he not happy...

Y? cos he is used to looking down at people cannot allow others to look down on him...


after so many posts can't u see his "nature"?


money cant cure cancer..

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In many other places, your choice of car (unless you talk about high end Porsche, or Ferrari) are more of a lifestyle choice than how rich you are. My boss (2 level up) take a bus to work normally, as he said the bus stop is near his house, very convience, also he uses his daughter account to get discount for Photoshop elements.


In many places, people just do not seeing cars as a status symbol like in Singapore or Asia, 'If you are rich you must show people, buy expenisve cars, wear expensive clothes!. If you buy something, cannot ask for discount or something, if not lose face, & means you are not rich...'


You can have muliti millionares taking train/subways to work every day, or carpool, not a big deal at all in many cities, as trains are most time more convienice. You do not get classiy as being 'poor' if you took public transport like in SG.



today i decided to take bus to town (instead of driving) cos sure jam like siao and kena parking for 4-5hrs + ERP. If stuck in a jam i would rather be in bus. And the bus stops are right infront of my house (well... a 5min walk) and literally on the doorstep of my destination. I wld have taken MRT except it wld hv been super crowded and more inconvenient.


my frens think i am [hur]

i oso kena flamed on another forum cos some pple think i am not making full use of the car. [shocked]



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i dont even earn 100k pa

i selling my sti for gtr.

i only worry abt today, tml... tml than say lah....

tml i die how? all my $ bury with me?


fu*king hell, give me 300k pa, i will hv evo , sti & gtr & every night KTV !!!

this kind of people, when recession come, he will be the first to become beggar or first to jump down

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Neutral Newbie

can... who say money can't cure cancer?


rich people can cure anything online!


i disagree...look at Steve Jobs


bet Trottle must be shitting in his pants now

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